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Friday, June 17, 2011

How We Spend Our Pennies

I was just glancing at the LPS budget on line and I noticed that while the city has generously increased their contribution to next year's annual budget by a little over 4 million dollars. This has translated into a 3 million dollar increase in salaries and almost a $600,000 decrease in non-salary expenditures. Where is the other million and a half dollars?

I hear stories of two classes of the same grade being unable to have the same class at the same time. They at times have had to have students share a textbook with a broken binding. No salary increase is going to fix that problem. Go to the LPS web site and check out the budget.


  1. When I went to school, $600K was over half a mil. What school did you go to? The one for poor disabled poets?

  2. I 've alwaays said math was my weakness. And in WV wwe couldn't afford to count above half a million.

  3. Do you pay taxes Stan?
    Do you pay property taxes? Income taxes?
    Taxes when you buy scratch tickets? Or beer in a can?

  4. taxes on your kids free lunches? taxes on the false claims you file? taxes on your section 8 apt? taxes on your disability? taxes on your food stamps? taxes on your free medical care? taxes on your free or reduced heat,gas, electric and internet? until then STFU! Really you make no contributions to society except taking so you should be kissing the bare asses of the people who support you!

  5. Please, can you help get me on Section 8? You seem to think you know so much about my financial situation. I'm tired of paying $1200 a month in rent.

    Maybe you should come up with some answers and people ill start listening to you. Hell, I would listen.
