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Monday, May 16, 2016


At the last LSC meeting NELSON BARRIOS of LVTI was presented the 2016 PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF THE COMMUNITY medallion. A frequent winner of awards for his many accomplishments NELSON has logged in 20,000 volunteer hours at the GREATER BOSTON FOOD BANK over the past four years. The award was presented by RICHARD GAINE from PRUDENTIAL.

I apologize for the fact it is a view from behind but hey I wasn't there that night. It really doesn't matter, I sit in the front row with a camera and no one ever poses for me anyway..

I do have another rearview shot of a growing crowd of others trying to grab a little contact glory which includes the MAYOR, DR. LATHAM, and LTVI SKILLS USA adviser, JASON MCCUSH (who actually deserves a little glory)

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