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Saturday, March 1, 2014


Some interesting things came ot of last Thrs BUILING AND GROUNDS SUBCOMMITTEE meeting. Like the fact we need to relocate the ESL support person who serves CONNERY and HARRINGTON parents at the COMMERCIAL STREET location.

This means every day unCORIed adults enter the same building used for the KINDERGARTEN CENTER. How ccold this happen? Who knows what dangers we are exposing or littlest kids to Who was there first, the ESL teacher or the K Center. I would hazard a GUESS that we put or babies in a place were the RISK of exposre already was. Did the DESE knowingly allow this?

The LSC is in sch a hrry to remedy this potential disaster, they cancelled yet another meeting before any further action can be taken. I am sre they had a good reason, I just didn't recall hearing it. Let's see they cancelled a meeting in October, one in November, one in December, one in Janary, and this one coming up in March. All at the same time we are set to start construction on a 92 MILLION DOLLAR school and our current budget is 7 to 15 MILLION DOLLARS (depending on which set of figures you loook at) short. Am I the only one who sees a problem here?


It has been said that there was an unCORIed person involved in the stabbing of two LVTI students last THURS., coincidently the same night of the LSC meeting Go figure! A little too close for comfort if you ask me and believe me there ain't nobody in power asking me!

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