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Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Latham leads in Lynn school salaries 

I could say I was BLINDSIDED by the news of LATHAM'S LOOT ($212,00 yr.)or that it came out of LEFT FIELD (seeing as how I got this scab of cataracts over that eye) but even I could see it coming..What is worse is what the position actually costs.

They must have forgot to send over my copy of the budget so I will just have to wait like everybody else until they put it on line to go over it with a fine tooth comb. Unlike some people we know I still have enough hair to use one and don't have to use a broad brush when deadling with follicles and facts.

Just some figures I want to throw out there are the $300 (3600 a yr.) a month car allowance and the use of TWO CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES (no dipping into a community typing pool for her) at about another $130,000.

Because there is so much work we have two more deputies foor another 300K each with there own CONFIDENTIAL for another $120,000. Don't forget the SPED dept. is another animal with a similar lateral Deputy-type with another CS, That probably adds another $175,000 to the cost.

Now I know those numbers are big but then again the job is big. I do got to wonder though the effect on TEACHER morale when all these salarie numbers come out with these BIG increases over CATHE'S administration and they are apparently balking about settling with the ones in the metaphorical foxholes.

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