written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Now it's time to see if the BIG MO can be turned into the NEW LYNN COALITION'S MOJO. Excitement is building. JEFF HAYWARD of the UNITED WAY is now coming to meet with the NEW LYNN COALITION on February 6 (a day after the PATRIOTS win the SUPER BOWL) which is a day BEFORE the coalition meets with DR. LATHAM. Looks like the planets are all lining up right.
Tonight was a perfect demonstration of the power of a COMMUNITY SCHOOL. At the FORD SCHOOL tonight an empty classroom was transformed into a learning laboratory demonstrating the potential that our schools to have a maximum impact on its neighbors.
Parents became students and the lesson learned is learning never stops.
Parents became students and the lesson learned is learning never stops.
The North Shore Labor Council’s 11th Annual Education Conference
Building A Movement for Worker and Community Power
In the face of extreme wealth inequality, how can community and labor work together to build a strong public sector? We will discuss how we can build a movement for both
effective collective bargaining and services for our communities. Saturday, February 25, 2012
Registration at 9:30a.m, Program runs from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
St. Stephen's Memorial Episcopal Church at 74 South Common Street in Lynn
Lunch, Childcare, & Translation Provided
Welcome by: Steve Tolman, MA AFL-CIO President
Moderated by: Jeff Crosby, NSLC President
Morning Panel:
Maria Carrasco, Lynn School Committee
Jay Chambers, Iron Workers 7 & Occupy Boston
Jen Springer, MA AFL-CIO Executive VP
Workshop Information, Full Agenda & Registration Form on Reverse
The North Shore Labor Council is a coalition of 50 local unions representing over 18,000 members. We are dedicated to promoting solidarity between North Shore unions & fighting for a better life for all working people on the North Shore.
Learn more: www.nslaborcouncil.org or find us on Facebook.
In the face of extreme wealth inequality, how can community and labor work together to build a strong public sector? We will discuss how we can build a movement for both
effective collective bargaining and services for our communities.
The North Shore Labor Council’s 11th Annual Education Conference:
Building A Movement for Worker and Community Power
$10 Registration Fee
To register please call Aliza at 781-595-2538 or email northshorelaborcouncil@gmail.com
Registration Deadline: February 22nd. Childcare provided.
Name_______________________________________ Union/Organization__________________________
Address_____________________________________ City_____________________ State_________
Phone________________________________ Email__________________________________________
Workshops (PICK ONE)
□Racial Wealth Divide □ I will need childcare for ____ children
□Reframing the Debate □ $10 registration fee is enclosed.
□Fair Taxes
Payable/Mail to: North Shore Labor Council, 112 Exchange St. Lynn, MA 01901
Fax to: 781-595-8770 Web: www.nslaborcouncil.org
Income Inequality & the Racial Wealth Divide (BILINGUAL)
This workshop will explore our current economic inequality and critically examine the way in which race
impacts the distribution of resources and privileges. It will focus on the role of government policies, and will begin to develop strategies, campaigns and actions that will help create greater economic equality and racial economic justice.
Reframing the Debate on Public Sector Workers
Public sector workers, and their unions, have increasingly been the focus of anger and outrage. In this work-shop we’ll explore media coverage of the public sector and public sector workers, examine framing as a tool for countering negative attitudes in the context of building a movement, and practice crafting specific
messages for targeted audiences.
Fair Taxes for Public Education & Public Services (BILINGUAL)
Why are teachers being laid off and class sizes growing when millionaires are paying less in taxes than the people who work for them? This workshop will explore how to organize for fair and sustainable revenue sources to support essential public services, defend public sector collective bargaining rights, and create a better future for all workers.
9:30 - 10:00 Coffee & Registration
10:00 - 11:30 Welcome & Panel (see front)
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch
12:00 - 1:45 Workshops
1:45 - 2:00 Conference Wrap Up
This Facebook post from Grandma Tarasuik clearly shows that the mold matter is more of a matter than has been made of it. Why hasn't LPS been more forthcoming?
Maybe it's because the problem is more widespread than first presented and they are afraid of a domino effect of disaster. A room in FORD was closed down earlier this year because of mold. It was reopened rather quickly byt recently it has begun snowing possible chips of lead paint from the ceiling in the gym which doubles as a CAFETERIA.
I know all of our buildings are old and all need more renovation than we can afford...
there is that $200,000 we just spent on a new DEPUTY and it looks like we will be getting back $720,000 from our feasability deposit. That could buy a bottle or two of disinfectant.
Exposure to mold is not healthy for anyone. However, the following individuals are at a higher risk of negative health effects than others; • infants • children • elderly • adverse compromised patients • pregnant women • individuals with existing respiratory conditions.
Maybe it's because the problem is more widespread than first presented and they are afraid of a domino effect of disaster. A room in FORD was closed down earlier this year because of mold. It was reopened rather quickly byt recently it has begun snowing possible chips of lead paint from the ceiling in the gym which doubles as a CAFETERIA.
I know all of our buildings are old and all need more renovation than we can afford...
there is that $200,000 we just spent on a new DEPUTY and it looks like we will be getting back $720,000 from our feasability deposit. That could buy a bottle or two of disinfectant.
Exposure to mold is not healthy for anyone. However, the following individuals are at a higher risk of negative health effects than others; • infants • children • elderly • adverse compromised patients • pregnant women • individuals with existing respiratory conditions.
When high amounts airborne toxic mold spores are inhaled deep into the lungs they can enter the bloodstream and affect the immu...Continue Reading
Remember the NON-REIMBURSABLE $750,000 the CITY OF LYNN had to come up with to pay for the FEASIBILITY STUDY for the much anticipated new construction for the replacement of MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL? At least that was said at last week's LSC meeting.
It turns out that we will get the standard 80-20 reimbursement schedule after all....
where is that that $735,000 going to go? Call me crazy, but wouldn't it be nice if we put that money back in SPED to develop programs so we could take care of our own so we wouldn't have to subsidize MARBLEHEAD?
It turns out that we will get the standard 80-20 reimbursement schedule after all....
where is that that $735,000 going to go? Call me crazy, but wouldn't it be nice if we put that money back in SPED to develop programs so we could take care of our own so we wouldn't have to subsidize MARBLEHEAD?
Question here, what have we really got out of the RACE TO THE TOP GRANT so far? I mean so far we have gotten JILL IEARDI'S position (I can't remember whether it's 90-some thousand or six figures and I'm too lazy to look. It's a lot anyway) and soon a $75,000 WRAP-AROUND PROGRAM SPECIALIST.
We are prohibited by terms of the grant from doing much in the way of DIRECT SERVICES.In around about way it does provide for some capital improvements. I can't argue the fact that the intentions behind the act were good and we all know there is some paving going on.
We are prohibited by terms of the grant from doing much in the way of DIRECT SERVICES.In around about way it does provide for some capital improvements. I can't argue the fact that the intentions behind the act were good and we all know there is some paving going on.
Tight Budgets Put Some Superintendents on Part-Time Status
It seems that LPS may be doing this but not in a good way. At both of the LSC meetings since we officially crowned SUE ROWE our newest DEPUTY (come to think of it she should wear a sash), only one of the two, PAID deputies has been in attendance. No talk of any reduction in compensation though.
It seems that LPS may be doing this but not in a good way. At both of the LSC meetings since we officially crowned SUE ROWE our newest DEPUTY (come to think of it she should wear a sash), only one of the two, PAID deputies has been in attendance. No talk of any reduction in compensation though.
The people, they are a talkin.
With FUTURE'S they may be a walkin.
It's not really clear,
exactly why they are hear.
"Only here to survey" is what the Super's tryin.
But most of us? Well we are not buyin.
Para's, therapists and OTs?
Just you wait and see!
With FUTURE'S they may be a walkin.
It's not really clear,
exactly why they are hear.
"Only here to survey" is what the Super's tryin.
But most of us? Well we are not buyin.
Para's, therapists and OTs?
Just you wait and see!
We learned at the last LSC meeting that through the CREDIT RECOVERY SYSTEM you can actually get a PE credit online. It makes sense I guess. I mean emergency rooms across America are full of Wii victims, although I don't think the GAME SYSTEM is part of the plan.
Lynn group seeks fed funds to develop green jobs
This story shows why it is CRUCIAL that OCCUPY LVTI be a success. EDUCATION is the key to our recovery and LPS can and should play a vital role in that process. Learning is a life long process and with adults you won't have to worry about decorating for the prom.
This story shows why it is CRUCIAL that OCCUPY LVTI be a success. EDUCATION is the key to our recovery and LPS can and should play a vital role in that process. Learning is a life long process and with adults you won't have to worry about decorating for the prom.
A new policy was passed allowing for participating in a team sport to count as the equivalent as one semester of phys. ed. Since MA state law says every student must have one semester per year this eases some pressure on our kids and allows our student-athletes to become students.
There was a little concern if this policy would pass muster. The fear was that one day some seniors would fine that they couldn't graduate because they hadn't met the physical education requirements. They were assured however that other districts were doing it. I guess it's probably alright, I just hope there are no bridges nearby.
There was a little concern if this policy would pass muster. The fear was that one day some seniors would fine that they couldn't graduate because they hadn't met the physical education requirements. They were assured however that other districts were doing it. I guess it's probably alright, I just hope there are no bridges nearby.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? February 7th appears to be the day DR. LATHAM gets to view a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT.
To make it an extra special day, JEFF HAYWARD of the UNITED WAY is coming to town to study the plan and see how it fits with what they are trying to do.
To make it an extra special day, JEFF HAYWARD of the UNITED WAY is coming to town to study the plan and see how it fits with what they are trying to do.
Here is a GOOD chance to fill your stomach's for a cause.
Nothing better than PASTA WITH A PURPOSE.
Nothing better than PASTA WITH A PURPOSE.
From what everybody is saying, while they are allowed to talk, the Future's survey starts today. What will this really accomplish other than serve to intimidate the proletariat (Woo! I sound all philosophical-like)?
Everybody knows what needs to be done. To me this is all about service delivery and who is delivering the service and for how much. Call it what it is. This study is try and build up statistical justification to avoid abiding by a previously negotiated contract.
Everybody knows what needs to be done. To me this is all about service delivery and who is delivering the service and for how much. Call it what it is. This study is try and build up statistical justification to avoid abiding by a previously negotiated contract.
Well okay, maybe I misled you a little but I am poor and do not get paid for this so I got to get my jollies where I can. I'm a poet and I have a license, a creative license. The GREAT work in putting together this drop-in center at ENGLISH is a regular Saturday night gig for all teens.
I want to know why I didn't know about it? I mean I go to all the LSC meetings and I do not recall it ever being mentioned. The people who banned my e mails complain that I never write anything positive that they do. Then, give me something POSITIVE to write about. Have these people make a presentation.
I bet they could bring you a lot better results with just part of that 75 K plus we are going to be on the hook for when the RACE TO THE TOP GRANT RUNS OUT.
I want to know why I didn't know about it? I mean I go to all the LSC meetings and I do not recall it ever being mentioned. The people who banned my e mails complain that I never write anything positive that they do. Then, give me something POSITIVE to write about. Have these people make a presentation.
I bet they could bring you a lot better results with just part of that 75 K plus we are going to be on the hook for when the RACE TO THE TOP GRANT RUNS OUT.
"I Pledge Allegiance to the ...." Well at least on Mondays or so I've been told. I hear that a recitation of the pledge takes place every MONDAY but only on MONDAYS at BREED.
Sorry, that makes no sense to me. I mean I guess there is the constitutionality question. The Supreme Court over the years has put on some crazy restrictions. But that can;t be it because if that were true then how could we ever say it? (like on Monday)
The PLEDGE gives us something to rally around, come together. It's sort of like a school fight song but only for our whole country. With a lot of our students coming from other countries, it is important in common. My melting pot of ex-wives had me in common.
At every LSC meeting we salute the flag and say the pledge. I wonder though sometimes, if we are swearing allegiance to the giver of GRANTS.
Sorry, that makes no sense to me. I mean I guess there is the constitutionality question. The Supreme Court over the years has put on some crazy restrictions. But that can;t be it because if that were true then how could we ever say it? (like on Monday)
The PLEDGE gives us something to rally around, come together. It's sort of like a school fight song but only for our whole country. With a lot of our students coming from other countries, it is important in common. My melting pot of ex-wives had me in common.
At every LSC meeting we salute the flag and say the pledge. I wonder though sometimes, if we are swearing allegiance to the giver of GRANTS.
Our hands are tied,
around are wrists are wrapped.
We must spend or lose,
so to create a position we choose.
So plans must be made,
outside services to find.
Covered by grants for now,
After 2014, don't know how.
around are wrists are wrapped.
We must spend or lose,
so to create a position we choose.
So plans must be made,
outside services to find.
Covered by grants for now,
After 2014, don't know how.
I got that Circuit Breaker syndrome,
new Deputy, she's found a new home.
Three hundred fifty for her car,
plenty of benies for the new star,
From where you say?
Don't worry SPED will pay.
The more kids out we send,
the more we have to spend.
new Deputy, she's found a new home.
Three hundred fifty for her car,
plenty of benies for the new star,
From where you say?
Don't worry SPED will pay.
The more kids out we send,
the more we have to spend.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
BARRY MCCAUL'S auto body shop continues to collect credit for their touching and patriotic work on the FALLEN HERO PROJECT.www.projectfallenhero.com. A regional publication, NEW ENGLAND AUTO BODY has brought further accolades for this important and worthy project.
INGALLS' PRINCIPAL POWERS composed a carefully crafted composition of gratitude for the abundance of Christmas cheer showered on her students by the CLASSICAL community. It just another science experiment that proves RAMS can be ELVES too.
Due to an ENERGY EFFICIENCY audit and subsequent lighting changes, MICHAEL DONOVAN of ISD, LINCOLN-THOMPSON SCHOOL will have $260 a month of extra capital after capitalizing on improvements in technology.
The LSC were treated to an premeir presentation of their project by MS. DONNA WHALEN'S 5th grade class from BRICKETT.
The student's are making a portfolio of their project to enter into a contest, DISNEY CHALLENGE. The topic being studied was the EFFECTS OF IDLING. Their entry will be in competition with 400 other classes nationwide.
Before any judging takes place, WHALEN'S WINNERS have already made quite the impact. Not only have certificates of accomadation have been provided by not by our HONORABLE MAYOR but by GOVERNOR PATRICK as well.
all of this attention sparked DR. LATHAM to reserch the school policies and find a long forgotten statue already in existence that PROHIBITS IDLING WITHIN A 1000 FEET OF A SCHOOL ZONE. So she commissioned the making and posting of appropriate signage with the first one to be placed at BRICKETT.
The student's are making a portfolio of their project to enter into a contest, DISNEY CHALLENGE. The topic being studied was the EFFECTS OF IDLING. Their entry will be in competition with 400 other classes nationwide.
Before any judging takes place, WHALEN'S WINNERS have already made quite the impact. Not only have certificates of accomadation have been provided by not by our HONORABLE MAYOR but by GOVERNOR PATRICK as well.
all of this attention sparked DR. LATHAM to reserch the school policies and find a long forgotten statue already in existence that PROHIBITS IDLING WITHIN A 1000 FEET OF A SCHOOL ZONE. So she commissioned the making and posting of appropriate signage with the first one to be placed at BRICKETT.
JONATHAN FLORES won REGIONAL 33N LIONS YOUTH SPEECH ZONE CONTEST. His silver tongue topped students from surrounding counties, sending him to the state's at Sturbridge on May 5.
DAVID GASS and DR. CRANE from FORD SCHOOL went before the BUILDING and GROUNDS SUBCOMMITTEE to get FORMAL permission to go ahead with the HARRY HARLEY HOOP HOUSE (love that alliteration).
The initiative was approved in the SUB and sent up before the whole committee where of course it was unanimously approved as long as whatever work necessary flies with MICHAEL DONOVAN and ISD. He has already looked at the plans and indicated to DAVID that there should be no problems.
The initiative was approved in the SUB and sent up before the whole committee where of course it was unanimously approved as long as whatever work necessary flies with MICHAEL DONOVAN and ISD. He has already looked at the plans and indicated to DAVID that there should be no problems.

Hi everyone! Emily and I wanted to make this video to tell her story. Please watch it, share it, and let us know what you think! Thanks!.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
There's talk on the street and chatter on the Internet that fear and suspicions are growing. I hear there is a union strategy meeting Tuesday. Not to worry, we've all been assured by DR. DO-NO-EVIL that PRIVATIZATION was not on her mind. Heck the whole school committee (or what's left after recusals) would have to approve it, it's not in her little'ol power
[Drawing]Saturday, January 28th, 2012
Sponsored By
Lynn Parks & Recreation Department[Picture]
Lynn Police Department
At the Lynn English H.S. Gym
6:30PM – 9:30PM
This program is being offered to teens, ages 13 – 19
(Lynn residents only!)
Come in for a free makeover!
Free manicures (paint and design), facials and make up applications will help you look your best! Free pizza and basketball will be offered as well.
Sponsored by the following Businesses
- Beauty Allure makeup artist by Shirley
- About Face Skin Salon, 13 Boston Street- Geri Cronin
- Salon 187, 187 Squire Road, Revere- Dina Maietta
(First Come First Serve based on available time slots)
This program is supported by:
Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy
Police Chief Kevin Coppinger – Lynn Police Department
For further information, please contact:
Lisa Nerich at 781-477-7096
I just got word they are having a BEAUTY NIGHT DROP-IN at ENGLISH tonight at 6:30. They are in need of volunteers to do manicures. What a positive use of LPS facilities.
My ever-increasing numbers have gotten me an ever-increasing source of sources. Take for example this anonymous source who told me they were picked to be interviewed by FUTURE'S EDUCATION for the AUDIT of SPED SERVICES but was required to sign a CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT that they would not discuss what was discussed.
I thought AUDITS were to open things up not shut them down! You have to worry about motives here.
I thought AUDITS were to open things up not shut them down! You have to worry about motives here.
WATCH watcher LORI was incensed by what happened the NIGHT SPED WAS RAIDED and did something about it. She wrote to JAY SULLIVAN, SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES, MA DOE.
And of course MR. JAY toed the party line and said supporting words about being sure the LSC knows the rules and in so many words said, "DON'T WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD". They were perfectly with in their rights as a duly elected body to spend the extra funds generated from the increased reinforcement schedule however they see fit.
Below is an excerpt from the latest response LUSCIOUS LORI (she does have that head you know) got back:
They had received higher than budgeted special education reimbursements, and they then used those reimbursements to pay for tuitions originally planned to be paid from the local budget (an acceptable use of circuit breaker funds).
I went to all the budget meetings and I don't remember any of those PILFERED POSITIONS being PAID FOR, much less created. I wonder if the term FUZZY MATH would be appropriate here?
I just have two words to say: COMPLIANCE OFFICER.
And of course MR. JAY toed the party line and said supporting words about being sure the LSC knows the rules and in so many words said, "DON'T WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD". They were perfectly with in their rights as a duly elected body to spend the extra funds generated from the increased reinforcement schedule however they see fit.
Below is an excerpt from the latest response LUSCIOUS LORI (she does have that head you know) got back:
They had received higher than budgeted special education reimbursements, and they then used those reimbursements to pay for tuitions originally planned to be paid from the local budget (an acceptable use of circuit breaker funds).
I went to all the budget meetings and I don't remember any of those PILFERED POSITIONS being PAID FOR, much less created. I wonder if the term FUZZY MATH would be appropriate here?
I just have two words to say: COMPLIANCE OFFICER.
WATCH watchers already knew about this hire and have been treated to this poet's perspective. The NEED is real, but the questions are LEGITIMATE. This GRANT gift will become a permanent position paid for by YOU. Not me, I'm poor remember?
In theory it is a GREAT idea. Coordination of services seems like a potential way to get maximum services for minimum costs. Potentially and ideally, we could save money but you know how it goes, theoretically and practically don't always have the same meaning.
Plus there is something else I need to remind you - THE POSITION ONLY COVERS 4 SCHOOLS. Also these schools already have paid social workers from other grants. So just WHAT will this person do that's worth $75,000? The two LEVEL 4 schools, CONNERY and HARRINGTON already have wrap-around services written into their plans.
(well I already have) if you want to scare committee members into voting with you because of the potential of losing 4.5 million dollars in grant money, lets talk about the millions of dollars you could lose because you want to fool around with redistricting some of the LEVEL 4 schools. The DOE won't be fooled they got some MATH MAJORS down there too.
Pardon me I digress.
Let's get back to the WRAP-AROUND stuff, they do it at the FORD SCHOOL and they do it for FREE. Maybe we should study how they do it before create a salaried position that everybody knows that when the subsidy is gone, we will have to pick up the check. That's because the problems are real and they won't be gone when the grant runs out.
Friday, January 27, 2012
While we thought the reckless disregard for the students safety broke the mold at Drewicz, I learn today the cook at FORD SCHOOL has been subjected to an avalanche of falling snow from the skies inside the gym at FORD SCHOOL.
It seems the "precipitation" has been shipped off to some lab for analysis with results due back in a MONTH. A month, while you could probably go to some Big Box store and buy a junior chemistry set that would allow you to test for some basic bad stuff.
Heck, I don't need to test. Old school means old paint means LEAD. Some preliminary testing has already been done that has determined that LEAD was in all but one of LPS schools.
What are we waiting for on this? The kids EAT in the gym which doubles as a cafeteria. Last time I checked LEAD SPRINKLES wasn't a SPICE found in MARTHA STEWART'S kitchen.
Seems like we need that umbrella that newly created $75,000 PROGRAM SPECIALIST is supposed to be creating.
Don't you just love it when a song says it all?
Last night at the LSC meeting DR. LATHAM publically acknowledged her knowledge of and desire to work with COMMMUNITY GROUPS to open up LVTI. Let's hold her to it!
New Lynn Coalition seeks ways to solve old problems
New Lynn Coalition seeks ways to solve old problems
OUCH! It hurts me to write this,....
DONNA you screwed up. Perhaps the fever you suffered from your sickness last night clouded your judgement. The vote that both you and CHARLIE GALLO cast on funding a new PROGRAM SPECIALIST to oversee the program was a MISTAKE.
Let's dissect the entire LSC voting on this issue and see if you can follow my logic or as some of you might say illogic. In both DONNA'S and CHARLIE'S defense(you can't defend it really but it helps with the understanding), JILL IEARDI, six figure PROGRAM SPECIALIST for the RACE TO THE TOP grants must have had powder burns on her hands from the gun (if we don't fund this position we will have to return the $4.5 million dollar grant back) she held to your heads.
I ask what have we actually gotten for our money, so far? Well we have gotten JILL's salary who tells us we need someone to build an umbrella of available outside services and then hold that umbrella for $75,000 a year in his or her office at Commercial Street.
that umbrella is only going to cover 4 schools right now, HARRINGTON, CONNERY, COBBETT, and MARSHALL. And well two of them, HARRINGTON and CONNERY already have umbrellas by virtue of being a LEVEL 4 school. Then we are told that MARSHALL and COBBETT currently have social workers too, so I guess they have at least a little umbrella.
At FORD SCHOOL which I know a little about DR. CRANE has developed this continuum of care with not much help from the administration. By being a COMMUNITY SCHOOL, she has worked with Community groups like the HIGHLANDS COALITION, THE FOOD PROJECT, THE FAMILY DINNER PROJECT, and partnered with GORDON COLLEGE,SALEM STATE COLLEGE, and NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Let's not forget HARVARD, MIT, and the MUSEUM OF SCIENCE.
All of this has been going on for years for FREE while JILL and her administration backers have recently found a way to have the city pay them quite well to reinvent the wheel. I guess she needs someone else on board to drain city coffer's so she can devote more time justifying LPS'S ill devised concept of an INNOVATION SCHOOL.
OKAY, back on task. Let me break down my analysis of last night's 4-3 vote in favor of funding the new position. I have already told you of the $4.5 million dollar ransom that DONNA and CHARLIE agreed to. My lips bled as I sat in the audience silenced by protocol.
PATTI and JOHN FORD voted as expected the company line, give MORE MONEY to privileged people. No surprises here.
RICK STARBARD and OUR MOST HONORABLE MAYOR voted down the position because of the precarious path this position would put us on. Even though the position would be grant funded until 2014, LPS and ultimately the taxpayers would be responsible thereafter.
that umbrella of services will require additional "SITE MANAGERS" at every school. There were at best fuzzy details on how that would be carried out but more realistic, probably nonexistent details on how that would be carried out.
Then there was MARIA'S no vote. MY interpretation is that it was more about fairness than fiscal frivolities. Her main concern seemed to be about the fact that the same schools seem to be getting all the funding all the time. In my deeply humble opinion, this is where DONNA should have positioned herself.
somebody ought to be holding a different fiscal gun to every body's head. That is the danger of LOSING LEVEL 4 funding due to the mixing of grant funds and the proposed redistricting of some LEVEL 4 students out of their schools. I don't know but things I have heard out of their own mouths make me nervous.....
DONNA you screwed up. Perhaps the fever you suffered from your sickness last night clouded your judgement. The vote that both you and CHARLIE GALLO cast on funding a new PROGRAM SPECIALIST to oversee the program was a MISTAKE.
Let's dissect the entire LSC voting on this issue and see if you can follow my logic or as some of you might say illogic. In both DONNA'S and CHARLIE'S defense(you can't defend it really but it helps with the understanding), JILL IEARDI, six figure PROGRAM SPECIALIST for the RACE TO THE TOP grants must have had powder burns on her hands from the gun (if we don't fund this position we will have to return the $4.5 million dollar grant back) she held to your heads.
I ask what have we actually gotten for our money, so far? Well we have gotten JILL's salary who tells us we need someone to build an umbrella of available outside services and then hold that umbrella for $75,000 a year in his or her office at Commercial Street.
that umbrella is only going to cover 4 schools right now, HARRINGTON, CONNERY, COBBETT, and MARSHALL. And well two of them, HARRINGTON and CONNERY already have umbrellas by virtue of being a LEVEL 4 school. Then we are told that MARSHALL and COBBETT currently have social workers too, so I guess they have at least a little umbrella.
At FORD SCHOOL which I know a little about DR. CRANE has developed this continuum of care with not much help from the administration. By being a COMMUNITY SCHOOL, she has worked with Community groups like the HIGHLANDS COALITION, THE FOOD PROJECT, THE FAMILY DINNER PROJECT, and partnered with GORDON COLLEGE,SALEM STATE COLLEGE, and NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Let's not forget HARVARD, MIT, and the MUSEUM OF SCIENCE.
All of this has been going on for years for FREE while JILL and her administration backers have recently found a way to have the city pay them quite well to reinvent the wheel. I guess she needs someone else on board to drain city coffer's so she can devote more time justifying LPS'S ill devised concept of an INNOVATION SCHOOL.
OKAY, back on task. Let me break down my analysis of last night's 4-3 vote in favor of funding the new position. I have already told you of the $4.5 million dollar ransom that DONNA and CHARLIE agreed to. My lips bled as I sat in the audience silenced by protocol.
PATTI and JOHN FORD voted as expected the company line, give MORE MONEY to privileged people. No surprises here.
RICK STARBARD and OUR MOST HONORABLE MAYOR voted down the position because of the precarious path this position would put us on. Even though the position would be grant funded until 2014, LPS and ultimately the taxpayers would be responsible thereafter.
that umbrella of services will require additional "SITE MANAGERS" at every school. There were at best fuzzy details on how that would be carried out but more realistic, probably nonexistent details on how that would be carried out.
Then there was MARIA'S no vote. MY interpretation is that it was more about fairness than fiscal frivolities. Her main concern seemed to be about the fact that the same schools seem to be getting all the funding all the time. In my deeply humble opinion, this is where DONNA should have positioned herself.
somebody ought to be holding a different fiscal gun to every body's head. That is the danger of LOSING LEVEL 4 funding due to the mixing of grant funds and the proposed redistricting of some LEVEL 4 students out of their schools. I don't know but things I have heard out of their own mouths make me nervous.....
Families voice mold fears to Lynn School Committee
CHRIS and the ITEM points out that the 'TAIL IS WAGGING THE DOG" on this issue. There are questions about pressure put on people to purse those loose lips.
the nose knows when something smells.
CHRIS and the ITEM points out that the 'TAIL IS WAGGING THE DOG" on this issue. There are questions about pressure put on people to purse those loose lips.
the nose knows when something smells.
At last night's LSC meeting SHAWN TARASUIK, a PAC board member and soon to be retired NAVY SEAL put out an invitation to all the LSC members to attend the PAC meetings and work with us to resolve all of the complicated and costly problems. After all, they are parents too. EXCEPT FOR CHARLIE BUT HE IS YOUNG YET, DON'T LET THE LACK OF HAIR FOOL YOU!
PAC meets on the first and third Monday night at 7 pm. We are moving to FORD SCHOOL to have our meetings though. We think it's just better to fight your battles on the front line.
PAC meets on the first and third Monday night at 7 pm. We are moving to FORD SCHOOL to have our meetings though. We think it's just better to fight your battles on the front line.
There has been a lot of interest in the Drewicz mold and it APPEARED that there was quick action but then again only after some PAC people got involved . First you have my BFF who in her hands a phone is a deadly weapon. Then there is SHAWN, who is going to tell him "NO"?
Why did it have to come to this. I am sure the mold insurgency did suddenly sneak up on the school and lauch a surprise attack. While I am grateful for the response once it was made, it just seems like it was a little bit of "the tail wagging the dog".
The following information was provided by GRANDMA TARASUIK along with the five photos shown at the LSC meeting last night. (SURPRISE-SHE HAS BEEN IN THE CLAIMS ADJUSTING BUSINESS, SHE KNOWS HER WAY AROUND A DISASTER SCENE).
Why did it have to come to this. I am sure the mold insurgency did suddenly sneak up on the school and lauch a surprise attack. While I am grateful for the response once it was made, it just seems like it was a little bit of "the tail wagging the dog".
The following information was provided by GRANDMA TARASUIK along with the five photos shown at the LSC meeting last night. (SURPRISE-SHE HAS BEEN IN THE CLAIMS ADJUSTING BUSINESS, SHE KNOWS HER WAY AROUND A DISASTER SCENE).
CDC - Indoor Environmental Quality: Dampness and Mold in Buildings - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Heal
www.cdc.govThursday, January 26, 2012
Drewicz Mold
Almost as fast as mold reproduces, this story developed. I first learned of this potential problem (heck it's not potential it is a problem) from my BFF from a FB post she got from Grandma Tarasuik whose grandchildren go to that school along with my BFF's boy.
Well you know my BFF, she's got all those education people on speed dial and hear from her they did. Even though some of the information she got was contradictory, she did hear back from all those she called - DONNA, RICK, MARIA, CHARLIE and TOM IARIBINO. I don't know if she called OUR MOST HONORABLE MAYOR or not but I know MICHEAL DONOVAN at ISD was involved, so she had knowledge.
Suffice it to say things were done immediately. Walls were ripped out. The nurse's office was relocated to the basement (that may be another issue) and other stuff. An Air Quality Inspector was there and the situation seems to be resolved for now.
My congratulations to the MAYOR and MR. DONOVAN for a job quickly done.
Almost as fast as mold reproduces, this story developed. I first learned of this potential problem (heck it's not potential it is a problem) from my BFF from a FB post she got from Grandma Tarasuik whose grandchildren go to that school along with my BFF's boy.
Well you know my BFF, she's got all those education people on speed dial and hear from her they did. Even though some of the information she got was contradictory, she did hear back from all those she called - DONNA, RICK, MARIA, CHARLIE and TOM IARIBINO. I don't know if she called OUR MOST HONORABLE MAYOR or not but I know MICHEAL DONOVAN at ISD was involved, so she had knowledge.
Suffice it to say things were done immediately. Walls were ripped out. The nurse's office was relocated to the basement (that may be another issue) and other stuff. An Air Quality Inspector was there and the situation seems to be resolved for now.
My congratulations to the MAYOR and MR. DONOVAN for a job quickly done.
Classical Concert tonight at LSC
The LSC was treated to a fabulous mini-concert of two songs, It was a beautiful display of what is going right in the schools,
I only wish I had written down the name of the girl who gave the acapello version of the Star_Spangled Banner so I could give her credit. To attempt such a difficult piece with accompaniment is praiseworthy but to do it without is sheer bravery!
The LSC was treated to a fabulous mini-concert of two songs, It was a beautiful display of what is going right in the schools,
I only wish I had written down the name of the girl who gave the acapello version of the Star_Spangled Banner so I could give her credit. To attempt such a difficult piece with accompaniment is praiseworthy but to do it without is sheer bravery!
What an insult? His third LSC meeting and CHARLIE GALLO still has a cardboard patch over VINNIE SPIRITO'S old name plate. I am sure a local place like HARRINGTON'S TROPHIES could accommodate them much faster.
I can't help but feel this is INTENTIONAL. He got elected in NOVEMBER. Look at the calender, this is almost FEBRUARY!
While we are on the topic of looks, let me say SUE ROWE made my heart skip a beat all PRETTY IN PINK. Unfortunately she had to make due with a cardboard cover up for her nameplate, too. I think it must have been over DR. WARRY'S because she wasn't there.
I guess there wasn't enough chairs for everybody. You would think since we are paying $200,000 EACH that they both could attend the SAME meeting at the SAME time.
they are really the SAME person! They can do miraculous things with make-up and LPS does have a history of sending two paychecks to the same address. LOOK AT THE TWO $800 A DAY CONSULTANTS
Just food for thought.
There's mold in them there walls
The Health Department will be flooded with calls.
The school so far does dismiss,
the kids they put at risk.
Will our new DEPUTY fix the leak
while the odor of the school does wreak?
Where do their priorities lie,
when new cars they do buy?
The Health Department will be flooded with calls.
The school so far does dismiss,
the kids they put at risk.
Will our new DEPUTY fix the leak
while the odor of the school does wreak?
Where do their priorities lie,
when new cars they do buy?
It seems that traffic isn't the only thing they have in abundance at Drewicz, they got MOLD. Word also on the street is that information is JAMMED UP and that teachers have been told to put a DAMPER on the DAMPNESS.
Funny how when it rains it pours, if I remember correctly and I do make my share of mistakes, some COACH classes are over there. So the RAIDING of SPED coffers probably hasn't left to buy enough RAID and disinfectants to clean up the problem.
I want to jog your memory a little, remember earlier in the school year, I think before classes even started I posted a picture or pictures of asbestos warning signs on trash containers there?
Funny how when it rains it pours, if I remember correctly and I do make my share of mistakes, some COACH classes are over there. So the RAIDING of SPED coffers probably hasn't left to buy enough RAID and disinfectants to clean up the problem.
I want to jog your memory a little, remember earlier in the school year, I think before classes even started I posted a picture or pictures of asbestos warning signs on trash containers there?
From rap to tap, Tech's got talent
Is it any wonder that Tech can put on display such a display of talent? I mean they do have performing regularly the top administrators of the LPS along with a supporting cast of at least some of the LSC. There are virtuoso displays of tap dancing around the truth regularly and soft shoe routines when it comes to hiring new DEPUTIES. The question is when some of these people get booted off stage?
Is it any wonder that Tech can put on display such a display of talent? I mean they do have performing regularly the top administrators of the LPS along with a supporting cast of at least some of the LSC. There are virtuoso displays of tap dancing around the truth regularly and soft shoe routines when it comes to hiring new DEPUTIES. The question is when some of these people get booted off stage?
I am going to offer to give a POET'S audit of LPS and it won't cost $25,000. In fact it won't cost anything. On top of that, I'm sure it will save MORE money than the GOON SQUAD hired to strong arm SPED.
Why not have anyone making over $100,000 take a 10% pay cut. That would not significantly affect them and I'm GUESSING that could generate almost $300,000. Remember I am not a math person, I've only learned to count to 4 so far.
Why not have anyone making over $100,000 take a 10% pay cut. That would not significantly affect them and I'm GUESSING that could generate almost $300,000. Remember I am not a math person, I've only learned to count to 4 so far.
First on SPED
there was a RAID.
Now, fights on
who gets paid.
A private firm
paras to burn.
What to do when
out to replace you?
there was a RAID.
Now, fights on
who gets paid.
A private firm
paras to burn.
What to do when
out to replace you?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Para's you may be the first but
you won't be the last.
If the votes for privatization
are ultimately cast.
They say it's a study,
at least for now.
Next they'll tell you
a PIG'S really a COW.
They took SPED money
to pay for a car.
For the new DEPUTY
they did not look far.
Did you ever wonder
her how they could pay?
Stealing from SPED
someone did say.
you won't be the last.
If the votes for privatization
are ultimately cast.
They say it's a study,
at least for now.
Next they'll tell you
a PIG'S really a COW.
They took SPED money
to pay for a car.
For the new DEPUTY
they did not look far.
Did you ever wonder
her how they could pay?
Stealing from SPED
someone did say.
Tomorrow's the day,
we get to hear what they say.
Of privatization, they're not supposed to talk
any discussion they surely will balk.
On one thing, let me be perfectly clear,
it's the back rooms we must fear.
On this issue we must call them out
if they won't listen then we must shout.
It's about justice, we must teach.
Administrators salaries are out of reach.
To serve our children well'
"OUT" the para's we must not sell.
we get to hear what they say.
Of privatization, they're not supposed to talk
any discussion they surely will balk.
On one thing, let me be perfectly clear,
it's the back rooms we must fear.
On this issue we must call them out
if they won't listen then we must shout.
It's about justice, we must teach.
Administrators salaries are out of reach.
To serve our children well'
"OUT" the para's we must not sell.
How you going to trust her
when she talks the talk of a union buster?
Not even on a dare
would I bet she was unaware.
All along she had to realize the
plan would be to privatize.
In order to keep her wages high,
only peanuts, the para's could buy.
when she talks the talk of a union buster?
Not even on a dare
would I bet she was unaware.
All along she had to realize the
plan would be to privatize.
In order to keep her wages high,
only peanuts, the para's could buy.
When will people realize
that the word audit
is really privatization
in a thin disguise.
Services offered by a franchise
that masquerade as
the absolute best
that short money can buy.
that the word audit
is really privatization
in a thin disguise.
Services offered by a franchise
that masquerade as
the absolute best
that short money can buy.
I CAN'T WAIT! SUE ROWE is on that somewhat, hidden agenda tommorrow night http://www.ci.lynn.ma.us/clerk_meeting_notices_2012/School%20Committee%20-%20REVISED%20Agenda%20-%20Jan%2026,%202012.pdf .
I guess she will talk about The "Wraparound Zone Initiative" it says. That makes sense after all they've kind of kept her underwraps for a long time. She was the rumored next DEPUTY back when they first tried to slip this position in early last spring and some feel those who prioritized it over reducing class sizes to be off in the TWILIGHT ZONE.
I guess she will talk about The "Wraparound Zone Initiative" it says. That makes sense after all they've kind of kept her underwraps for a long time. She was the rumored next DEPUTY back when they first tried to slip this position in early last spring and some feel those who prioritized it over reducing class sizes to be off in the TWILIGHT ZONE.
To the unions demise,
LPS looks to privatize.
I wonder why
we always try
to control costs
on the backs of the little guy.
Here's a concept, "Why not make
some administrators a permanent vacation take?".
What is needed is a management redesign,
so real savings, we will find.
That would be a
payroll reduction, I really wouldn't mind.
LPS looks to privatize.
I wonder why
we always try
to control costs
on the backs of the little guy.
Here's a concept, "Why not make
some administrators a permanent vacation take?".
What is needed is a management redesign,
so real savings, we will find.
That would be a
payroll reduction, I really wouldn't mind.
HERE WE GO AGAIN! LSC meeting is tomorrow night and once again the agenda is not up on the LPS website. Surely someone down there is technically capable of posting it. Oh I forgot they are swamped with paperwork. Maybe we need still yet another DEPUTY. Let's hire another good looking one (four marriages you know)!
They wanted to make it hard for you to find out REDISTRICTING will be discussed. ATTORNEY MIHOS will be speaking on the matter - TRANSLATION: they will be telling, not talking.
Redistricting is not necessarily a bad thing. It's often a necessary thing. I am just a little suspicious by nature.
They wanted to make it hard for you to find out REDISTRICTING will be discussed. ATTORNEY MIHOS will be speaking on the matter - TRANSLATION: they will be telling, not talking.
Redistricting is not necessarily a bad thing. It's often a necessary thing. I am just a little suspicious by nature.
It was a busy night for me last might. I participated in The Family Dinner Project (thefamilydinnerproject.org) last night at FORD SCHOOL and then had to run to Lynn City Council chambers to watch both of my kids (who were joined by a third FORD SCHOOL alumni, making 50% of the students who appeared before council FORD alumni).
In my hectic rush I mistakenly labeled the pictures I put up as being part of THE FOOD PROJECT (imagine that, me making a mistake). That mistake is representative of the problems that THE FAMILY DINNER PROJECT is trying to address.
Food is a central part of everyone's life. We all need to eat and well quite frankly, I enjoy it. But we all need to step back, take a breath, and realize what's really important. Generation gaps are plugged with pasta and cemented with sauce. When we "break bread" together, we break barriers to communications.
Check out their website to learn more about this great project,The Family Dinner Project
In my hectic rush I mistakenly labeled the pictures I put up as being part of THE FOOD PROJECT (imagine that, me making a mistake). That mistake is representative of the problems that THE FAMILY DINNER PROJECT is trying to address.
Food is a central part of everyone's life. We all need to eat and well quite frankly, I enjoy it. But we all need to step back, take a breath, and realize what's really important. Generation gaps are plugged with pasta and cemented with sauce. When we "break bread" together, we break barriers to communications.
Check out their website to learn more about this great project,The Family Dinner Project
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
My daughter, ASIAH, was one of three students from the Youth Leadership Council that got to present before CITY COUNCIL tonight Counting my son. TRIPPY who helped lead the pledge, half of the six students who appeared before council tonight were FORD SCHOOL ALUMNI/ Says something doesn't it?
My son was one of three students from the Youth Leadership Council (CHRISTINA'S CORP) who led the pledge of allegiance at tonight's council meeting. A LITTLE "PICKERING PRIDE"
We made this HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE into a crowd pleaser. Suddenly vegetables don't look so ominous.
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You know, I was thinking. I am prone to do that sometimes. There are a lot of similarities between SPED and our BELOVED Boston Celtics. First each has a BIG THREE. The Celtics have RAY, PAUL, and KEVIN, while SPED has JESSICA, LYDIA, and CHERYL.
Well now the CELTICS are getting old, some say they've lost a step or two, It has gotten to the point DANNY AINGE has even floated the possibility they could be broken up, hinting at a possible personnel change in the future.
FATHER TIME has taken up residence down at BROAD STREET too. From what I hear LYDIA will be heading to the BENCH soon. She will be retiring very soon.
That does make me wonder what's going to happen to the rest of her six-figure salary for the remaining school year. Will her remaining sick days give her a nice GOLDEN PARACHUTE so she can get custom shuffleboard equipment? I would ask who will fill the leadership vacuum but then I remembered the question of leadership is questionable.
Our HONORABLE MAYOR tried to take legal measures to try and CLIP CHIP when it came to SICK PAY. How will she weigh in here? Will LYDIA get one of those carefully, crafted, $800 a day consulting contracts? After all DR. LATHAM has already hired one SPED consulting firm.
Well now the CELTICS are getting old, some say they've lost a step or two, It has gotten to the point DANNY AINGE has even floated the possibility they could be broken up, hinting at a possible personnel change in the future.
FATHER TIME has taken up residence down at BROAD STREET too. From what I hear LYDIA will be heading to the BENCH soon. She will be retiring very soon.
That does make me wonder what's going to happen to the rest of her six-figure salary for the remaining school year. Will her remaining sick days give her a nice GOLDEN PARACHUTE so she can get custom shuffleboard equipment? I would ask who will fill the leadership vacuum but then I remembered the question of leadership is questionable.
Our HONORABLE MAYOR tried to take legal measures to try and CLIP CHIP when it came to SICK PAY. How will she weigh in here? Will LYDIA get one of those carefully, crafted, $800 a day consulting contracts? After all DR. LATHAM has already hired one SPED consulting firm.
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