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Monday, October 27, 2014


At Tech, no trouble in Paradis

I am sorry but I think I deserve credit or blame for the ITEM's suddenn\n  creatively cheesy titles. A little keeping up with the WATCH, perhaps? No matter, it's all good.

I have made it NO SECRET about my predijuice toward TECH and it starte before my son became a student. U believe there is nationally a movement to take more serious a more practical aspects of education. Also I believe the teaching strateies are better suited educate many of the students of today and tomorrow.

For whatever reason be it MTV, vaccines, or the degredation of society because of the deterioation of family life, kids learn differently today. Attempts to stay ahead of the curve on learning has resulted in a shift away from what is actually being learned. The philosophy of learning has become more about philosophy and less about learning. A VOCATIONAL EDUCATION can be a step back to a simpler time.

Don't get me wrong there are still the trappings of HIGH STAKES STANDARDIZED TESTING, after all we have become a digital society quantifying everything in its own definition. MS. PARADIS has struggle mightily to incorporate the importance of the academic component. She has had to because they are keeping score. Don't forget numbers are needby the masses to signify progress and justify salaries.

In my continuing effort to maintain full disclosure, I, too, am on the SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL but no one contacted me about this story. In fact, the SIC has not contacted me this year and I think I missed one of our 3 or 4 meetings this year. Probably that e mail blockage thing again. I ouldn't be surprised if they sent home a notice with TRIPPY and I just didn't get it. I mean he is a typical teenager. He has a hard time keeping track of his bus pass.

Funny though, I have heard from several sources the reason MR. RIDLEY left TECH and MS. PARADIS was brought in was because of low MCAS scores and he was pressured to step down only to rise like a phoenix to take the helm temporarily at MARSHALL whose own principal left under a cloud of suspicion and rumours (Not all started by me).



  1. Well, if she has an entrance exam now for Tech as the Lynn Item article says, then all those MCAS 8th grade failers and those admit to Tech exam failers need to go some place else for their "education" -- either Fecteau-Leary with permission to cross the Common to take Voc Ed courses, or over to Classical, to depress their scores enough to result in whatever the Level drop in score was that you reported a while ago. And if Ridley knows how to play ball, he'll make sure that Marshall kids are counseled to pursue whatever the desired direction is for his 8th grade exiting kids making their high school choices, huh?

  2. I am not absolutely sure but I beleive the "exam" precededed her. I do know the "exam" score is but a factor in the overall acceptance decision. Te school requires a DIFFERENT way of thinking not better or worse, just differnt.
