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Saturday, February 6, 2016


There i go writing letters again

Dear Jared,

To repeat my “Open Mic” statements at the last school committee meeting, you are to be commended for your efforts at the last school committee in seeking alternative ways in obtaining alternative funding. By tapping into the “crowdfunding” venue you are encouraging the unleashing of a creative energy that to some degree has been stymied by the current way of approaching the education of LPS students.

Unfortunately I am anticipating a resistance from some of your fellow school committee members as well as many in the LPS administration due to what some my term as the inherent inequities to some of the schools because of their lower socioeconomic status. That is a  fact that can not be argued successful because as much as it pains me to say it numbers don’t lie.

That being said it would be a greater injustice to not explore these alternatives further. With the explosion of technology in the classroom these special projects could be broadcast throughout the district thereby sharing this bounty of educational opportunities throughout the district. Heck, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, they can potentially be shared with the world!

So as you go forth in your research, I encourage you to remain steadfast and diligent in your pursuit of the improvement of the educational opportunities available to the students of Lynn.


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