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Friday, November 30, 2012


Children, parents flock to Lynn library reading event

This story is and in my own way I helped promote it.... GREAT, warm and fuzzy. I am excited to hear about it.....


I just kinda think maybe, just maybe we kinda, sorta had some more pressing issues at LPS at the moment, like.....



or a

PERP'S PROFESSION (don't worry I ain't mentioning no names)

instead the ITEM  keeps quite on these stories, I'm not surprised, look at someones track record and you see how they run.

After a night when former LYNN CITY COUNCILMAN and future CANDIDATE PAUL CROWLEY blasted the TEACHER'S UNION for not been willing to submit to RANDOM drug testing. If that isn't a story worth expanding......

then at least we could have had a fashion expose on how nice he looked speaking. It's not fair really....why would anyone want to listen to me at OPEN-MIKE when he was dressed so much better than anyone else in the audience. His hair was all done up too and he had glasses to complete his professional attire, Also I guess they helped him read his prepared speech,


I think his UNION BUSTING RANTING RHETORIC fell  on deaf ears. Not because the meeting was packed with card-carrying members (although I think BRANDT DUNCAN from the TEACHER'S UNION was in the audience (at least I saw him later, you know I have trouble turning my neck).


Better to blast the MEDIA for the FREE PASS they are giving LPS on this.

Somebody knows something.


  1. Mr. Duncan represents and negotiates for the teachers,but who does the negotiating for the school department?

    1. I believe that would be ATTORNEY JOHN MIHOS but I could be wrong.

  2. I am a professional educator...I have a BA,MA, MS and a million graduate credits ...why should I be tested for drugs... Is a pediatrician tested, a social worker, a lawyer in juvenile court, a judge? There is a huge lack of respect from people who are uned uneducated and under employed. Sometimes in our society a member disrespects his position in life...lets drug test all parents , they are the anchors of children's lives ...most important influences!

    1. So what you are saying is that because you have college degrees and credits, you should not be tested for drugs? Why shouldn't you? Do you think people with college degrees don't do drugs? Most employers today require drug testing on all their employees. It is such a common practice that most employees don't even care about having to do it (except of course those who do drugs) It is not a sign of disrespect by requiring you employees to submit to drug testing. Also, to answer your question about whether these other professionals get drug tested, yes some of them do. It all depends on whether or not their employer requires it. This is not the first incident that LPS has had with employees possessing, using and/or distributing drugs. Teachers and other school employees that use or distribute drugs, especially on school premises, are a safety hazard for the children. I agree 100% with Mr. Crowley that all LPS employees should be randomly drug tested and that the safety of our children should not be negotiated!

    2. Like most things, the answer is somewhere in the middle.

  3. Parent should be drug tested !!
