Reach out to your Senators and Congresspersons to Protect the Multiple programs that Support Community Schools
Trump's proposed budget for FY 2018 eliminates or severely cuts many
programs that support youth and families and community schools. We must stand together against these cuts.Take action here
Of particular concern to us is the proposed elimination of the 21st
Century Community Learning Centers program, which at $1.1 billion
provides core funding for after-school programs and community schools.
The Full-Service Community Schools program at $10 million is also
at-risk, as is Promise Neighborhoods and Title IV Part A, the new
program in ESSA authorized at $1.6 billion that can be used to implement
community schools.
Several other programs inside and outside the Department of Education are proposed for elimination, including:
- Title II-A ($2.1 billion) which provides professional development for educators
- Corporation for National Service that funds Americorps programs, a majority of which are located in schools ($1 billion)
- the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which supports housing, community facilities, economic development, and social service projects, mainly for low- and moderate-income residents ($3 billion); and
- the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), which provides anti-poverty services through local non-profit and public agencies ($714 million).
together, these proposed cuts would be devastating for youth, families
and communities who access these programs and supports and that are
shown to be effective. We need to tell Congress that this budget is
absolutely unacceptable. And we need to protect these programs
for the remainder of FY 2017 with the vote Congress will take by April
28 on the final FY 2017 budget.
We are partnering with the Afterschool Alliance on their outreach platform. Take action here
to call on Congress to maintain or increase funding for these programs
to ensure our young people and their families and communities can
continue to learn and thrive.
We encourage you to take a step further and take other actions to reinforce the message:
1) Call your Senators and Congressperson and urge them not to cut these programs
2) Join with other advocates for youth and families in your community and state and advocate to your members of Congress together
3) Visit the district offices of your members of Congress to share this message in-person (or call them)
4) To advocate more for 21st Century Community Learning Centers, follow the Afterschool Alliance and share their messages
Thank you in advance for taking a stand for the youth and families in your community and for community schools.
The Coalition for Community Schools Team at the Institute for Educational Leadership

Coalition for Community Schools
4301 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20008-2304
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