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Sunday, May 22, 2016


An issue was brought up at the last LSC that was tabled at the previous meeting due to DONNA'S absence thanks to an appendicitis flair up.That being the parking of buses in residential neighborhoods. It seems that due to space issues at NORTH READING TRANSPORTATION, contractor of transportation services at LPS that some drivers take their buses home overnight causing walkway and driveway issues.

Since LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS is plastered on the bus's side, complaints get directed her way. This though, LPS doesn't actually own the buses. The LSC is placed in a tedious position because on one hand NORTH READING TRANSPORTATION does perform the important task of taking our kids to school, at the same time residents have their rights.

Immediately grasping the complex web of differing rights Mayor Kennedy offered to contact the various city departments involved (ie. PARKING, DPW, etc.) if DONNA would shoot her an email surmising the problem and suggested an identical one be sent to DR. LATHAM so that she could do the same with DAVE HEGAN, head of transportation.

It was hoped that by approaching it this way NRT could be encouraged to be a good neighbor rather than correcting addressing the problem with punitive fines. Another issue the Mayor was wondering out loud about was the legality of branding non-city vehicles with the LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS emblem. That issue was left for another day and all seemed to be happy with getting the buses off the street.

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