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Tuesday, April 12, 2016


In a word, "YES" but not this time. To be honest I may have just broken the law for you. Do they have Internet access at Middleton? I may have ulterior motives for interviewing candidates for Sheriff.

Now I tried to be law-abiding by asking the cop on duty if it would be alright if I went to a far corner and snapped a panoramic view of the whole scene. I know you can't snap pictures of completed ballots or people voting but I wanted just the a general scene shot. I told him I had a blog and he was generally unimpressed. Safe to say that he was not a fan but likely had never heard of it. Now I assured him people would see it. He just looked at me like I have the brain damage I have. Some of the poll workers were not so sure about the legality of it all but he said there wasn't anything in what they had given him that said I couldn't. So at that point I was left to decide whose opinion I was going to listen to a gray-haired part-time poll worker or a man with a gun.

Guess who I listened to?

The whole point of my dancing the electoral tightrope was to illustrate the "beefed-up security" that was put in-place after the last school committee after LSC member JOHN FORD,
, raised concerns.

 Once I had snapped a couple of photos, the policeman came across the gym to ask if I was all set. I said yes and handed him my business card to help him remember who I was and what the heck so they would know how to get in touch with me if they wanted to hall me in for questioning.I asked the cop if he was the only policeman. He said "No, they're were two but the other one was on break" Well it was around 9 o'clock.

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