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Sunday, April 3, 2016


I can't get over the irony that the KIPP versus LTVI scrimmage game was on April Fools Day. The fact must have been like a present to me. Maybe we should just settle the whole charter school versus public school debate on the field of play, Elections are so costly. Yes, I am going to start a campaign BALLS OVER BALLOT BOXES.

I have to admit though, I believe the guy who was their head coach was a snappy dresser. He wore a nice dress shirt and tie. That is the first time I had ever seen that in baseball. I mean it is not at all uncommon in basketball, it's just outside the traditional attire for the diamond. SNAZZY!


  1. There are districts across the state that collaborate with the charter schools in the community. They all work together sharing ideas and ways to improve education for the students in the community. Lynn Public Schools, per order of Dr. Latham, is not allowed to collaborate with KIPP. As a result, LPS is, and under the current leadership, will continue to fall behind in the times and the students will lose out on the opportunities and benefits such a collaboration could bring. Charter schools are not only here, they are here to stay and growing in numbers every year. LPS needs to accept this fact and make the best of it in the interest of the students.

    1. I will not argue with you on the future of charter schools. The political will is in place for their expansion. I am not so sure about how the court will come down but that time is coming. Regardless, I think they are an educational ponzi scheme. Be that as it may, until we have a clear ruling from the courts, it behooves everyone to get along until such time. Tell me this if charter schools are public schools why do they along with everyone else call themselves "CHARTER SCHOOLS" and not just "SCHOOLS"?

  2. The are approved for and operate under a charter. In Mass, it is a 5 year charter. Hence the term "charter school". They can lose their charter if they don't follow all the rules. Unlike traditional public schools that break the rules and laws without any repercussions.

    1. Ha, ha . There are very few rules. That flexibility gives them a false illusion of innovation. Public schools on the other hand are supposed to be held to this over-restrictive standard that makes it impossible to reach their goals which leads to a constant failure which in turns to what you correctly point out is a lack of repercussions for their almost guaranteed failure. What they really need is to trust their teachers more and allow them to use their creativity in the classroom.
