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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gotta Have A Code For This, Code For That

It's nice to know that during these times of failing schools and schools without libraries that our school committee has decided to table the dress code issue until the other two of the three high schools weighed in on this pressing issue. (Dress Code? Are we talking fashion? This sounds like a job for "GQ")

I've told you I have trouble with math but last I counted we had 4 high schools. Remember FACTEAU-LEARY?

Is there research out there that says students perform better in a shirt and tie or maybe they test better in khaki. However these matters were not even under consideration. No, instead it was decided to not decide just yet whether or not to allow knee length shorts to be worn in the months of October and May. Since they couldn't decide on this controversial matter, I guess we don't have to worry about seeing any LSC members in a pair of "Daisy Dukes".

"Like a G-6"

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that we aren’t allowing high school students to where shorts in May and October? I would understand if we were having a debate about the length of shorts, but then we’d have to have a discussion about length of skirts – but a debate about whether or not to allow shorts to be worn in May and October is ridiculous. If a high school student wants to wear shorts in December why can’t they? The school s have heat, right? And if this is about health, safety and welfare – does the code also state that everyone must where a jacket in the winter and carry an umbrella when it rains?
