Lori D'Amico posted at 10:59 am on Wed, Jul 29, 2015.
I have been present at many school committees meetings where the garden has been the topic of discussion. Dr. Latham is not as welcoming to the Highland Coalition and the community as you apparently believe she is. She had absolute control over the community garden and she decided who could have access to it and when. In fact, there was at least one occasion where she actually locked out everyone from the community from accessing the garden. During this lock out, she refused to allow Mr. Gass and others to gather their belongings even after several requests were made, both verbally and in writing. It took Mr. Gass having to go to the school committee for help and the issue being put on the agenda before Dr. Latham finally agreed to allow these individuals to gather their belongings.
Members of the Highland Coalition and community took pride and care of this garden for several years. These individuals volunteered their time and resources. They held events and collected donations for the cause. TheSCHOOL
committee never voted or even discussed the community garden being destroyed. Every school committee member that I have spoken to or that has commented on the issue has been just as shocked and outraged as the community by Dr. Latham's actions. The blatant lack of respect, concern, and compassion shown to the community by Dr. Latham, Principal LaRivee, and other school and city officials who knew of this plan is disgraceful. Perhaps they did not care much for this garden or the community members who took care of it, but this garden meant a great deal to many, particularly the Highlands community.
At the very least, Dr. Latham could have and should have notified these individuals and the community, not to mention the school committee, of her plans to destroy the garden. Her actions were callous and speak volumes about how she feels about the community and their involvement and this will not change by having a "salad days" school garden.
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