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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get Involved But How?

"Parents in Lynn don't want to get involved with their children's education" That seems to be a common mantra. Guess what? I have had over 2000 hits in the past month. No, it's not a typo.  And it's not just my mother clicking on my blog. Seems to me parents do want to get involved. All they want is information.

The question is then do the current powers that be actually want parents to be involved? Let's look at some facts. The Parent Information Center has spawned numerous stories of misinformation and outright hostility. I can speak from personal experience about the lack of respect to parents shown by that office.

Now let's talk about the Parent's Advisory Council. What do they do and who are they? Last year when I was trying to work out a plan for my son, Mayor Kennedy hooked me up with David Ellis, a former city councilman who supposedly heads up the PAC. There was talk of strategies and lawsuits and rights that my son was entitled to. After a lot of uplifting talk, I even provided him with the special ed. records of my daughter, he promised to work to get her services too..

That was the last I heard from him. He had even promised to put me on a couple of committees. He should have my phone number and e mail address, we have exchanged both. He could have lost them both but I have been all over the web lately and my phone is still silent and my e mailbox empty.

Before parents can get involved you have to let them.


  1. Once again Stanley you've hit the nail squarely on the head...
    I have heard that rhetoric for 20 years. What parents have to do is advocate, advocate advocate and then threaten a lawsuit cause only then might they listen. However, that does take enormous amounts of energy and as with my child, retribution hurts. We parents have to find alternatives and band together more than ever for all of our children. Ford School model for all! Are you thinking of running for school committe?

  2. Anon. Elections are a long time away. I like what I am doing now (philosophy speaking). However when the time is right I will think about it. Right now there are just too many important issues that people need to talk about.
