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Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I better WATCH out, the ITEM and CHRIS STEVENS are stepping up their game. Okay, I did tell you DAYS ago that there was a movement afoot that the FUTURE of SPED maybe outsourced.

CHRIS gets much better quotes than me, probably because her e mail is not blocked and well she does get all the printed agendas. DR. LATHAM has assured her that her intent was to "AUDIT" only and not to PRIVATIZE. Translation: "Who are you going to believe, ME or your LYING EYES?"

Either way, it looks like our corrective lenses are going to cost $27,000. You should call the Mayor and your LSC members about getting a new pair of glasses. Remember DR. LATHAM'S contract is up in JUNE but we got to make a decision by MARCH.

1 comment:

  1. So we are going to pay a firm to "audit" our SPED, and it just so happens this same firm also offers "consulting services" Hmmm....Sounds a little like Arthur Andersen and Enron and where are they today? I don't know.....maybe I am misunderstanding the issue??
