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Saturday, May 16, 2015


I found out this morning at the COOK STREET GARDEN planting that the ITEM ran my letter on the upcoming PUBLIC HEARING on GORDON COLLEGE. Well good for them and THANK YOU to them. Honestly I wasn't sure they'd run it because well I have been just a teeny bit harsh in my judgement of them. Well it's all good - FOR NOW.

Well here it is if you missed it!

A Public Hearing will come to pass on the wisdom of severing ties between Lynn Public Schools and Gordon College despite the best, failed efforts of committee member Gallo to prevent the expression of opinions on both sides of the issue.

At the time of the ill conceived vote in question not only was there not any evidence of discrimination but only the asking for an exemption from an executive action. Later the exemption was granted making said discrimination legal if it in fact did occur going forward.

While I personally find discrimination of any kind abhorring, I find it more offensive to impose such unwarranted restrictions on any group. It is especially hypocritical in what is arguably the birthplace of religious liberty.

As recent incidents in Baltimore, Ferguson, and other places around the country have given testimony to “Forced compliance to laws of racial discrimination has done little to extinguish racism”.

It is not the government’s job to confuse moral and legal arguments for the sake of political pandering. As I think as has been said before, “Only when all rights are protected can any of us have rights, even the right to be wrong”.


  1. Keep up the good work Stan. We activists can and do make a difference.

  2. Keep up the good work Stan. We activists can and do make a difference.
