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Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Now you have heard me say “NUMBERS NEVER LIE BECAUSE-THEY DON’T TALK”. Some smart guy from HARVARD wrote a book, THE HALF-LIFE OF FACTS, saying just that. I haven’t read the book. I’d like too because I bet it’s about how do we know what we know.

My curiosity about the subject started back in FRESHMAN CHEMISTRY at West Virginia WESLEYAN COLLEGE. We studied at the time the HIESENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE if I remember right (If I don’t-tough I am not going to go back and look it up) which stated that positive particles attracted negative ones just until they got minutely close and then they actually repelled each other. To me. this principle was an admission that we don’t really know what we are talking about.

Fast forward twenty-some years and I was sitting in the audience at a lecture at the MUSEUM OF SCIENCE in BOSTON and listening to a discussion about NANOMOLECULES which are SUBATOMIC particles. What I hear is that there is this mystical mystery about how things behave at this level and the first step in understanding has been to admit we don’t understand and open ourselves up to learning.

DATA can be a good thing. I mean without it we couldn’t have BATTING AVERAGES but over reliance on it can lead you to a self-fulfilling distortion. It can give you answers where there are no answers, like who is the better HOME RUN HITTER – BARRY BONDS or BABE RUTH?


Big data: Mind the gaps


  1. Speaking of numbers, did you know that if you have a set of twins in your class then they are only taking up one spot? According to LPS twins are counted in enrollment as one, not two, only one. So when class size is high and complaints arise if you have a set or more than one set of twins tough luck, you get more kids even though special education caps your class at 15.

    1. That is awful, especially considering the fact of the prevalence of twins nowadays. If you have been reading this blog from the beginning you'll remember when my son got a PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD one semester at MARSHALL even though that is where his twin sister goes and he attends PICKERING.

      I will look into this NUMBERSGATE.
