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Monday, June 1, 2015


Mayor: $151M school wish list ‘nowhere near reality’

Lol, what have I been saying. Maybe if the ITEM read the WATCH it'd be both more current and accurate. Instead it has to wait to get the okay from its PR SPIN DOCTORS over at the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE where its advertisers live.

A couple of BIG problems I have with this article it relies on sources that have a record of being wrong. Sure I've had my share of mistakes but at least when I'm WRONG we can laugh, heck it might even rhyme. But the mistakes here just want to make me cry. Take for example last year, MR. CARON and JUDY'S auditors said, "NO WORRIES WE"LL COME CLOSE ESPECIALLY WITH THE 1 MILLION FROM THE FREE CASH (she ended up adding  2 million {I thought I heard only 1.7}) KEVIN MCHUGH, BUSINESS MANAGER at  LPS told them they were wrong but the MAYOR just figuratively slapped him aside and ignored him. Turns out according to the DESE (the people sitting on our CH. 70 money, well they sided with ole KEVIN) So the MAYOR can throw all the tantrums she wants, act like a political toddler, but in the end the state has the money and they got FEDERAL people looking over their shoulder.

Then there is the fact that the article TRIES to portray PATTI as some CHAMPION OF CHILDREN (excuse me, I think I just threw up in my mouth). She bailed when CHUCK tried to fight for kids and needed her support. YES PATTI POOPED OUT! I know some or maybe all of you might find it odd that I am on CHUCK'S side on something but in the political game you can't always choose who you crawl in bed with. Yes his budget plan was completely unrealistic given the current climate of corruption but at least it got the conversation started.

I started warning everyone over a month ago when CHUCK called for his collection of WISH LISTS that this was not how the budget process works. No one heeded my warnings and here is where we ended up, the MAYOR giving an "OUT OF ORDER" smack down. But you would think the old MENSA MAVEN would have been a little smarter. I gave her FAIR WARNING about what CHUCK was up to. Heck she could have watched the meeting from the archives. She should have through back channels never let that budget baby never have been born. A political abortion if you will.

Just like an Internet posting, once it's out there it's out there for-ever. Her smack down will come to smack her back.


  1. BTW - The "legislative fix" the article talks about is a PHASED IN fix and will not make the problem go away.

  2. You are correct! It is a 4 year phase-in of equal increments to include health care costs for retired teachers as part of net school spending. Beginning FY16, 1/4 of the cost can be included, which I believe Kevin mentioned would be about $1.4 million. If I am not mistaken, the Mayor mentioned that the requirement districts must meet is 95%. This is not true. According to the law, districts must meet 100% of their net school spending requirement, which is the sum of chapter 70 aid, minimum local contribution, and carryovers from previous years. According to compliance reports updated by the DESE in April, Lynn only met 90.6% of their requirement in FY14 and is budgeted to only meet 91.5% of their FY15 requirement. The actual figures for FY15 are obviously not known yet. If I am not mistaken, last year Kevin predicted (and the Mayor adamantly disagreed) Lynn would not only not meet their FY15 requirement, they would not even meet 95%. So far, it turns out he was indeed correct. At the last meeting, his prediction for FY16 was pretty much the same. It appears The Mayor and Mr. Caron once again disagree. The preliminary FY16 requirement for Lynn, not including any carryover, is 191,949,857. Once all carryovers are included, that figures jumps to over $207 million.

    Only time will tell just where Lynn stands in FY15 and FY16, but the DESE reports paint a pretty grim picture.
