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Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Tonight I made a quick stop at tonight's "LIVING IN TWO WORLDS FILM FESTIVAL" at ENGLISH HIGH tonight to take a couple of pics and make a quick comment. When I got there it had already began #poetslivesmatter. To prove to you I was there I snapped a couple of pics of the program.

  You know, I am sure it wasn't intentional since that is where the auditorium is at thanks to the architecture and not necessarily a social comment but hey I am a poet and I think symbolism.
 Coming when I did was a calculated move cause the way I've been stirring up things I thought I better sneak in the back. You know you can't be too safe.

So you don't go through the front door to see a film about immigrants. I'm not going to say anything, I'll just let you think about that for a little bit.      

I read a complaint somewhere on social media about the fact that students were getting extra credit for attending the screening. There is a large segment of people out there that WANT TO AMERICA GREAT AGAIN by making AMERICA HATE AGAIN. The sad thing is that the important part of the story is not from where they came but it is the strength it to overcome the obstacles placed in front of them.  Everyone can draw inspiration from their stories. Courage is without documents.

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