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Sunday, February 7, 2016


February 10, 2016 | 6 PM | Ad Hoc Sub

You see this Ad-Hoc committee meeting and meeting of the whole about coming up with some new building use protocol is probably going to be a waste of time. You see they formed this committee when before the Mayor got to the meeting and they seemed to forget they came up with a building use protocol before that determined just who would pay and who would not. It was actually pretty fair and took a few meetings to come up with. If you wanted to use the building you just fill out some form on-line and voila, you are done. All this is run by the Asst. Business Manager.

The real roadblock to building usage is who is going to pay for the janitor. Remember the janitor is NOT a school employee employee but rather they work for ISD. That means only the Mayor controls them.

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