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Thursday, October 6, 2011


This a SAD story. Sad, not only because we know how it's gonna end but we know how it began. No we don't know the particulars of this story from the story. We can't, there are privacy laws. Maybe there were mitigating services - bullying, Romeo and Juliet saga perhaps, or maybe the kid was just a punk. At the end of the day it's not going to matter much, the law's the law and there will be consequences.
Once bad behavior surfaces, it's already too late. Our options of dealing with it are limited and more often than not the very punishments we use to stop it often end up increasing the probability the behavior will reoccur. In a perverted sense the punishment morphs into the reinforcer.
What needs to happen is to have less people in their ivory cubicles on Commercial Street (soon to be Bennett Street, just don't hold your breath) making mad money while we have overcrowded classrooms, uncertified relatives, closed libraries, and otherwise failing schools.

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