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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Access Denied at Sisson!

The principal was away at meeting when I first showed up in the office, was called and said I couldn't observe. I just wanted to say good things about Field Day!

My schedule suddenly cleared I walked to McDonald's for a cup of coffee. You know they have free refills. So I am sitting there crying in my coffee and thinking how fast the mighty have fallen: Yesterday I get a call from Mayor Kennedy's office notifying of my appointment to the LYNN DISABILITY COMMISSION and today I can't go watch some kids in a bouncy house.
Then I get a call from my wife RICK STARBARD sent me a message on Facebook explaining the secretary had come out and told him of my attempt to come to observe. RICK mentioned he was out back serving slushies. My wife encouraged me to go back. So I did.
This time I just went straight to the back and stood behind the buckets of colored ice. I began to feel better, the music was pumping. Three inflatable buildings decorated the landscape. Some kids were playing tug of war over a plastic pool. Hey the President of the PTO introduced herself to me and even offered to get me a seat. I was glad I came back, this was a GREAT EVENT.

 This time of year storm clouds can come up suddenly. That's what happened when the principal approached me full of angry questions faintly disguised as explanations. Yes I understood there was a need to be vigilant when it comes to security concerns. I get that. A disabled person with a cane who happens to be from the Highlands is pretty sketchy.

I offered to leave, I mean she reminded me over and over that I didn't have a child there and she didn't understand why I was there. RICK told her I had a blog and all but I wasn't feeling to welcomed. So with visions of dead horses dancing above my head I left. It to be a shame because the kids really seemed to be having a good time. At least I got to talk to a boy who plays third base on my son's Little League team.


  1. I have to agree with the Principal on thius one.
    Unless you have a child at the school or was invited by the Staff for support. If my child attened that school and I saw adults there that did not have a child at school or involved in funtion at all i would wonder why you would want to be at school.
    Thats just my thoughts as a parent and you posted the story so you asked for comments. I think you were wrong for tring to attend event.

  2. I do understand security concerns. All I wanted to do was just observe and report. Yeah, I don't have a child at Sisson but I do have one next door at Pickering. I think they share the same back yard.

    There have been complaints from some that I have been too hard on certain administrators and maybe too negative. But looks what happens when I try to do a feel good story. I didn't make this "culture of paranoia", I just report it.

    I asked RICK STARBARD, who was there volunteering "Would a reporter from the ITEM be treated the same way?".

    Anyway, thank you for your comment and concern.

  3. You have no right in your current state volunteering around children. You keep pushing the limits. Stay away from kid functions where you have no interest. Your emails are banned from the school. Your lucky they did not call the police.

  4. Do tell, what state is that? By the way, my interest is everywhere. Do you have any inside knowledge about my being banned from e mails? I might want to supeona you in my next frivolous lawsuit.

  5. Really? You're going to bash Stan when Clay Walsh admitted to having sexual banter with a 13 year old? I bet Clay would have been allowed to attend the field day if he had wanted to volunteer since they seemed to be allowing other politicians (who don’t have children at Sisson) volunteer.
