You know, I've been thinking again. At the risk of putting my foot into my mouth that NO dentist can extract, I am about to give you a filling (some may say I'm full of it).
Let's look at things here. Let's see , LPS has been dealing with FORSYTHE for 9 years. I think they had something about renewing this contract on the agenda two weeks ago Thursday but for whatever reason they did not get to do it so it was put on the agenda that the contract would be signed this past Thursday but lo and behold in comes POLISHED DENTAL with a sudden proposal and the program is stopped dead in its tracks.
Mind you a majority of the same committee voted to EXTEND DR. "TOM BRADY" LATHAM'S contract for another 3 years without even considering anybody else. Let's put them side by side for comparison here. We have FORSYTHE with a record of 9 years, Dr. "TOM" LATHAM 3 yrs. And for FORSYTHE to have comparative record to LATHAM'S failing record, teeth would have to be falling out at such a rate to litter the classrooms. THEY CLEARLY ARE NOT.
I know, I know, I first came out to say they were wise to wait. I thought it would be HYPOCRITICAL of me to say anything else, I mean I did start that PETITION THING to force them to have a PUBLIC HEARING on opening up the SUPERINTENDENTS position (that nobody wants to talk about scheduling anyway. Hey TICK, TOCK)
Then I got to asking myself, "Self, is that what's going on here? Is it really a chose the best person thing". Well the answer to that is I don't believe so. Look who presented these programs, with FORSYTHE we heard from a dentist, from POLISHED DENTAL, we heard from a lady who cleans teeth looking to clean up.
You see, while POLISHED DENTAL is not based in LYNN, it seems like lots of family members have deep LYNN roots. Wonder if who knew who had anything to do with this 11th hour proposal that put so many LYNN kids regularly scheduled dental care in danger? THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME.
I have to give JOHN FORD credit here, he was at least thinking about what would havethe best interest of most of the kids. He wanted to sign the contract for the elementary kids and maybe let POLISHED DENTAL prove themselves on the MIDDLE SCHOOL.
Being the lawyer that he is ATTORNEY MIHOS said, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT, WE HAVE NO CONTRACT FOR THE MIDDLE SCHOOL" so the whole process came to a screeching halt. This put everybody in jeopardy. While I've not seen the actual contract that we have presently. I think it expires REAL SOON.
Even if POLISHED DENTAL came up with a winning proposal at this late date, the back and forth haggling working out the language could take the rest of the year until anything is signed. That means a lot of kids won't get dental care this spring. Now if what POLISHED DENTAL says is TRUE that their mission is to prevent tooth decay why would they have positioned themselves in such a way to gum up the works of providing FREE dental care to thousands of young mouths thereby CREATING MORE CAVITIES?
If MIHOS hadn't been so quick to dismiss JOHN FORD and offer all of the options available possibly a number of potential cavities could have been prevented. The ONLY contract that could have been signed Thursday night was with FORSYTHE for ELEMENTARY kids. The LSC could have signed it insuring a continuity of care for that population.
Even though they talked expansion to MIDDLE SCHOOL and a pilot-program at CLASSICAL, FORSYTHE had no contract proposal. They weren't ready to "do the deal". On this matter they were on equal footing with POLISHED DENTAL. Here would be the perfect place to set the proposals side-by-side, call for contracts, and you have the rest of the school year to work something out with somebody without endangering ongoing care of our youngest kids.
The threat of losing what we already have was good enough to convince 4 LSC members to create an eighty thousan dollar WRAP-AROUND administrative person but apparently wasn;t enough to keep some of our kids from potentially losing their teeth.
written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ******. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Got to get the word out.Forsythe pleads their case.
ForsythKids is a community program of the non-profit Forsyth Institute. Forsyth was founded more than 100 years ago, as a dental infirmary for children. Today, the Institute exists to improve oral and overall health through innovative science and community programs. ForsythKids has provided care to thousands of Massachusetts children since its inception in Lynn in 2003.
We provided preventive dental care at all the elementary schools in Lynn. Any child can sign up for the program with parental consent. If a child has no dental insurance, then the care is provided at no cost. There is also no cost to the Lynn Schools. We would like to continue providing care in the elementary and expand to middle schools. We’d also like to offer a new program via a pilot at Central High School.
Children in our program receive a dental exam, are diagnosed by a licensed dentist and provided instruction on how to brush effectively. They also receive a cleaning, sealants, fluoride varnish, and if needed temporary fillings. All children receive a report to inform parents of findings. Those with decay and/or other identified problems are referred to a dentist for treatment.
ForysthKids is different from other programs in the following ways:
- Every child is scene twice a year by a specialized dentist (Our dental team includes pediatric and public health dentists – their training makes them ideal for a school-based program!)
- We have a bilingual team
- We have three patient advocates who communicate treatment needs to parents and guardians and coordinate referrals to ‘dental homes’ (Lynn Community Health Center, community dentists, via formal collaborative agreements)
- We are exclusively not-for profit
- We have proposed a different program for the High School because students with adult mouths should be receiving x-rays at a dental office!
Our commitment to Lynn is to provide the highest quality state-of-the-art services; ongoing evaluation and quality improvement. We have established a nine year collaboration with our Lynn school partners, the DPH and public health community, and local dental providers and we hope to continue to safe guard the oral health of Lynn school children!
Thursday night at the LSC meeting there were presentations of two two different dental programs.
Currently LPS has a contract with FORSYTHE DENTAL for all elementary schools where they go in all the elementary schools and provide some services for eligible kids. This includes screenings cleangs, and temporary fillings.
Eligible the way I see it involves not only consent but they have to be able to BILL for the services they provide. MASSHEALTH and private insurance both for example allow for two cleanings a year. So therefore if the child sees a dentist regularly regardless who pays, they are deemed ineligible
The new kid on the block is POLISHED DENTAL PROGRAM and their proposal is as follows. They clean EVERYBODY'S teeth. Like FORSYTHE they put sealants whereever they can, but unlike FORSYTHE, they do the work first and see if they can bill later. If the child has a regular dentist so they can't really bill, the child walks away with a free cleaning and whatever. POLISH DENTAL stressed their main mission is prevention.
Both proposed expanding into the MIDDLE SCHOOLS and at least one high school. FORSYTHE came with a POWERPOINT display and a 9 year track record. POLISHED DENTAL had handouts for all the people at the table (I sit in the front row and still didn't get one).
only FORSYTHE had a contract to be signed and it was only for the elementary schools. The LSC was maybe a little under the gun to sign or risk having a lapse in service for the elementary school kids. Wisely they tabled the contract to allow a little comparison shopping and see some CONCRETE proposals for the expansions.
Currently LPS has a contract with FORSYTHE DENTAL for all elementary schools where they go in all the elementary schools and provide some services for eligible kids. This includes screenings cleangs, and temporary fillings.
Eligible the way I see it involves not only consent but they have to be able to BILL for the services they provide. MASSHEALTH and private insurance both for example allow for two cleanings a year. So therefore if the child sees a dentist regularly regardless who pays, they are deemed ineligible
The new kid on the block is POLISHED DENTAL PROGRAM and their proposal is as follows. They clean EVERYBODY'S teeth. Like FORSYTHE they put sealants whereever they can, but unlike FORSYTHE, they do the work first and see if they can bill later. If the child has a regular dentist so they can't really bill, the child walks away with a free cleaning and whatever. POLISH DENTAL stressed their main mission is prevention.
Both proposed expanding into the MIDDLE SCHOOLS and at least one high school. FORSYTHE came with a POWERPOINT display and a 9 year track record. POLISHED DENTAL had handouts for all the people at the table (I sit in the front row and still didn't get one).
only FORSYTHE had a contract to be signed and it was only for the elementary schools. The LSC was maybe a little under the gun to sign or risk having a lapse in service for the elementary school kids. Wisely they tabled the contract to allow a little comparison shopping and see some CONCRETE proposals for the expansions.
Friday, March 30, 2012
I was wondering.UNCLE TOM justified taking the agenda item about the OPEN-MIKE off the table last night because a minutes mix-up, lack of prior approval. The vote to approve the changes to the guidelines making them into POLICY was taken I believe in the policy subcommittee, then approved in the whole committee. I may be wrong. Four wives, case in point.
Let's just follow UNCLE TOM'S line of argument for a moment if you please. No minutes were approved for anything last night so they would have to be put on the agenda next time and evidently they can't be approved and talked about the same night or why wouldn't they done it last night?
When UNCLE TOM noticed the unapproved minutes problem that forced him to take the OPEN-MIKE thing off the agenda, why didn't he put the UNAPPROVED MINUTES on the REVISED agenda? Now it looks like we are at least a month away before we can now approve the OPEN-MIKE for mercenaries
Maybe, just maybe, they found out residency is a requirement that's non-negotiable. Maybe not, maybe I'm just a poet who likes imagery.IMAGES OF CONSPIRACY.
Okay, I stole this off FB so go AHEAD arrest me!
- Peter Holey April 1, 2012
Head Football Coach
Lynn English High School
50 Goodridge St.
Lynn Ma. 01902
Dear Friends of Bulldog Football,
As we look back on this past football season I hope all of you took great pride in helping the Bulldogs to win their first Northeastern Conference Large Championship in twenty-one years. With your generosity and a tremendous amount of hard work by our players and coaches 2011 was truly special. It is especially gratifying to our graduating players as they have left a championship legacy behind and many of them look forward to their futures in college , the United States Armed Services and life after high school.
The 2012 Bulldog Football team is already hard at work defending its conference championship in the weight room and with agility stations. Fund raising is not something I enjoy but it is part of my commitment to our student athletes. I greatly appreciate your generosity in the past and am now asking that you consider contributing to the football program once again. All of the money raised goes directly back to the players through team building activities, equipment, film study programs and the end of the year banquet. Please help the Bulldogs defend the “Crown”
Checks Payable to:
Lynn English Football Boosters
50 Goodridge St.
Lynn Ma. 01902
Thank You
Peter Holey
Sometimes you know, I don't know everything. I figure I'll just throw this out there and somebody will set me straight. Last night they went into EXECUTIVE SESSION to talk about things we are told we don't have a right to know. Have no fear, all votes will be taken in public.
we are never really told how they arrived at thier decision to vote the way they did. The thought process is important. Take for example the secret discussion on the PARAPROFESSIONAL'S contact which was approved 5-0. Starbard abstained, now I know his wife works as a para at Sisson so he needed to recuse himself but I don't know why PATTI did not vote on it.
I'm sure it was a legitimate one but inquiring minds want to know.
we are never really told how they arrived at thier decision to vote the way they did. The thought process is important. Take for example the secret discussion on the PARAPROFESSIONAL'S contact which was approved 5-0. Starbard abstained, now I know his wife works as a para at Sisson so he needed to recuse himself but I don't know why PATTI did not vote on it.
I'm sure it was a legitimate one but inquiring minds want to know.
While this CERTAINLY is a good and important story, I would have liked to see the the LVTI PROJECT FALLEN HERO UNVEILING story released at the same time since it was yesterday and the LVTI students and staff worked so hard on it.
It showed how we have moved past our collective callousness as a country as a whole and have come to appreciate the sacrifice and service our veteran's have given to our country. Plus given all the past controversy, it would have been good to see some LPS students in a good light.
It showed how we have moved past our collective callousness as a country as a whole and have come to appreciate the sacrifice and service our veteran's have given to our country. Plus given all the past controversy, it would have been good to see some LPS students in a good light.
I spoke at OPEN-MIKE last night last night about OPEN-MIKE. It seems for some reason it was put on the agenda last night, it was my understanding that a vote was taken last meeting and hairs were split and the issue was settled completely, giving PATTI CAPANO a free pass for ignoring the POLICY, excuse me they were only guidelines at that point, for technically violating them by giving out-of-town mercenaries a chance to speak at OPEN-MIKE.
After a vote was taken waiving the residency requirement, I fired off an e mail to the MAYOR asking that she have the LAW DEPARTMENT look into whether or not the residency requirement, although not specifically called for might be reasonably implied by the CITY CHARTER. Unlike LPS she still takes my e mails. Of course that didn't matter much since I never received a RESPONSE.
last night a REVISED agenda was issued for the meeting last night whereby the whole OPEN-MIKE matter was taken off the agenda. There was a written sheet with the OPEN-MIKE POLICY that stated you must be a LYNN RESIDENT.
In response to my question, the MAYOR promised to get back to me. Before the night was over she did, kind of. It seems her intense legal search on the matter was comprised of going to UNCLE TOM, an authority on all things legal, and said the whole thing could be explained as a matter of the mix-up of minutes. Since the minutes hadn't been approved they couldn't discuss it so it was struck from the previously posted agenda.
Honestly I am not sure I buy that explanation but the MAYOR certainly gave the appearance of putting MAJOR stock in it. I guess I missed the meeting where UNCLE TOM had been given ATTORNEY MIHOS'S position(Why then is MIHOS still sitting at the table?)
So where are we now? As the policy/guidelines stand now, you HAVE to be a LYNN RESIDENT. That is at least until the minutes are approved. But we may have to approve the minutes in which we said we need to approve the minutes. COULD I HAVE THAT IN THE FORM OF A MOTION? I think I am getting "MOTION" sickness!
After a vote was taken waiving the residency requirement, I fired off an e mail to the MAYOR asking that she have the LAW DEPARTMENT look into whether or not the residency requirement, although not specifically called for might be reasonably implied by the CITY CHARTER. Unlike LPS she still takes my e mails. Of course that didn't matter much since I never received a RESPONSE.
last night a REVISED agenda was issued for the meeting last night whereby the whole OPEN-MIKE matter was taken off the agenda. There was a written sheet with the OPEN-MIKE POLICY that stated you must be a LYNN RESIDENT.
In response to my question, the MAYOR promised to get back to me. Before the night was over she did, kind of. It seems her intense legal search on the matter was comprised of going to UNCLE TOM, an authority on all things legal, and said the whole thing could be explained as a matter of the mix-up of minutes. Since the minutes hadn't been approved they couldn't discuss it so it was struck from the previously posted agenda.
Honestly I am not sure I buy that explanation but the MAYOR certainly gave the appearance of putting MAJOR stock in it. I guess I missed the meeting where UNCLE TOM had been given ATTORNEY MIHOS'S position(Why then is MIHOS still sitting at the table?)
So where are we now? As the policy/guidelines stand now, you HAVE to be a LYNN RESIDENT. That is at least until the minutes are approved. But we may have to approve the minutes in which we said we need to approve the minutes. COULD I HAVE THAT IN THE FORM OF A MOTION? I think I am getting "MOTION" sickness!
Since LSC member JOHN FORD is so concerned about school discipline and ENGLISH principal his delay tactics, may I suggest an alternative technique to restore order in the classroom?
Five gallons of H2O in the face will teach those heathens not to bring in their homework late.
Five gallons of H2O in the face will teach those heathens not to bring in their homework late.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Without a posse of well spoken teens breathing down his neck like CLASSICAL'S CONSTANTINO ENGLISH'S STRANGIE soared solo calling for a sit-down dialogue with students for a discussion about whether or not the students should wear shorts, LVTI'S PARADISE sided with CONSTATINO against STRANGIE on the right to bare shins.
While STRANGIE reminisced about the students all wearing uniforms, it seams that his colleagues were uniformly against him. It is quite possible that CONSTATINO'S position may have been sway by a well organized revolts. Fear of seeing more of his male students in shorts may have swayed his sudden sense of style.
Although I feel pretty sure I beat the ITEM on this story, I know LYNNCAM broke the news LIVE and well CHRIS STEVENS of the ITEM pointed out to me the flurry of texts sent out by the CLASSICAL students in the audience alerting the masses once the shorts saga was solved.
While STRANGIE reminisced about the students all wearing uniforms, it seams that his colleagues were uniformly against him. It is quite possible that CONSTATINO'S position may have been sway by a well organized revolts. Fear of seeing more of his male students in shorts may have swayed his sudden sense of style.
Although I feel pretty sure I beat the ITEM on this story, I know LYNNCAM broke the news LIVE and well CHRIS STEVENS of the ITEM pointed out to me the flurry of texts sent out by the CLASSICAL students in the audience alerting the masses once the shorts saga was solved.
By the time the ACTUAL vote comes up sometime after 7 pm tonight, a lengthy discussion on the length of pants and the shortness of shorts will be debated over in an earlier POLICY SUBCOMMITTEE meeting.Hopefully other issues of dress will be addressed. The temperatures aren't the only thing affecting the COOLness of clothing.
Lights were flashing as two police cars escorted the PROJECT FALLEN HEROES MUSTANG into the courtyard at LVTI to the applause of the students, faculty, reporters LPS DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT'S SUE ROWE AND DR. JAYE WARRY, and also DR. LATHAM, LPS SUPERINTENDENT.
The roar of the engine drowned out some of the applause but could not shrink the enormous sense of pride felt by all of those involved in this project. A 2009 alumni of LVTI came back to add some of the final artwork, hand painted on the right front fender.
I have previously covered this project in the last few stages giving some more details about who all was involved but I am too lazy to go back and get them, plus I don't want to type anymore. I'll wait until somebody else fleshes out the details and I'll steal it there. Don't you just love "copy and paste".
LVTI PRINCIPAL DIANE PARADIS had the privilege of driving the car off, away from the adoring crowds. However to some's dismay, all reports say she is coming back.
AUTOBODY teacher BARRY MCCAUL led the project. Thank you BARRY!
The roar of the engine drowned out some of the applause but could not shrink the enormous sense of pride felt by all of those involved in this project. A 2009 alumni of LVTI came back to add some of the final artwork, hand painted on the right front fender.
I have previously covered this project in the last few stages giving some more details about who all was involved but I am too lazy to go back and get them, plus I don't want to type anymore. I'll wait until somebody else fleshes out the details and I'll steal it there. Don't you just love "copy and paste".
LVTI PRINCIPAL DIANE PARADIS had the privilege of driving the car off, away from the adoring crowds. However to some's dismay, all reports say she is coming back.
AUTOBODY teacher BARRY MCCAUL led the project. Thank you BARRY!
Members of the School Committee and some town residents are debating how to choose a new superintendent before a June 30 deadline. Superintendent Stacy Scott is leaving Dracut to take the same post in Framingham, effective July 1. The School Committee recently voted to enter into contract negotiatio...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
As I have pointed out in the past, I write LYNN SCHOOL WATCH, not LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOL WATCH. So far though the only nonpublic school that has felt my scrutiny is KIPP. Wait they are public, until they start being unprofitable or the tax code changes.
Now for a WATCH first I am about to sock it to ST. MARY'S. Learning is not limited to books of text and geometry is not the only subject that deals with angles. Sports can also have angles, faulty ones. Preconceived notions can lead to projections of misinterpretations.
Suddenly the emotional damage done in a moment of retribution can have lingering effects that last a life.
Now for a WATCH first I am about to sock it to ST. MARY'S. Learning is not limited to books of text and geometry is not the only subject that deals with angles. Sports can also have angles, faulty ones. Preconceived notions can lead to projections of misinterpretations.
Suddenly the emotional damage done in a moment of retribution can have lingering effects that last a life.
St. Mary’s talent show Thursday
Although I'll be attending the LSC meeting at the time I urge anyone who doesn't want to sit next to me to go out and support these kids efforts. Education is not all about isosceles triangles and essays. Creativity is an expression of the totality of all one has learned. Excuse me for getting all philosophical.
Although I'll be attending the LSC meeting at the time I urge anyone who doesn't want to sit next to me to go out and support these kids efforts. Education is not all about isosceles triangles and essays. Creativity is an expression of the totality of all one has learned. Excuse me for getting all philosophical.
Clearly COUNCILMAN DARRIN CYR has demonstrated his penchant for spounting off profusely about matters he clearly knows nothing about or has shown his need to clarify his shifting position as was illustrated in the ongoing TAXI TURMOIL.
I felt his glowing assessment of the status of the state of LPS at the CITY COUNCIL meeting last night was PROOF POSITIVE of his lack of command of the facts (if I was mean I could have said IGNORANCE but you know me I'm a warm and fuzzy poet who's one goal in life is to write GREETING CARDS) or was making a futile attempt to get me personally to come over to the dark side.
I guess as shown in the TAXI TRIBULATIONS our distinguished COUNCILMAN CYR has trouble with language translation and so interprets the "BEST OF THE WORST" as a GOOD thing.
So before proclaiming his unwavering waffling of the misinterpreting of his interpretation perhaps he needs some education remediation. He can start by joining me at the LPS meetings. I'LL SAVE A SEAT FOR HIM.
I felt his glowing assessment of the status of the state of LPS at the CITY COUNCIL meeting last night was PROOF POSITIVE of his lack of command of the facts (if I was mean I could have said IGNORANCE but you know me I'm a warm and fuzzy poet who's one goal in life is to write GREETING CARDS) or was making a futile attempt to get me personally to come over to the dark side.
I guess as shown in the TAXI TRIBULATIONS our distinguished COUNCILMAN CYR has trouble with language translation and so interprets the "BEST OF THE WORST" as a GOOD thing.
So before proclaiming his unwavering waffling of the misinterpreting of his interpretation perhaps he needs some education remediation. He can start by joining me at the LPS meetings. I'LL SAVE A SEAT FOR HIM.
Classical students place fifth at WorldQuest
Competition is not about only touchdowns and field goals. It's good to see LPS students excel whatever the venue. Healthy competition always brings out the best.
I was at the LYNN CITY COUNCIL meeting last night and during COUNCILMAN DARRIN CYR'S introduction of DR. LATHAM, he gave a litany of misinformation that illustrates how out of touch the city council is with what is actually going on with the schools. Well ignorance is better than complicity. Hopefully someone will refer him to the DOE website so that he can educate himself before he espouses such unworthy praise again. After COUNCILMAN CYR'S taxi troubles he would have learned to choose his words more carefully.
He lavished praise on LPS calling the MIDDLE SCHOOLS as good as any in the state and even proposed the HIGH SCHOOL'S on the verge of being nationally competitive. You know I could forgive him for not regular perusing the DOE website. Like me, I don't see him as a numbers kind of guy. You would think though he would at least read the paper. I am sure he has relatives who watch YOU TUBE.
The SADDEST thing was that he seemed much more concerned with lavishing praise on DR. LATHAM than bestowing the MUCH DESERVED CREDIT on MS. WHALEN's CLASS. It should have been their night.
He lavished praise on LPS calling the MIDDLE SCHOOLS as good as any in the state and even proposed the HIGH SCHOOL'S on the verge of being nationally competitive. You know I could forgive him for not regular perusing the DOE website. Like me, I don't see him as a numbers kind of guy. You would think though he would at least read the paper. I am sure he has relatives who watch YOU TUBE.
The SADDEST thing was that he seemed much more concerned with lavishing praise on DR. LATHAM than bestowing the MUCH DESERVED CREDIT on MS. WHALEN's CLASS. It should have been their night.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
LYNN CITY COUNCIL continued the shower of accolades on MS. WHALENS FIFTH GRADE class for their beating over 350 contestants nationwide in the DISNEY EARTH CHALLENGE to win a trip to DISNEY WORLD for winning the SUPER BOWL of class environmental contests. On hand to add to the congratulations was DR. LATHAM. COUNCILMAN DARIN CYR congratulated each studrnt giving them a token of recognition.
Rumors of a rebellion of sorts was quelled in SHORT(S) order. I heard that some CLASSICAL girls were wearing either shorts that were too short or perhaps their knees were too high. A dose of meteorological reality have been put off presently but come THURSDAY night we will be addressing student dressing.
Lynn grant writer starts Wednesday
Why does the school have to hire its own? Why can't this writer serve two masters? MIKE DONOVAN does it. Oh I forgot he serves no one.
Let's put things in perspective and remember our fiscal diet restricts us from overdosing on that PIE IN THE SKY, CHARLIE GALLO is trying to feed us. In the hey day of the ARRA money grant money was less than 3% of the budget. I believe it is less than 1 % this year and we already employ scores of people with advanced degrees.
The kind of changes MR. GALLO is talking about is MUCH more likely to come from taking a knife to the existing budget and paring down the excess layers of administration. That won't get you as many votes as the illusion of giving away candy from the LSC float come election day. I believe he has already had a fundraiser for reelection.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I thought this was all done last meeting. Changes were made, unless I heard wrong that would have allowed anyone to speak. Hairs were split between what is a policy and what is a guideline and Patti's predicament was ignored and in the future all mercenaries would be allowed.
Well I did ship a e mail to our MOST HONORABLE requesting the LAW DEPARTMENT look into whether or not such a policy is in violation of our city charter since only REGISTERED VOTERS who are LIVING AT THE ADDRESS WHERE THEY ARE REGISTER IN THE CITY could sign our petition.
She never got back to me on that. Well, I'm probably not that smart. Chances are that it is a matter of closing the flood gates that burst open when some people were not fashion friendly.
Well I did ship a e mail to our MOST HONORABLE requesting the LAW DEPARTMENT look into whether or not such a policy is in violation of our city charter since only REGISTERED VOTERS who are LIVING AT THE ADDRESS WHERE THEY ARE REGISTER IN THE CITY could sign our petition.
She never got back to me on that. Well, I'm probably not that smart. Chances are that it is a matter of closing the flood gates that burst open when some people were not fashion friendly.
The answer to the first question is easy - EVERYBODY. Now I know people got to work to put food on the table. I appreciate that because I love to eat. I know between overtime and maybe working two or three jobs time is precious. I used to do all that.
Still a person has to give something of oneself to complete oneself. Giving helps one appreciate what they get and allows the ones receiving to have more than they have ,a win-win situation.
How could any organization deny the offer of a volunteer? That's what I hear LPS has done just that. Certain people have been told their offer is not welcome because they may have said less than flattering things in the newspaper. That is outrageous - we are denied the benefit of FREE teaching just because of bruised egos?
This administration has a record of not appreciating volunteers. I speak from personal experience - ie., my stint in the LIBRARY at FORD. When it was learned that I would be replaced by a REAL librarian, instead of thanking me for a year of volunteering my time, DR. LATHAM then belittled the importance of my contribution by saying the principal should have chosen to hire a READING TEACHER over a librarian. THE DATA BARES IT OUT, she said.
Maybe she was right, but why would she try and convince me at that time. I just had given up a sizable portion of my life for what I thought was the right.Belittling the significance is not how you foster future friendliness. The DOC has a PEOPLE PROBLEM. The rumblings I heard were not people carrying cards.
Then to try and say the UNIONS won't allow VOLUNTEERS is to "sell the unions short" and giving the members credit, sure they want to protect their jobs but they care for the people they serve. LIFE IS A BALANCING ACT.
How could any organization deny the offer of a volunteer? That's what I hear LPS has done just that. Certain people have been told their offer is not welcome because they may have said less than flattering things in the newspaper. That is outrageous - we are denied the benefit of FREE teaching just because of bruised egos?
This administration has a record of not appreciating volunteers. I speak from personal experience - ie., my stint in the LIBRARY at FORD. When it was learned that I would be replaced by a REAL librarian, instead of thanking me for a year of volunteering my time, DR. LATHAM then belittled the importance of my contribution by saying the principal should have chosen to hire a READING TEACHER over a librarian. THE DATA BARES IT OUT, she said.
Maybe she was right, but why would she try and convince me at that time. I just had given up a sizable portion of my life for what I thought was the right.Belittling the significance is not how you foster future friendliness. The DOC has a PEOPLE PROBLEM. The rumblings I heard were not people carrying cards.
Then to try and say the UNIONS won't allow VOLUNTEERS is to "sell the unions short" and giving the members credit, sure they want to protect their jobs but they care for the people they serve. LIFE IS A BALANCING ACT.
Sisson Swamps McDonalds
I go into McD's to get me a coffee and I had to fight my way to the counter to order. Obviously their fundraiser was a big success at my Boston Street office.
Once again CLEO has beat me to the punch on this agenda thing. Well she's a youngster and I'm a crippled old man, what do you expect? I am slow with the typing, some may even say I'm slow-witted being from WV and all.
Ingalls School garden spouts new grumbles
The calender says MARCH but I swear this must be GROUNDHOG DAY cause just like the movie we seem to be living the same thing over again, because the LSC can't seal the deal.
Being a former chemistry major I understand the thinking about the thinking behind the testing methodology kind of, At least on the leafy vegetable or whatever you want to call parsley, samples were taken at several locations, all mixed together and parsley soup was made. Then that soup was tested for lead if there was significant lead anywhere it would have shown up in the soup. So in this case, even though only one test was done, a number of locations were tested. I assume the same test type of was done with the root vegetable. I would have felt a little more comfortable if a flowering portion or fruit portion of the plant was sampled (here we go again, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable, Well REAGAN said ketchup was a vegetable) too. It's not so much the type of plant tested as the location in the plant the test were done.
What's that $1000 going to buy you? Not necessarily new test. Probably not new tests, just somebody to look over the old one. JOHN FORD was right he is not a scientist, but neither is MIKE DONOVAN or MARILYN O'CONNER. They might be more knowledgeable than MR. FORD, MS. PULEO. or I when it comes to reading these test results but there is also the question of objectivity.
The problem is this has become about Marguerite Puleo and not about the science. Some are trying to paint her as a crazy old lady on a personal vendetta and as long as they keep trying to be confrontational, their false analogy will become a self fulfilling prophecy.
From Marguerite's standpoint, she has become a lightning rod for controversy becoming the focal point of the argument rather than the facts. It is time for one of the other people who signed that petition to step up and use their BIG BOY or GIRL voice.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, I AM FOR GARDENS. Being from Appalachia (kind of like another country with WV as the capital) that goes without saying. HIP-HOP for us was about skipping stones on a lake. I just want to see DUE DILIGENCE done and not being to ready to DEEP-SIX the science so we can paint a new caricature for our newly designated CULTURAL DISTRICT. If we are so worried about old chemicals preventing BIKE TRAILS, it seems like we ought to have an equal level of concern about lead affecting our MCAS scores.
The calender says MARCH but I swear this must be GROUNDHOG DAY cause just like the movie we seem to be living the same thing over again, because the LSC can't seal the deal.
Being a former chemistry major I understand the thinking about the thinking behind the testing methodology kind of, At least on the leafy vegetable or whatever you want to call parsley, samples were taken at several locations, all mixed together and parsley soup was made. Then that soup was tested for lead if there was significant lead anywhere it would have shown up in the soup. So in this case, even though only one test was done, a number of locations were tested. I assume the same test type of was done with the root vegetable. I would have felt a little more comfortable if a flowering portion or fruit portion of the plant was sampled (here we go again, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable, Well REAGAN said ketchup was a vegetable) too. It's not so much the type of plant tested as the location in the plant the test were done.
What's that $1000 going to buy you? Not necessarily new test. Probably not new tests, just somebody to look over the old one. JOHN FORD was right he is not a scientist, but neither is MIKE DONOVAN or MARILYN O'CONNER. They might be more knowledgeable than MR. FORD, MS. PULEO. or I when it comes to reading these test results but there is also the question of objectivity.
The problem is this has become about Marguerite Puleo and not about the science. Some are trying to paint her as a crazy old lady on a personal vendetta and as long as they keep trying to be confrontational, their false analogy will become a self fulfilling prophecy.
From Marguerite's standpoint, she has become a lightning rod for controversy becoming the focal point of the argument rather than the facts. It is time for one of the other people who signed that petition to step up and use their BIG BOY or GIRL voice.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, I AM FOR GARDENS. Being from Appalachia (kind of like another country with WV as the capital) that goes without saying. HIP-HOP for us was about skipping stones on a lake. I just want to see DUE DILIGENCE done and not being to ready to DEEP-SIX the science so we can paint a new caricature for our newly designated CULTURAL DISTRICT. If we are so worried about old chemicals preventing BIKE TRAILS, it seems like we ought to have an equal level of concern about lead affecting our MCAS scores.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Thanks to LVTI for giving us SOME ROBOTICS EXCITEMENT this weekend. Brains can be as BIG as brawn.
**Parent Prom Night Monday March 26th 5:30pm**
The Lynn English Guidance Department will host a Parent Prom Night on Monday, March 26th. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria. Parents who are present in the auditorium for the 6:00 PM start time will receive a coupon for $20.00 off a junior or senior prom ticket and a program with over $500 in coupons from area prom-related businesses, such as limousines, flowers, photos, dresses, and tuxes. Parents who arrive after 6:00 PM will not receive a coupon, and no exceptions will be made. The evening will include speakers from the Lynn Public Schools, the Lynn Police, Girls Incorporated, the Essex District Attorney’s Office, and the Coalition that Cares. They will speak about the dangers associated with prom nights and the Social Host Liability Law
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The recent spotlight on bare shins just highlights LPS's selective recognition of cultural expression. For all anyone knows, the CLASSICAL KID may have been trying to get in touch with his SCOTTISH heritage, actual or perceive. I am, of course, talking about that brave boy who wore what CONTROL CONSCIOUS administrators called a skirt but I say it may have been a KILT.
And I say what if it is a skirt, evidently there is a slow learning curve in regard to the lessons evidently not learned over the T-Shirt turmoil. Was the new protocol followed and the decision kicked up to CENTRAL OFFICE for the dress code decision? I would like to see e mail evidence of the thought process.
And I say what if it is a skirt, evidently there is a slow learning curve in regard to the lessons evidently not learned over the T-Shirt turmoil. Was the new protocol followed and the decision kicked up to CENTRAL OFFICE for the dress code decision? I would like to see e mail evidence of the thought process.
Here is a copy of an e mail exchange between a parent and an LSC member:
Ms. Capano:
I wanted to briefly comment on your statement made to the Item, “Students can survive 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in a pair of long pants.” Would you like to sit in a hot classroom (some which still had the heat on) with 30+ other kids for 6 hours when it is 80 degrees outside? If it was 80 degrees outside, you can bet the classrooms were much hotter than that. Do you think this is an acceptable learning environment for the kids of our district? Do you think they were able to concentrate on any lectures or school work or the MCAS for that matter since testing was going on? I know you never respond to emails (or maybe just mine) but I can bring these question up at open mic if you prefer.
Thank you very much for your time
I wanted to briefly comment on your statement made to the Item, “Students can survive 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in a pair of long pants.” Would you like to sit in a hot classroom (some which still had the heat on) with 30+ other kids for 6 hours when it is 80 degrees outside? If it was 80 degrees outside, you can bet the classrooms were much hotter than that. Do you think this is an acceptable learning environment for the kids of our district? Do you think they were able to concentrate on any lectures or school work or the MCAS for that matter since testing was going on? I know you never respond to emails (or maybe just mine) but I can bring these question up at open mic if you prefer.
Thank you very much for your time
Lori D'Amico
Ms. D'Amico,
Let me respond to a few of the comments made. As we all we are quit aware the Item can take a lengthly conversation , pull one line from it and turn it into a very different view. Though I did say as stated it certainly was not without any other comments. I feel the students were probably quit able to get through the day with dress code as it is. I do think the bigger issue is if our present dress code needs to be revisited.
As far an acceptable learning environment this is exactly why a dress code is in place.I do believe the students were very capable of handling the unusual weather and the MCAS all at the same time.
As far as 'never' emailing you I think that's quit the superlative to use because though not every email as been replied I have certainly replied in the past. If you feel the need to bring these questions to open mic you certainly have that option, that is exactly the intent for this time. We as a committee want to hear from you and listen to your concerns.
Thank you for your inquiry If I can answer any further questions please continue to email.
Patricia Capano
Ms. Capano:
Thank you very much for your response. Please explain to me how wearing shorts makes the learning environment unacceptable? Afterall, they are able to wear them in September and June (which again does not make sense). Also, while you may feel the students were capable of handling their 80 plus degree classrooms and the MCAS all at the same time, the fact is that many students could not. I know this to be a fact because I have actually spoken to many students who were forced to take the MCAS under such uncomfortable conditions. I do apologize because you are correct, I should not have used the word 'never' when referring to you responding to my emails, because you have responded once or twice before. I think the fact that committee members are being contacted by several parents and students about the issue, the Item has done a story about the issue, and there are talks that parents and students alike are planning on starting petitions, are all evidence that the dresscode most certainly needs to be revisited. You also stated in the Item that last year the principals unanimously asked for the dresscode to remain as it was. This is no longer the case, as there are principals who feel it does need to be revisited. With that said, it is my understanding that it is the school committees responsibility to make such decisions, not the principals. As a parent, I would love to hear even a single valid reason why shorts cannot be worn. As of yet, this has not happened.
Again, thank you very much for responding.
Lori D'Amico
Congratulations are in order to the FORD SCHOOL LADY FALCONS as they captured the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS today at PICKERING with a blistering score of 14 - 9.
I just noticed this message on my FACEBOOK page"
If you get a chance, check out the new Salem Public Schools Facebook page. We are hoping it will help us communicate with parents, families and community members about school improvement activities and offer another way for folks to offer their feedback and input!"So could somebody please tell me WHY LPS join everyone else in the 21st century
While some of us were feeding our faces last night, some LVTI TIGERS were TWIDDLING WITH TECHNOLOGY to do LPS proud!
I was lucky enough to get the following update on events that are going on today continuing from last night"
here are some links on the Robotic competition and this event is unbelieveable, I could not be prouder of our Lynn Tech kids, coaches and mentors. This competition is not just about building robots (which is very cool within its self) but mentoring coaching and alliances with teams you have never met.
Athletics aren't the only game in town.
I was lucky enough to get the following update on events that are going on today continuing from last night"
here are some links on the Robotic competition and this event is unbelieveable, I could not be prouder of our Lynn Tech kids, coaches and mentors. This competition is not just about building robots (which is very cool within its self) but mentoring coaching and alliances with teams you have never met.
Athletics aren't the only game in town.
SUSPENSIONS! I thought they were talking about SUSPENDERS you wear. It turns out these SUSPENDERS were administration officials wading into the fashion fracas for students who were wearing their HEART ON THEIR KNEES and brave enough to expose them.
I would argue that mandating that shorts only being allowed to being allowed to appear in September and June is ludicrous. If the point is to teach them a lesson then why do we allow them at all? Then, how come we allow kids to wear long pants during those months?
This whole dress code debacle detracts from what is really important. What we learn is more important than any calender confusion.
I would argue that mandating that shorts only being allowed to being allowed to appear in September and June is ludicrous. If the point is to teach them a lesson then why do we allow them at all? Then, how come we allow kids to wear long pants during those months?
This whole dress code debacle detracts from what is really important. What we learn is more important than any calender confusion.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Just got back from the WILDLY successful fundraiser for LYSOA(Lynn Street Youth Outreach Advocacy) at the LYNN MUSEUM tonight. Between 150 and 200 people got treated to some GREAT LYNN-BASED PASTA and some magical FLUFF creations for dessert.
LSC member RICK STARBARD emceed the night and played a major role in putting the night together, What I am about to say troubles me greatly. First the food serving line was staffed by two auto body men, RICK and LVTI teacher and LYSOA BOARD MEMBER BARRY MCCAUL. My stomach shivered with fear because I knew that RICH was in the MEATBALL competition with THERESA and rumors were rampant of some secret ingredient involving auto body filler dust and they kept secret who made what MEATBALL so there was no way to avoid being exposed to it.In the end, it was a close competition with Theresa coming out with the victory. Surprisingly I voted for RICK'S MEATBALL. Perhaps I was hoping to get some of that filler stuff for some upcoming dental work.
Former CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES CLAY WALSH and MIGUEL FUNEZ were seen partaking of pasta as well.
Perhaps the most poignant, powerful, and encouraging political event of the night was what I was told about what happened between CANDIDATES FOR THE 10TH ESSEX DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE, DUSTY CAULFIELD and GARDY JEAN FRANSCOIS. Although I didn't see it, I was told they signed each others candidacy papers.
Absent from tonight was MADAME MANGLER and a few other prominent local politicans, some of whom did make it to a competing political fundraiser. Anyway, it was good to see where peoples priorities lie - our kids or a career politician.
LSC member RICK STARBARD emceed the night and played a major role in putting the night together, What I am about to say troubles me greatly. First the food serving line was staffed by two auto body men, RICK and LVTI teacher and LYSOA BOARD MEMBER BARRY MCCAUL. My stomach shivered with fear because I knew that RICH was in the MEATBALL competition with THERESA and rumors were rampant of some secret ingredient involving auto body filler dust and they kept secret who made what MEATBALL so there was no way to avoid being exposed to it.In the end, it was a close competition with Theresa coming out with the victory. Surprisingly I voted for RICK'S MEATBALL. Perhaps I was hoping to get some of that filler stuff for some upcoming dental work.
Former CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES CLAY WALSH and MIGUEL FUNEZ were seen partaking of pasta as well.
Perhaps the most poignant, powerful, and encouraging political event of the night was what I was told about what happened between CANDIDATES FOR THE 10TH ESSEX DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE, DUSTY CAULFIELD and GARDY JEAN FRANSCOIS. Although I didn't see it, I was told they signed each others candidacy papers.
Absent from tonight was MADAME MANGLER and a few other prominent local politicans, some of whom did make it to a competing political fundraiser. Anyway, it was good to see where peoples priorities lie - our kids or a career politician.
3 indicted by feds in Mass. probation hiring probe
A story like this has to send shivers down some spines. A lot of similar names at LPS and we have stories of uncertified teachers plus promotions with council relations. Don't forget the DRUG arrest last year at the FORD SCHOOL who's mom is now a DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT. I haven't noticed his name ever coming up on the list of personnel moves attached to the agendas for the LSC meetings.
Maybe I missed it, please somebody out there with the right information set my poor little mind at ease.
A story like this has to send shivers down some spines. A lot of similar names at LPS and we have stories of uncertified teachers plus promotions with council relations. Don't forget the DRUG arrest last year at the FORD SCHOOL who's mom is now a DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT. I haven't noticed his name ever coming up on the list of personnel moves attached to the agendas for the LSC meetings.
Maybe I missed it, please somebody out there with the right information set my poor little mind at ease.
When I hear about all the SHADY things going on in LPS, I just shake my head. It is painful, I don't just mean metaphorically, I have mad arthritis in my neck so I am talking literally too. I've learned of a 17 student SPED class that by law is supposed to be capped at 12.
So we throw another aide in the room and reduce those ratios (there is that MATH stuff again) and the problem is theoretically solved. The only problem, it's a BAD theory.
I won't even go into the debate about one-on-one versus classroom aide. That's kind of like asking if splitting hairs counts as a hair-cut.
I would argue that the size limit has to do with limitations on stimulation than just a student per teacher thing Then again, what do I know, I am just a POOR, DISABLED POET.
So we throw another aide in the room and reduce those ratios (there is that MATH stuff again) and the problem is theoretically solved. The only problem, it's a BAD theory.
I won't even go into the debate about one-on-one versus classroom aide. That's kind of like asking if splitting hairs counts as a hair-cut.
I would argue that the size limit has to do with limitations on stimulation than just a student per teacher thing Then again, what do I know, I am just a POOR, DISABLED POET.
The trick here is to try and read BETWEEN the lines. Let's see, we have 3 MIDDLE schools. At one, MARSHALL, the principal has already went through an interview process at WAKEFIELD and been selected and at the last minute turned the job offer down.
Now we see the PICKERING principal is pondering going elsewhere. What does that say about the work environment?
Now we see the PICKERING principal is pondering going elsewhere. What does that say about the work environment?
Shorts spark long debate at Classical
I remember last year when they debated extending the time wearing shorts were allowable to include the months of MAY and OCTOBER, the LSC were amazed that 5 out of 6 principals were against it. They had been prepared to revise it.
I really don't see how knee-length shorts are that distracting.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tonight was the opening of a powerful and gut-wrenching exhibit at the LYNN MUSEUM featuring stories and photographs of survivors of the KHMER ROUGE and the atrocities of POL POT. There were stories of both survival and the worst of human behavior. Not learning about it, only insures that worst behavior will be a survivor too.
This is not the debut of this exhibit, well most of it. A row of hanging photographs of young kids who gave anecdotes about how difficult it was to learn about this part of this history from family members who had endured it. This part of the exhibit is unique to LYNN and chilling bookend to mug shots of family members.
Well CALVIN not enough. You see DR. LATHAM has chosen to fill the offices of the administration building instead of the shelves of mostly unmanned libraries in schools lucky enough to have dedicated libraries. Car allowances have been chosen over textbooks.
Let's first look at what a UNION is. It is a COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT. Hmm BARGAINING, that implies an exchange of some sort between parties. Each side has something to give.
TEACHERS have their knowledge and education to give. They are compensated because of their ability to share what they have. LPS has all the money. They have been charged with making sure that kids get education.
So we negotiate a contract where we make that happen. The problem is it's just not happening enough. Our needs for time and money are running in opposite directions.
There is a silent partner in this BARGAINING PROCESS. That partner is the KIDS and they are being held hostage by that process and are the ones paying the price.
The responsibility for this ransom is not equally shared despite the distorted perceptions. Teachers are also parents and their kids live in the community, maybe not ours but they can appreciate the relationship, the need.
The administration, on the other hand, maintains its control of the status control by limiting the dispensation of our own money (tax dollars) so encouraging the use of volunteers would introduce a whole group of people that would be subject to a limited amount of control.
So in order to maintain control, you BLAME the other guy, "THOSE DARN UNIONS". A REAL leader finds a way to make it work. Right now our kids are paying the price for these shell games.
TEACHERS have their knowledge and education to give. They are compensated because of their ability to share what they have. LPS has all the money. They have been charged with making sure that kids get education.
So we negotiate a contract where we make that happen. The problem is it's just not happening enough. Our needs for time and money are running in opposite directions.
There is a silent partner in this BARGAINING PROCESS. That partner is the KIDS and they are being held hostage by that process and are the ones paying the price.
The responsibility for this ransom is not equally shared despite the distorted perceptions. Teachers are also parents and their kids live in the community, maybe not ours but they can appreciate the relationship, the need.
The administration, on the other hand, maintains its control of the status control by limiting the dispensation of our own money (tax dollars) so encouraging the use of volunteers would introduce a whole group of people that would be subject to a limited amount of control.
So in order to maintain control, you BLAME the other guy, "THOSE DARN UNIONS". A REAL leader finds a way to make it work. Right now our kids are paying the price for these shell games.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME I'M WRONG. If I am right my ego will surely explode and I will develop a permanent stuttering stuttering problem from repeating "I TOLD YOU SO".
I heard the OCCUPY LVTI PROJECT has hit a few snags. ISN'T THAT SPECIAL. From what I hear, DR. LATHAM is throwing up road blocks talking of the need to HIRE teachers at $35 an hour to run ESL and ELL classes.Using the standard talking points she has blamed the UNION for impeding progress.
As I repeatedly warned to my NEW LYNN COALITION friends any belief that she would give up any measure of control was an illusion, a mirage on the educational desert that is LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It was important to keep this OCCUPY PROJECT as revenue neutral as possible in order to serve the undeserved.
But by artificially inflating the cost, the oppressed can be kept in their place and more importantly to keep those that are oppressing in theirs. I am not quite sure I understand LATHAM'S union argument. Maybe some in its administrative level will back up the SUPERINTENDENT. The status quo always benefits those at the top.
OCCUPY LVTI was supposed to be a COMMUNITY CENTER not a COMMUNITY SCHOOL. It was about space, not degrees or diplomas. A place where people could come together, neighbor helping neighbor. I am not a LABOR RIGHT'S ATTORNEY but I am a retired ASCME UNION member, my father a retired TEAMSTER, and my grandfather fought to bring the UMW to the coal fields of WV. It's safe to say I got some union credentials.
I fail to see how using volunteers to run this thing is going to cost one union job because if the $35/hour cost is insisted on then the project will die a quick death and DR. LATHAM will have complete freedom from culpability, "I tried, but those DARN unions".
I would argue that the UNIONS don't own that building, the people do. By giving the UNIONS third person status, DR. LATHAM and those union officials that would support her are only working to insure for the isolation of the members from the union.
At the end of the day we are all neighbors, union and non-union, just trying to survive in the same community.
I heard the OCCUPY LVTI PROJECT has hit a few snags. ISN'T THAT SPECIAL. From what I hear, DR. LATHAM is throwing up road blocks talking of the need to HIRE teachers at $35 an hour to run ESL and ELL classes.Using the standard talking points she has blamed the UNION for impeding progress.
As I repeatedly warned to my NEW LYNN COALITION friends any belief that she would give up any measure of control was an illusion, a mirage on the educational desert that is LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It was important to keep this OCCUPY PROJECT as revenue neutral as possible in order to serve the undeserved.
But by artificially inflating the cost, the oppressed can be kept in their place and more importantly to keep those that are oppressing in theirs. I am not quite sure I understand LATHAM'S union argument. Maybe some in its administrative level will back up the SUPERINTENDENT. The status quo always benefits those at the top.
OCCUPY LVTI was supposed to be a COMMUNITY CENTER not a COMMUNITY SCHOOL. It was about space, not degrees or diplomas. A place where people could come together, neighbor helping neighbor. I am not a LABOR RIGHT'S ATTORNEY but I am a retired ASCME UNION member, my father a retired TEAMSTER, and my grandfather fought to bring the UMW to the coal fields of WV. It's safe to say I got some union credentials.
I fail to see how using volunteers to run this thing is going to cost one union job because if the $35/hour cost is insisted on then the project will die a quick death and DR. LATHAM will have complete freedom from culpability, "I tried, but those DARN unions".
I would argue that the UNIONS don't own that building, the people do. By giving the UNIONS third person status, DR. LATHAM and those union officials that would support her are only working to insure for the isolation of the members from the union.
At the end of the day we are all neighbors, union and non-union, just trying to survive in the same community.
Partnerships, you know I love them. Shared burden of responsibility, everybody's load is a little lightened. Often times though the opposite, we can divide ourselves such that we can avoid taking the blame or making the effort.
I am not saying that's what happened or is happening, I mean I'll leave that to smarter people than me to decide. Just think about this for a minute, LPS has to PAY to use MANNING FIELD which is owned by the CITY who pays the bills that LPS pays the bills with. DIZZY YET?
Then there is the problem with the PARKS. Why can't LPS and the CITY work out some kind of arrangement with itself (or should I say themselves) whereby and wherefore (I want to try and make this sound like some official proclamation) the CITY-ie. the PARKS DEPARTMENT- could develop some sort of program or to use an educational "IT" word - CURRICULUM that could maximize available resources. I mean LYNN has some beautiful parks and it seems a shame to waste them just because the right hand and left hand adage.
Now I'm not just talking about playing on the swing-set or some other physical activity. Believe or not, my college wasn't all about poetry classes. I had one or two of the hard-core STEM ones and I know that our PARKS can serve as a make-shift laboratory for many science classes.
If we have more structured use of these parks then a lot of misuses can be avoided.
I am not saying that's what happened or is happening, I mean I'll leave that to smarter people than me to decide. Just think about this for a minute, LPS has to PAY to use MANNING FIELD which is owned by the CITY who pays the bills that LPS pays the bills with. DIZZY YET?
Then there is the problem with the PARKS. Why can't LPS and the CITY work out some kind of arrangement with itself (or should I say themselves) whereby and wherefore (I want to try and make this sound like some official proclamation) the CITY-ie. the PARKS DEPARTMENT- could develop some sort of program or to use an educational "IT" word - CURRICULUM that could maximize available resources. I mean LYNN has some beautiful parks and it seems a shame to waste them just because the right hand and left hand adage.
Now I'm not just talking about playing on the swing-set or some other physical activity. Believe or not, my college wasn't all about poetry classes. I had one or two of the hard-core STEM ones and I know that our PARKS can serve as a make-shift laboratory for many science classes.
If we have more structured use of these parks then a lot of misuses can be avoided.
Just got a call from someone at THE FAMILY FOOD PROJECT to talk about two things. First to invite me to their next meeting, April 24th. Free food and at the FORD SCHOOL, I'm there.
The other item of discussion was meeting tomorrow to discuss interviewing a couple of families. I guess my writing doesn't give everyone indigestion.
The other item of discussion was meeting tomorrow to discuss interviewing a couple of families. I guess my writing doesn't give everyone indigestion.
The school year is winding down and you know that means. COMMERCIAL STREET will be rolling out spending proposals to push through priorities for next year. Things have kind of hit a little snag with this hearing thing though.
The accountants are going to have to account for just how they justify how we are getting our money's worth out of this SUPERINTENDENT. In fact, I hear that she was going to ask for a PAY RAISE in that negotiating session that was tabled due to carts and horses.
Perhaps we could CONTRACT with some TEAMSTERS to haul in some new TEXTBOOKS before PAY that kind of money. I thought you got paid LESS TO FAIL.
The accountants are going to have to account for just how they justify how we are getting our money's worth out of this SUPERINTENDENT. In fact, I hear that she was going to ask for a PAY RAISE in that negotiating session that was tabled due to carts and horses.
Perhaps we could CONTRACT with some TEAMSTERS to haul in some new TEXTBOOKS before PAY that kind of money. I thought you got paid LESS TO FAIL.
This is not new news, most of you already knew it, but I just wanted to remind everybody by bringing it to mind. There is a lot of chatter out there that the real reason we are re-opening the FALLON SCHOOL is because of an ultimatum from the MSBA to either do so or return funds so there could be no FUNNY BUSINESS.
The way I see it, if true, is just more evidence of our superintendent's poor decision making skills that will cost LPS money that we don't have. If not true, it is also evidence of the superintendent's poor decision making skills and tunnel vision for her "PICK-AND-CHOOSE" mentality.
The way I see it, if true, is just more evidence of our superintendent's poor decision making skills that will cost LPS money that we don't have. If not true, it is also evidence of the superintendent's poor decision making skills and tunnel vision for her "PICK-AND-CHOOSE" mentality.
Lynn school board member shadows Classical student
I applaud CHARLIE GALLO for taking this opportunity to learn at the ground level. The view is always a little different from the "FOX HOLES". Other LSC members should take advantage of similar opportunities. I'm sure that each school has a different view. Granted the kids are going to act a little different around them but they would be closer to the pulse.
I applaud CHARLIE GALLO for taking this opportunity to learn at the ground level. The view is always a little different from the "FOX HOLES". Other LSC members should take advantage of similar opportunities. I'm sure that each school has a different view. Granted the kids are going to act a little different around them but they would be closer to the pulse.
Lynn High School Band needs funds for D.C. trip
With all the negative national attention that LYNN ENGLISH has gotten lately, here would be a chance to be seen in a positive light. All they need is bus fare. How about this, why don't the commercial street cronies take the bus and donate their car allowances to the cause?
I know things are tight, so I bet the LSC could spring for the bus passes.
With all the negative national attention that LYNN ENGLISH has gotten lately, here would be a chance to be seen in a positive light. All they need is bus fare. How about this, why don't the commercial street cronies take the bus and donate their car allowances to the cause?
I know things are tight, so I bet the LSC could spring for the bus passes.
The many problems and issues that the typical LYNN student faces has made these students turn into potential dynamic diplomats.Already they are showing the level of maturity needed to face the world's problems. Along with the well-spoken youth at at the recent ELA Youth event, this is further evidence our future is in good hands.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Opening Thursday, March 22
Reception 5-7pm
The Museum, in collaboration with Light of Cambodian Children, Inc., and the Lynn Community Health Center, are proud to announce the opening of a truly special exhibition: More Than a Number. Join us for an evening of light refreshments while reflecting on the history of Cambodia and contemplating the events of the past as we open the exhibition to the public.
The reception launches the six month display of this monumental exhibition on view through September 30, 2012. More Than a Number is supported in part by funding from a Mass Humanities Project Grant. Admission to the reception is free for museum members and students and $5 for non-members.
The reception launches the six month display of this monumental exhibition on view through September 30, 2012. More Than a Number is supported in part by funding from a Mass Humanities Project Grant. Admission to the reception is free for museum members and students and $5 for non-members.
I hear there are over a dozen kids from SHOEMAKER going to the parochial schools instead of going on to our MIDDLE schools. What does that say about the state of our schools?
Well short of a mass religious conversion, it points out a couple of things actually. First that the a more longitudinal concept of education that a K - 8 model represent appeals to a good number of people. Also, I would bet that more people who go to that school are more likely to be able to afford a private school. That is only a guess, I haven't seen any numbers.
I'm sure some passionate person out there will have all kind of data to try and show me how wrong I am. I tell you though that's probably NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The closing of the FORD ANNEX took away the public option for the poor. Oh well, poor people don't vote or maybe I should say DIDN'T USE TO.
Well short of a mass religious conversion, it points out a couple of things actually. First that the a more longitudinal concept of education that a K - 8 model represent appeals to a good number of people. Also, I would bet that more people who go to that school are more likely to be able to afford a private school. That is only a guess, I haven't seen any numbers.
I'm sure some passionate person out there will have all kind of data to try and show me how wrong I am. I tell you though that's probably NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The closing of the FORD ANNEX took away the public option for the poor. Oh well, poor people don't vote or maybe I should say DIDN'T USE TO.
Classical rallies for MCAS
It's always good when excitement is geared around academic achievement. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves school is more than touchdowns and hoop dreams!
It's always good when excitement is geared around academic achievement. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves school is more than touchdowns and hoop dreams!
Tisei sides with student in T-shirt flap
Let's look at this story for what it really says or doesn't say. When you strip away all the political varnish he is saying on one hand are MAYOR is "probably right" and then later she is right. Doesn't sound to forceful in his support for a fellow "gay" citizen.
What I feel is IRONIC and HYPOCRITICAL is that on one hand why he pretends to champion her right to self expression, yet he has aggressively advocated for the mandating of school uniforms which would limit that expression.
It seems like the clothing he prefers has lots of wiggle room.
Let's look at this story for what it really says or doesn't say. When you strip away all the political varnish he is saying on one hand are MAYOR is "probably right" and then later she is right. Doesn't sound to forceful in his support for a fellow "gay" citizen.
What I feel is IRONIC and HYPOCRITICAL is that on one hand why he pretends to champion her right to self expression, yet he has aggressively advocated for the mandating of school uniforms which would limit that expression.
It seems like the clothing he prefers has lots of wiggle room.
Brickett fifth-graders heading to Disney
Well the ITEM finally printed some GOOD new about LYNN students. And then it wasn't even the lead story and this was NATIONAL news and they can't even treat LPS any better than that. But when it comes to fights or t-shirts they are all over that. Heck they even gave that petition guy, that trouble maker better than this.
I would argue this is still more evidence of the leadership deficits at LPS. Everyone has some degree of responsibility for their own PR since we all serve as gatekeepers of information controlling flow and access to our own information. Not only that, you should aggressively work to prioritize the information you want out there.
Blaming the paper for what they choose to cover and when is like blaming the billboard for the advertisement. All the actual billboard does is to serve as a place to put the advertisement that was given it.
I know I give the ITEM a hard time for often times being behind me on stories but honestly we serve different roles and I'm not bound by that money stuff. POVERTY is powerful and empowering.
By the way, I posted about this GREAT story a while back, before the TV story and the winning of any trips to DISNEYLAND.
Well the ITEM finally printed some GOOD new about LYNN students. And then it wasn't even the lead story and this was NATIONAL news and they can't even treat LPS any better than that. But when it comes to fights or t-shirts they are all over that. Heck they even gave that petition guy, that trouble maker better than this.
I would argue this is still more evidence of the leadership deficits at LPS. Everyone has some degree of responsibility for their own PR since we all serve as gatekeepers of information controlling flow and access to our own information. Not only that, you should aggressively work to prioritize the information you want out there.
Blaming the paper for what they choose to cover and when is like blaming the billboard for the advertisement. All the actual billboard does is to serve as a place to put the advertisement that was given it.
I know I give the ITEM a hard time for often times being behind me on stories but honestly we serve different roles and I'm not bound by that money stuff. POVERTY is powerful and empowering.
By the way, I posted about this GREAT story a while back, before the TV story and the winning of any trips to DISNEYLAND.
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