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Thursday, May 17, 2012


I learned of COUNCILMAN PHELAN'S response in regard to his signing a letter of support for DR. LATHAM back during the PUBLIC HEARING. I had to respond personally to him and since I have trouble with that privacy thing, well here it is:

Dear Mr. Phelan,

I am sure the citizens of Lynn take great comfort in the fact that you rely on rumor an innuendo to base your decisions on. Below is a quote you recently wrote to a friend who helped organize the petition drive:

There were many rumors circulating regarding the intent behind the recent petition. Primarily, the belief being it was to open the position for 1 well established and reputable
individual in the school system to become Supt. If this is accurate, regardless of any smokescreen, it is purely political in nature and not how I believe a system should operate.
Most of the people behind it have never met the well respected individual you are trying to be coy about. We,sir, are interested in facts and outcomes. It seems that your decision was also heavily based on facts. The facts as related to you from your wife who in fact was promoted to an administrative level job by the same persons you now chose to sing the praises of.
I am in no way implying anything about her qualifications for acceptance or performance of the duties, however it would seem to me that it borders on the unethical for you not to have recused yourself from such a public position.
As far as the rumors go surrounding my intentions, I tried to approach the council to let them know publically of my intentions. I approached a couple councilman personally and even wrote to you specifically about my desire to inform the council of those intentions. I was ignored.
Hopefully, in the future your decision making will be made based on a firm foundation of evidence, like good lawyers are supposed to proport. Thank you.
Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.

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