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Monday, April 11, 2016


Tonight's news of voting coming back to the Highlands was welcome to Highland coalition member and attorney NATASHA MEGIE-MADDREY who has been charged with managing a grant the HIGHLANDS COALITION secured to work on voting in the Highlands. As a former candidate for the LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE she knows first hand the power voting brings to a community.

No doubt she probably takes some personal satisfaction that KIPP will be serving as the new polling place since she has kids there and has been actively involved in various activities there. I've also worked with NATASHA at LYNNPAC and other community activities. I look forward to seeing her get out the vote in droves. We worked long and hard to bring the vote back to FORD SCHOOL but there seemed to be a lack of will from the higher ups and the powers that be in the city and LPS to come to a resolution. Thank you KIPP for stepping up!

I am sorry though, I mean I don't want to jinx it or look a gift horse in the mouth, but I just have to point out the irony of on one hand all the councilors and school committee people talking all of this trash about the charters draining money from public schools and then turn right around use them when you need them without batting an eye.

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