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Monday, September 29, 2014


LynnAn overview of our school and district MCAS 2014 results have been posted.
Please visit our MCAS Info and Results page for more.

A QUICK glance will show you CLASSICAL dropped from Level 1 to Level 2 status just as I predicted. Seems like now the FAVORED SON won't look so BAD. With this years budgetary diascrepancies what will be next? Could it be a Level 3? We shall see.

There will be a change this spring on whether or not to renew DR. LATHAM'S contract for another THREE years. Can the RAMS afford it?


  1. HOW SOON WE FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A Reader says......

    Approximate Students:Classical-1600 ENGLISH 1600

    As per the budget page:

    English Teachers Classical - 11 English Teachers at English 13 +2 Teachers

    Math Teachers Classical 11 Math Teachers English 13 +2 Teachers

    Social Studies Teachers Classical 12

    Social Studies Teachers English 13 +1 Teacher

    Foreign Language Teachers Classical 10

    Foreign Language Teachers English 12 +2 Teachers

    In the basic topics alone ENGLISH has PLUS 7 TEACHERS.

    English and Classical have just about the same number of students BUT Classical has SEVEN LESS teachers in the common topics alone. Class sizes must be through the roof. English High School has a budget of over $500,000 greater than Classical for the same amount of students.

    Does Classical have the resources to support 1600 students not if you compare it to English's resources?

    Why are they really being short staffed in the most essential areas?

    This shows massive inequalities in English over Classical which could have a dramatic effect in achievement. We will have to wait for the scores.

    I would have to assume that Latham is friends with Principal Strangie. You do not usually rail road your friends.

    With these inequalities, how long will Principal Constantino last before he feels pressured to quit or retire?

    Maybe Latham is trying to run Constantino out as well?

  2. It is a shame. My girlfriend her sons social studies class has 34 and many of his classes are close to if not over 30. It is a shame that Latham has done NOTHING to make the numbers fair. She does not even need extra money. Obviously she could reduce a position or two at LEHS if no money can be found. I think there maybe some truth to your statement about making the "Favored Son" look better. Let's face it, how can teachers provide a good education with about 30 students in all their classes. Poor Classical will be at Level 3 before you know it. The sad part of that is it will not be their fault. Latham has the resources to equalize the schools and she is obviously turning her eye to the situation. This is only going to hurt Classical in the long term which is probably what she wants. Nothing like a little ball busting. The school committee members should be ashamed of themselves for not reviewing the budget appropriately and noticing the huge discrepancies. I believe we elected them to look after our best interests when the Superintendent has an agenda of her own. Checks and balances. I guess the checks "bounced".

  3. I agree she is behind it all and not doing her job which is to be fair and unbaised. Favoring the Strangie guy is just out right wrong. As Heather noted, the school comittee should be held accountable. I voted for Donna, Maria and Charlie. I am in shock that they have allowed for such unfairness in the schools. If there lack of action continues, I will know who not to vote for. With the large number of voting parents at Classical, you would think they would have both personal and political reason to be more supoortive of a school that has only done good for this city.

  4. I feel bad for the Principal of Classical. He must be a pretty strong guy though to have to go into work every day and to be pooped on by the superintendent. Since he has not quit yet, we are lucky he is strong enough to get through all her manure. Glad to see that someone is looking after the best interest of the children at the school because it is not Latham or the school committee members.

  5. My son is at Classical. His science class is huge as well. He said that got a big grant to do biology stuff but the classes are way to big. Why would the superintendent approve a grant then not give the school the teacher resources to be effective. I would complain but it is not their fault.

  6. My daughter has algebra 1. She has 27 kids in it and that is not the teachers largest class she said. How can a teacher prepare our students for MCAS with such high numbers. The sad part is that the school will be blamed if scores go down and it should be the fault of the Latham administration and her lack of support for one of the largest high schools in the city.

  7. Just got out of work long day.
    My son is complaining about the size of his math and social studies classes as well. He raises his hand for help in math but the teacher cant always get to him because there are so many who need help.
    It is a shame that Latham is torturing the folks at Classical
    On the bright side I got my son's Jupiter grades in email today and they were awesome and even got a notice from Jupiter that picture day is Friday. Despite the adversity, they are working their tails off to communicate and overcome.
    GO RAMS!!!!!!!
