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Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Dreams, Lynn Public Schools!

It seems there are a lot of questions surrounding how what little money our school system has is spent. People have made decisions that it is wiser to spend money on litigation rather than education. That doesn't make sense to me. It appears that those same people are placing their egos before their, rather our pocketbook.

This sad because I have learned the hard way through all my dealings with probate court, there are no winners, only losers. When you really get down to it who will pay for our educators lesson? Not them because they get paid either way. Not even our taxpayers because, our taxes are a fixed cost regardless of the quality of our education. Sadly it is our students, our children who will pay the price.

We our mortgaging our future to support our habit for status quo.  I hope everyone can sleep well tonight!


  1. the unions are overpaid and are the cause to ruining

  2. Boy it this blog true! I personally have experienced this with my twins. One has dyslexia and the school refused to teach him to read. Now he's in the 5th grade reading at a 3rd grade level. It took filing a large complaint with PQA and OCR to get the tutoring he needed. Similarly the school refused to provide the supports for his brother and now he is in an expensive out of district placement. All because the schools didn't want to spend a little to save a lot.

  3. Unions are not overpaid in fact there are times their contracts are not honored...if you let the administation hire without unions - you'd have everyone's brothers and sisters and probably won't be certified!

  4. Melissa I started this blog because of my experience fighting with the administration over my son's placement. I got him a one on one and placement at Pickering instead of Marshall. He has done well. Honor roll both times this year. People deserve to know how to fight and what's going on with our schools.

  5. So true! The Administrators only know what the are told. Dr. Latham should start visiting the special education department after reading your comments above. She took away the CS who knew which direction to point us in or what chairperson to speak to regarding our children. School Committe only knows WHAT THE ADMINISTRATION TELLS THEM. Everyone knows and has heard there is a lawsuit breweing which could cost more money than just giving the CS back her job. Wouldn't it be fair to say the CS was always a pleasure to deal with and now there's no one there who knows how to help us when we call? She had the experience needed in that dept. SCHOOL COMMITTEE TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS AND PUT THIS CS BACK ON! IF I KNOW THIS INFO THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW SHE HAS ALOT OF SERVICE AND SHE WILL WIN! DON'T HURT THE TAXPAYERS AND FIX THIS NOW!

  6. There is such a disconnect between the administration, the school committee, the teachers, an the real reason why they are all there - the students.
