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Friday, December 12, 2014


I couldn't believe my ears. I mean. I didn't think she would try it that way but sure enough she must have been feeling adventurous, politically, I am talking about. All of a sudden she is concerned about volunteers being ACCIDENTLY branded with labels from the anti-discrimination polcy. Maybe she was concerned that CATHOLIC CHARITIES could very well soon face the SAME ban or LPS becomes vulnerable to its own DISCRIMINATION lawsuit for treating different minorities differently.


He's no fool I tell you, not even for a lawyer. He has taken a position and it is his MISSION.He said he would not support any policy that did not tie individual volunteers with their sending body - like GORDON COLLEGE for example. Funny CHUCK portrays himself as the CHAMPION OF GAY CIVIL RIGHTS. He even said if it was any other minority, say CATHOLIC that every school committee member would vote to prohibit a relationship with anyone from their sending institution.

Well CHUCKles, uh the head of CATHOLIC CHARITIES signed the same WAIVER REQUEST that would allow them to discriminate just like GORDON. If you are sincere in the protection of civil rights and not just a political opportunist then you must post haste call for the severance of all ties with ANY SENDING institiution that ASKS, only asks, mind you, to discriminate.

Instead CHUCK continues to ADVISE TO PATRONIZE.


Being a CATHOLIC LAY minister could it be that PATTI has seen the light and there's more than one color in this RAINBOW.


  1. What about individuals, such as parents and grandparents who volunteer in our schools? Or current and future employees of LPS? (teachers, aides, substitutes, administrators, other staff, etc.) What about school committee members? If these individuals are affiliated with or have any sort of relationship with an organization, group, church, etc that has discriminatory beliefs and practices, will parents, grandparents, and others not be welcome in our schools as volunteers? Will current employees lose their jobs? Will individuals not be hired at LPS? Will current school committee members lose their positions? Will potential candidates not be allowed to sit on the committee in the future?

    This whole Gordon issue that Charlie has created is absurd and has now led LPS to doing a little discriminating of its own and it will not surprise me if lawsuits are eventually filed against LPS.

    1. PATTI was trying to find a "way" outt of this mess by having the INDIVIDUALS sign a NONDISCRIMINATION pledge (Hmm kind of like Val Buchanan of GORDON COLLEGE suggested). CHUCK wants the pledge from the SENDING institution as well. That way, no GORDON people slip through. This VENDETTA against GORDON will, mark my word, land LPS in court one day.
