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Monday, November 23, 2015


I went to Governor Baker's press conference on the steps of city hall this morning where not much new was announced, This was purely a photo-op. The fact that MARKET BASKET is coming to LYNN is old news. Yeah some recent political news has got it moving a little faster now when it looks like it was just spinning its wheels was recently announced. Everybody knew. This was just cold outdoor theater.

One thing that was a little different though was the disruption in the scripted performance of the state, local, and federal politicians was the disruption occurring from the shouts of a few committed LynnCAM supporters. I have outlined their positions in previous posts. Along with their disputed points of contention was their cry for a call for some face to face meetings and their claim that the MAYOR has refused to meet with them. They assert that their calls and letters  have been unanswered. WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Well this little stunt got the GOVERNOR'S people to PROMISE to call/e mail them and I was standing beside the MAYOR when her and her aides met with some of the protestors after the speeches were over. I really heard nothing that would lead me to believe there was any intention of any resolution of all this drama.

What I did hear was they will be in court in BOSTON tomorrow and talk of an injunction. I don't understand how the CITY could have unilaterally PIRATED LynnCAM's old signal to broadcast on the new LCTV who have their offices in city hall. So much for objectivity, but I'm getting used to it with a PR rag for a paper. This all stinks.


  1. We're only getting started. We have lots to tell the citizens of Lynn here at Lynn Cam News. Check us out at under the Lynn Cam News tab. we will fight the fight.

    AR (Munzo) Lynn Cam News

    1. Gotta like a good story, heroes and VILLANS and all.
