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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Let’s think about things for a moment. We are having a LSC meeting THURSDAY night at 5:30 pm that is not exactly a meeting. Oh sure, it’s a important gathering Our esteemed members of the LSC are going to learn how to set goals.
Everybody knows the importance of setting goals. Our teachers teach it. Ask any salesman on commission, they have whole campaigns around it. Funny though, when was the last time you saw a list of goals for our schools. Must have been a while since we need to bring in an outside person to teach people who have been there as long as FOURTEEN YEARS to show us ho, don’t you think?.

Now let’s look at something else here.

We PREACH to our kids the importance of attendance, we even get reimbursement from the feds or the state for how well our schools do. As we learned at the last LSC meeting, our attendance is even factored into our PPI and helps determine our level. In case anyone has forgotten, we are a LEVEL 4 district.

So here we have an opportunity to have some extra remediation to learn something we should already know, should already have in place. What do we do? Instead of making an extra meeting to work on our deficits, we try and substitute it for a regularly scheduled meeting, so we are still getting together the same number of times right?



See this will not be a REAL MEETING. They call it a MEETING OF THE WHOLE, no votes taken, no business done. Add this to the fact we have holidays coming up. Based on past experience, they’ll probably CANCEL one meeting in NOVEMBER and DECEMBER each. Remember a couple a years ago when we had all that snow and had to cancel all those meetings?

So we have this 115 MILLION DOLLAR bus and we are voluntarily giving up our back seat to tell the driver where to go.

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