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Friday, June 26, 2015


When commenting on another post about the MAYOR's handling  of the NET SCHOOL SPENDING situation she posted this appraisal:

Lori D'Amico - I know one thing.....The Mayor took full advantage of Mr. Caron not being in attendance. She avoided all questions about net school spending, underfunding, and noncompliance with penalty waiver procedured by placing full responsibility on Mr. Caron and his inability to respond because he was not present.

DE JE VU, all over again. Wasn't it just last year a similar thing happened. Didn't MR. CARON testify before the LSC to tell us that not to worry the MAYOR was right about NSS and not to worry. Turns out he was WRONG and BUSINESS MANAGER KEVIN MCHUGH was right about the whole mess, so hear we are. CHARLIE GALLO correctly framed the gravity of the current situation by pointing out that he had never even gotten a letter from the DESE in his tenure on the LSC let alone such an ominous communication.

The MAYOR reminded CHARLIE that the LSC couldn't actually COMPEL CARON TO COME before the committee (HIDDEN SUBTEXT: Let alone come clean) so CHARLIE redrafted his motion to ask nicely if SWEARIN CARON would vouch for the fact that we are not on the brink of disaster.

The thing is he works for the MAYOR so if he wants to keep his job he will have to come to terms with HER terms of the truth. Not to mention this game of financial chicken we are playing could be all over by then.

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