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Tuesday, September 30, 2014



  1. I am not sure that her overall leadership is the issue. It is her continuing mission to make Classical under Constantino look bad so that English under Strangie looks good. It is the fact that she continues to short change Classical resources in comparison to English. It appears that she has the support of the committee and will do NOTHING MORE THAN SHE HAS TO in support of Classical.

  2. So was Rich Cowdell!!!! Look what it got him.

  3. I think the voters have to get out the next time around. The school committee bears some responsibility as well. They saw the budget and are aware of the situation. The resources should be equitable between the schools. It seems Classical only gets support when it is needed even if they can get another teacher or two it does not justify the many inequities.
    There is still a huge inequality in resources between the two buildings. Looking at the budget again. Classical is now bigger than English. Classical has three building subs and English has four building subs. English has two monitor positions, LVTI has two monitors and CLASSICAL has ONE monitor. LVTI is half the size etc see other posts.
    Did anyone notice that Strangie, Constantino and Paradise all have about same base salaries. Constantino has been around forever, Strangie a much shorter time and Diane Paradise has been around for a much much shorter time. You would think that Constantino would be making significantly more but he is not that poor bastard is getting pinched in more ways than one.
    Again, the evidence leads one to believe she is doing all she can to make the conditions at Classical miserable enough for him to leave or retire. She probably wants to get one of her English cronies in as principal of Classical before she retires. With the continued inequalities, Classical will be a level 3 like English before long. The new principal will feel right at home. Has anyone ask the question with all the extra resources at the hand of English, why there are still a level below Classical.

  4. School Committee gave her a positive evaluation. She is only screwing over one school out of about 20. They must feel that is acceptable. A 5% loss to the community is obviously acceptable to the members of the school committee. I can remember Donna Coppola when Superintendent Mazareas was in. She would work the budget line by line in support of the students and schools. Looks like she is no longer that person anymore.

  5. I agree. Donna Coppola was always on top of matters of this nature. I think she even lives in that neighborhood. I can remember reading in the papers how she would go through Superintend Mazareas budget line by line and ask for explanations. I guess she is not that person anymore. My bigger surprise is Maria Carasco. She campaigned in equality and fairness got significant less votes in the last election. You would think she would want to be supportive for political and moral reasons. Until something bad happens everyone just ignores reality.

  6. Maria only cares about Latino students, not all students. Every time she speaks, all you hear is the word Latino. Kevin McHugh does his best to ensure the budget and line items lack transparency. He loves lumping line items together, leaving line items blank and using extremely vague labels. However, I agree, every committee member should be going over the budget line item by line item and asking questions until they know what every dollar was spent on and why. I don't care how long that takes. One of the biggest problems facing Lynn schools and preventing them from improving as they should be is the current school committee.

  7. Minority students are 85% of the students in public school in Lynn so having one person care about the minorities is needed! Who do the other school committee members or Mayor care about - the 15%?

    1. They care about all students, including Latinos.

    2. Well the Gordon vote wasn't about ALL the kids! As for MARIA I know her BIG thing is parents. She can't help there are so many Latino parents. What nationality parents would the student have and since we have so many Latino students!
