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Saturday, August 13, 2011


Despite its heavy weight, LEAD was near the top of the list of discussions Thurs. night at the LSC meeting. JAY HARRISON of THE FOOD PROJECT agreed to pay for testing of the plant tissue for LEAD to insure the SAFETY of the produce produced.

It's good to see someone else attest to the value of science. UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE who would rather spend money elsewhere than have someone overseeing LPS's science curriculum.


  1. That's interesting. There was an older lady at the SC meeting who told the SC that the food project was built over the old City of Lynn Dump. She also had old city maps to prove it. Now they think there is lead? Hmmmm, wonder if it has anything to do with the dump underneath the vegetables? That's ok - the vegetables are only going to feed the poor and hungry of Lynn. No loss there.

  2. Well Classical was also built on a landfill. I guess the dump is on us.
