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Thursday, May 17, 2012


Now I'm out saying nobody done nothing wrong....


since it looks like the CITY is going to have someone on hand to look at the books trying to figure out this DPW DILEMMA why not have them do a DOUBLE TAKE over at COMMERCIAL STREET?

How is it that the money comes up for a new DEPUTY and two new SECRETARIES in the middle of the year while our classrooms are overcrowded and supplies are scarce? Then there are those other administrative positions we have added and what about raises. Who gets what and How much?

The INGALLS principal KIMBERLEE POWERS got that big promotion after singing the praises of the SUPERINTENDENT. Coincidence, perhaps. What about the other principals who spoke on her behalf? Hmm, let's see. There was DR.COWDELL (who I like), he tried to be conciliatory wanting everybody to just get along. Just STAY THE COURSE, don't rock the boat, a professor of positivity. Still, he did REFUSE that new WAKEFIELD job at the last minute and there are three new principalships in LYNN opening . Let's see who gets them and how involved the parents are in the decision. I am anxious to see how equitably the raises for the principals are distributed and if there are any patterns.

It's the time of the year that our attention turns to BUDGETS and where we are going to spend our money next, maybe we also need to look at our checkbook and see where the money we had has been spent.

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