The person in charge of ELL is thereon ACTING status and I don't see no posting. Think of how IMPORTANT this position is. Now it became open due to a retirement in mid-year so one could maybe understand the delay......
everyone knew this was coming and I've always heard....FOREWARNED IS FORARMED. So we should have been ready....right? I mean we got MCAS coming....like every year. Scores ar unfortunatelly important and tied to money. Hmmm.... maybe that is it, yeah if scores go down we will get more money and we can eliminate some pesky principals. Is it too much to ask of our leaders to lead?
Funny that you threw accolades at the former director and highly complimented her as she departed, yet she was only in an acting capacity!!! You just keep posting things that help you to retain the "Fool on the Hill" title. I don't think that the Beatles care that you are trying to keep that title, I'm sure that any of their rights to it are gone, but Dr. Crane will probably take offense since she is so deserving of it!!