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Monday, June 29, 2015


What I don't understand is why every school committee member has not contacted the school finance dept at the DESE to get all the information they need. The DESE posts all the compliance reports and other information, including the need for the mentioned schedule, on their website. This latest letter from the DESE should not have been a surprise to any of the members because they should have known months ago that the Mayor was required to submit it and whether she had done so. Why does the committee continue to rely on what the Mayor and Mr. Caron have to say when they both have been wrong in the past? The Mayor, who is an attorney, publicly stated Charlie Gallo was incorrect in believing the requirement she needed to meet according to the law was 100%, and that it was actually 95%. If she is unable to understand the law as it is written, or simply unwilling to follow it, what makes the committee members think she will provide them with updated or even accurate information and figures next month? They all need to go directly to the source for all the information and figures they need....the DESE. I am beginning to think the reason all of them don't is because they do not really want to know the facts, because then they will be forced to accept, face and deal with them. And the facts are very scary!

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