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Sunday, January 26, 2014


Here is something to think about. I am not going to offer an opinion and that is like a huge sacrifice for me. It pains me so but in the interest of objectivity I will taste my bottom lip.

Last election cycle our Mayor who is also the CHAIRMAN OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE fired an aide, GARDY for mounting a campaign against a sitting STATE DELEGATE in his own party (which happened not to be the party the MAYOR was part of and city office is nonpartisan anyway).

Not only did he loose subsequent lawsuits and/or complaints to the relevant commissions,GARDY even failed to get enough signatures to get his name on the ballot for the primary. Oh, he ran a sticker campaign but the only thing that stuck was his LABEL as loser.

Fast forward it one election cycle, now we have two members of a committee our MAYOR heads up, two white members again from the opposite party, so I wonder what happens next. Of course she does not have the authority to dismiss them. They were duly elected in their own right.

Still it seems to me that the case for CONFLICT OF INTEREST is just as strong. Will our MAYOR who has not been afraid to go against the grain and call for their resignations? Probably not (Sorry I promised no opinion but hey, it's what I do).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think a comment was removed by accident, It referred tp the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as the WHITE GHOST. Please re enter it whomever you are.
