And I'm not talking about March either. Although like JULIUS CAESAR in SHAKESPEARE, CHUCK was stabbed in the back at the last LSC meeting. No we are talking about a battle between suicIDE or genocIDE.
Residents will get to choose the manner of their demise from two offered competing plans. First we have the MAYOR serving up suicIDE by charging all kamikaze-like straight toward the DESE and their NET SCHOOL SPENDING requirements. I mean it's a matter of HONOR. Why should LYNN have to HONOR its obligations to its youngest residents. Face it school age kids don't vote. A state take-over really wouldn't be that bad.
They could follow CHUCK'S plan. Now this would involve genocIDE, an ethnic cleansing of sorts. This would involve exterminating that minority race called taxpayers. Proceeding with the needed wish-list would surely hasten their demise from the resulting overburden. The result would see a purity never before seen in these crumbling school buildings.
Just pointing out the FISCAL CHICKHEN both sides are playing. Perhaps you were just looking in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteYes. I'm an idiot. That's why I spell chicken with two H's.
ReplyDeleteWell Jesus, let him who is without sin cast the first.... Just sayin'