I had hoped to start it tonight by filming DOLORES DIFILLPO'S response to LPS starting the year without a DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL ED but I didn't see her at tonight's NAVIGATOR game. Oh well, there were a lot of people there tonight. I plan to reach out to her and other candidates to come up with some sort of taped response,
written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Friday, July 31, 2015
Announcing another NEW development at THE WATCH. I will be starting a series of post called QUICK GLANCES. This will involve videotaped responses to ONE question. They will be SHORT-TAJES so you won't be tempted to fast forward it to the end.
I know some of my peeps were a little disappointed JA-ROID didn't use the term COMMUNITY SCHOOL at the LCA debate like some of the other candidates did. I believe NATASHA M & M ended every third paragraph with the term. Though he doesn't share the terminology, JARED actually has a better concept of the spirit of the term than any of the other candidates.
He acknowledged the importance of the non-academic aspect of a complete education with specific details that the rest of the other candidates lacked. He may speak SPANISH but he has a little trouble with community communication.
Here's a little translation folks when he was stressing the need for concern about the student's social and emotional needs well that's pyscho/lawyer talk for community concepts. Then the specific examples of how his athletic coaches had such an impact on his own development just screams community in a complete way.
A little icing on the cake was when he mentioned the intricacies of educational law particularly as it pertains to SPECIAL EDUCATION. LPS has a record of trouble in that area hence the mandate from the DESE that we have a COMPLIANCE OFFICER who we pay in the neighborhood of $100,000 a year. Nice neighborhood.
He acknowledged the importance of the non-academic aspect of a complete education with specific details that the rest of the other candidates lacked. He may speak SPANISH but he has a little trouble with community communication.
Here's a little translation folks when he was stressing the need for concern about the student's social and emotional needs well that's pyscho/lawyer talk for community concepts. Then the specific examples of how his athletic coaches had such an impact on his own development just screams community in a complete way.
A little icing on the cake was when he mentioned the intricacies of educational law particularly as it pertains to SPECIAL EDUCATION. LPS has a record of trouble in that area hence the mandate from the DESE that we have a COMPLIANCE OFFICER who we pay in the neighborhood of $100,000 a year. Nice neighborhood.
no subject)

2:56 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Dear Mayor and Lynn School Committee members,
Wednesday night at the LCA debate, I do believe committee member Patricia Capano
stated it is the responsibility of the School Committee to hire the Director of Special
Education. It has been known for sometime that Dr. Menino is retiring this summer
and the inaction of this committee has led to the real possibility, nay certainty that we
will start the school year without someone in that critical position. I don't even remember
any public conversation about a search for a replacement.
stated it is the responsibility of the School Committee to hire the Director of Special
Education. It has been known for sometime that Dr. Menino is retiring this summer
and the inaction of this committee has led to the real possibility, nay certainty that we
will start the school year without someone in that critical position. I don't even remember
any public conversation about a search for a replacement.
As a parent and long-time officer of the PAC this troubles me greatly. This shirking of
responsibility will directly impact upwards of 2500 students. Unlike the earlier action
against Gordon College where a fraction of those affected by a discrimination of
negligence, many of these victims are unable to express themselves. Ignoring this
obvious absence is tantamount
to abdication of your responsibility to the children of your constituents.
responsibility will directly impact upwards of 2500 students. Unlike the earlier action
against Gordon College where a fraction of those affected by a discrimination of
negligence, many of these victims are unable to express themselves. Ignoring this
obvious absence is tantamount
to abdication of your responsibility to the children of your constituents.
Hopefully you will take quick action to rectify your abandonment. Children with Special
Needs are deserving of a better more professional response.
Needs are deserving of a better more professional response.
Both my readers and I look forward to your reply or at least the the opportunity to act on
your lack of involvement.
your lack of involvement.
Stanley H. Wotring, Jr.
Sonny & Cher never saw this coming when they created "I Got You Babe" back in the 60's! This Valentine's Day cast the one you "got" in a hilariously retro and cheesy Starring You music video!
As a result of an intensive and thorough investigation I have determined the reason for the nearly doubling of the Mayor's salary despite the deficits in school spending. Apparently because of her poultry (I mean paltry) salary she had been forced to open a FRIED CHICKEN stand on Chestnut Ave. And unlike the deceased COLONEL SAUNDERS, she doesn't have a military pension to fall back on.
To be honest, I did sort of pluck these facts out of thin air.
To be honest, I did sort of pluck these facts out of thin air.
After deep reflection and further analysis of JA-ROID'S debate performance (despite what I am about to say, it was EXCELLENT!}, MR. NICHOLSON needs a "wart". People do not like perfect and that's what he was at the LCA debate.
No one can see themselves being him because he's too put together, not a hair out of place, a pause in his response or a blemish on that milky white skin. Speaking Spanish in addition just adds to the perfectness of his persona. The perception is intimidating.
I didn't catch it at first even rushing up to congratulate him after the debate because no one intimidates me. But I know from writing that the most memorable characters have flaws so that's why I am suggesting a wart. Now it doesn't have to be on his nose so no need to kiss a frog just stick with the babies as is the practice of politicians. Perhaps if you just picked up a toad and it peed on your hand that would suffice.
No one can see themselves being him because he's too put together, not a hair out of place, a pause in his response or a blemish on that milky white skin. Speaking Spanish in addition just adds to the perfectness of his persona. The perception is intimidating.
I didn't catch it at first even rushing up to congratulate him after the debate because no one intimidates me. But I know from writing that the most memorable characters have flaws so that's why I am suggesting a wart. Now it doesn't have to be on his nose so no need to kiss a frog just stick with the babies as is the practice of politicians. Perhaps if you just picked up a toad and it peed on your hand that would suffice.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
I heard something in the debate that could have and probably should have LPS shaking in their shoes. The whole city for that matter. In an answer to one of the questions,CANDIDATE JUNE NATOLA spoke of the need to employ an auditor to make sure we are getting the most for our limited amount of money we do spend. I wonder if she has been following along the DOLLAR DAZE series?
For example how much money has been wasted in the GARDEN JIHAD? Multiple man hours of overtime and now talk of a possible damage to a cistern. All for what, how did the presence of the garden result in lower MCAS scores as the multiple reports of her saying? Did anyone put a gun to any teacher's head to make them take their students outside into the garden?
For example how much money has been wasted in the GARDEN JIHAD? Multiple man hours of overtime and now talk of a possible damage to a cistern. All for what, how did the presence of the garden result in lower MCAS scores as the multiple reports of her saying? Did anyone put a gun to any teacher's head to make them take their students outside into the garden?
About the debate!
Lori D'Amico I thought the questions asked could have been much better and more relevant. The school committee is responsible for establishing educational goals and policies for the schools in the district. These goals and policies must be consistent with the requirements of state and federal law and statewide goals and standards established by the DOE. One of the biggest problems facing LPS is having a school committee that is not fully aware of this, or what those goals, policies, and laws actually are. As Patti admitted, many of them use and rely on Dr. Latham as their only source of information, which is absolutely absurd. They should be doing their own research on the issues before them and if they want accurate, reliable information, perhaps the DESE would be a better source. The current school committee gives the superintendent too much autonomy and this has proved to be dangerous.
Lori D'Amico I thought the questions asked could have been much better and more relevant. The school committee is responsible for establishing educational goals and policies for the schools in the district. These goals and policies must be consistent with the requirements of state and federal law and statewide goals and standards established by the DOE. One of the biggest problems facing LPS is having a school committee that is not fully aware of this, or what those goals, policies, and laws actually are. As Patti admitted, many of them use and rely on Dr. Latham as their only source of information, which is absolutely absurd. They should be doing their own research on the issues before them and if they want accurate, reliable information, perhaps the DESE would be a better source. The current school committee gives the superintendent too much autonomy and this has proved to be dangerous.
Everybody has a funked up day now and then, but this ecard will help a friend get their groove back in no time!
While in my unprofessional opinion, I think the LSC candidate with the least chance of being elected is JUNE NATOLA. Having said that think she is perhaps the most important. That's because of her unpredictability and lack of intimidation by the whole political process.
I enjoyed her at the debate last night not so much as what she said as how she said it. In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit I learned last night that she had my daughter ASIAH as a student. How I learned that illustrates part of her charm to me. You see she mistakenly approached WARD 3 COUNCIL CANDIDATE CALVIN ANDERSON who she thought was me. Here I thought everybody knew me. Being disabled like I am, I thought I stood out. What a blow to my ego and to make matters worse she didn't care. Gotta love that.
Listen back when I was in eighth grade some of us smarter guys got to take the WV HISTORY GOLDEN HORSESHOE test. After meeting some airhead from some other school, I joked with my fellow classmates, "Well at least I know now I won't finish at the bottom of the county". I didn't either but that airhead finished at the top. Ya never know!
I enjoyed her at the debate last night not so much as what she said as how she said it. In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit I learned last night that she had my daughter ASIAH as a student. How I learned that illustrates part of her charm to me. You see she mistakenly approached WARD 3 COUNCIL CANDIDATE CALVIN ANDERSON who she thought was me. Here I thought everybody knew me. Being disabled like I am, I thought I stood out. What a blow to my ego and to make matters worse she didn't care. Gotta love that.
Listen back when I was in eighth grade some of us smarter guys got to take the WV HISTORY GOLDEN HORSESHOE test. After meeting some airhead from some other school, I joked with my fellow classmates, "Well at least I know now I won't finish at the bottom of the county". I didn't either but that airhead finished at the top. Ya never know!
The first test: School debate begins in Lynn
Seriously, I think we needed JOHN FORD to take a DNA test. Clearly the candidate who presented himself on stage was not the same one pictured in the brochure. That was one of a much younger man with a buttoned up collar and patriotic backdrop. He looked more like someone you would want to marry your daughter. No not as a groom but someone to actually perform the ceremony..
As much as I like to give JOHN a hard time and I do because I think he is arrogant, close-minded, and marches to the orders of the superintendent, he did frame the debate perfectly about overcrowding. It's not about the size of the class, it's about the lack of classrooms. Anybody talkng about anything else is blowing smoke.
Everybody likes sliced bread.
Having watched the debate last night, I thought there was a clear winner, JARED NICHOLSON. It wasn't even close. I told JARED last night after the debate last night it was clear that it showed last night that he was by far the smartest one on the stage.Winning on points though, doesn't always translate to victory.
Perhaps though that was the beginning of the backlash. The read I got from a lot of the crowd was one of suspicion. Some even thought his answers were too practiced. C'mon people, he wasn't provided with the questions beforehand. He just was serious, thoughtful, and perfect. Okay maybe that's were his problem might start.
Never a hair out of place, people are a little suspicious because they can't see themselves being him. At earlier events I have came away feeling almost violated because he listened so closely to everything being said. I men that in the best way possible but I have to admit it does sound a little creepy.
My advice to him is listen less and engage more. It seems almost counter intuitive because listening is how you learn. The problem is that he needs not to learn about what the people want but teach them why he is the best chance for them of getting what they want.
Perhaps though that was the beginning of the backlash. The read I got from a lot of the crowd was one of suspicion. Some even thought his answers were too practiced. C'mon people, he wasn't provided with the questions beforehand. He just was serious, thoughtful, and perfect. Okay maybe that's were his problem might start.
Never a hair out of place, people are a little suspicious because they can't see themselves being him. At earlier events I have came away feeling almost violated because he listened so closely to everything being said. I men that in the best way possible but I have to admit it does sound a little creepy.
My advice to him is listen less and engage more. It seems almost counter intuitive because listening is how you learn. The problem is that he needs not to learn about what the people want but teach them why he is the best chance for them of getting what they want.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Lori D'Amico posted at 10:59 am on Wed, Jul 29, 2015.
I have been present at many school committees meetings where the garden has been the topic of discussion. Dr. Latham is not as welcoming to the Highland Coalition and the community as you apparently believe she is. She had absolute control over the community garden and she decided who could have access to it and when. In fact, there was at least one occasion where she actually locked out everyone from the community from accessing the garden. During this lock out, she refused to allow Mr. Gass and others to gather their belongings even after several requests were made, both verbally and in writing. It took Mr. Gass having to go to the school committee for help and the issue being put on the agenda before Dr. Latham finally agreed to allow these individuals to gather their belongings.
Members of the Highland Coalition and community took pride and care of this garden for several years. These individuals volunteered their time and resources. They held events and collected donations for the cause. TheSCHOOL
committee never voted or even discussed the community garden being destroyed. Every school committee member that I have spoken to or that has commented on the issue has been just as shocked and outraged as the community by Dr. Latham's actions. The blatant lack of respect, concern, and compassion shown to the community by Dr. Latham, Principal LaRivee, and other school and city officials who knew of this plan is disgraceful. Perhaps they did not care much for this garden or the community members who took care of it, but this garden meant a great deal to many, particularly the Highlands community.
At the very least, Dr. Latham could have and should have notified these individuals and the community, not to mention the school committee, of her plans to destroy the garden. Her actions were callous and speak volumes about how she feels about the community and their involvement and this will not change by having a "salad days" school garden.
Highlands Coalition supporters, please send a letter to the editor and comments on the Lynn ITEM editorial filled with lies about us. It is obvious they interviewed School Administrators, but never called David Gass or myself.
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