written (or copy and pasted) solely by Stanley H. Wotring, Jr. I am not a representative of the LSC (BUT I WANT TO BE!} nor are they responsible for the content. My email address is ***Lynn.School.Watch@gmail.com***. TIME TO GET SERIOUS!
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Saturday, April 30, 2016
The LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE voted unanimously to accept awards given to graduating high school students by the ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION (I wonder if that's a fancy way to say UNION?). No specific number or amount was given but they do this every year.
This month the Lynn Tech Tigers adding a new HEAD SOCCER COACH. Congratulations go out to BRUCE DIVER. It's a shame that he couldn't make the meeting or I'd snapped a blurry pic!
LYNN TECH is on the verge of making a major addition that will provide students to go straight out of high school secure a good job and start on a career path that will insure them a bright future. Unfortunately, I came into the Curriculum sub-Committee meeting last Thursday night after KEVIN GEANEY
had started so I missed the intro and stuff but more important than that was the fact former LSC member RICK STARBARD, there representing the LTVI Alumni committee (don't quote me but I think he is president).
It was quite an impressive presentation complete with images on the white board. Back in my day you were lucky to have an overhead projector and not have to rely on collages on poster board. Anyway, plans are in the works to bring the same CISCO program to LTVI that already exists at CLASSICAL and ENGLISH.
Well almost. You see, thanks to the unique class schedule of vocational schools it will be possible to go further in the certification process. Translation - better job opportunities. MR. GEANEY was very excited for the future of this program and the fact of the uniqueness of this opportunity, stressing the fact it's not available elsewhere in the area from KIPP to MARBLEHEAD.
LTVI principal ROBERT BOUNTEMPO was present representing TECH.
had started so I missed the intro and stuff but more important than that was the fact former LSC member RICK STARBARD, there representing the LTVI Alumni committee (don't quote me but I think he is president).
It was quite an impressive presentation complete with images on the white board. Back in my day you were lucky to have an overhead projector and not have to rely on collages on poster board. Anyway, plans are in the works to bring the same CISCO program to LTVI that already exists at CLASSICAL and ENGLISH.
Well almost. You see, thanks to the unique class schedule of vocational schools it will be possible to go further in the certification process. Translation - better job opportunities. MR. GEANEY was very excited for the future of this program and the fact of the uniqueness of this opportunity, stressing the fact it's not available elsewhere in the area from KIPP to MARBLEHEAD.
LTVI principal ROBERT BOUNTEMPO was present representing TECH.

Lynn Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Catherine Latham said she’s very concerned about anything to do with legalizing marijuana, and said she heard it’s a gateway drug.
Friday, April 29, 2016
The weather seemed more suited for football than baseball but some faithful tiger fans came out to FRASER FIELD tonight to support their school, LTVI. We may have lost to MYSTIC VALLEY but we played hard and again tonight if it wasn't for one bad inning the game would have been a lot closer. Oh well, the weather will be warmer soon.

Sunday at 1:00pm
March begins at corner of Union St and Green St (near St. Joseph’s Church) • Say no to the hate of Donald Trump… • Say yes to immigrant rights… • Say yes to unaity as we fight for a living wage & fair treatment for all workers! People of ALL backgrounds are invited to celebrate Lynn's proud history as a home for immigrants and as a leader in the fight for dignity, respect, and a living wage for workers. Let's carry the struggle forward! More info www.LynnUnited.org/mayday Organized by: Lynn United for Change, Neighbor to Neighbor, New Lynn Coalition, Lynn Worker's Center, Highlands Coalition. (List in formation.) Photo: 2014 May Day march. Credit: Cindy Rodriguez. ============================= Marcha empezará: Esquina de la Union St y la Green St (cerca de la Iglesia San José) • Dile no al odio de Donald Trump… • Dile sí a derechos de inmigrantes … • ¡Dile sí a unidad en la lucha por salarios y trato justo a todos los trabajadores! Lynn tiene una historia orgullosa de ser un hogar para los inmigrantes y ser un líder en la lucha por dignidad, respeto y salario digno para los trabajadores. Invitamos a todos para celebrar esta historia y llevar con orgullo hacia delante la lucha. Más info: www.LynnUnited.org/mayday Organizado por: Centro de Trabajadores de Lynn, Lynn Unido por el Cambio, Vecino a Vecino, New Lynn Coalition, Highlands Coalition. (Más grupos por agregar.) Foto: Marcha del Primero de Mayo, 2014. Por: Cindy Rodriguez.
THOR from the ITEM was personally at last night's LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE meeting. I never got a chance to personally ask him but I can't help but wonder if he was ACTUALLY asking just how much the new MARSHALL school cost. It seems "his" paper had said $67 million and well there's this rumor floating around that there was this $92 million bond approved,
What do you get when you cross a dapper, old-fashioned moustache with a little clever wordplay? Tons of pun!
Once again, the Mayor was late to the meeting. This time it was by about five minutes. Well that may not have been so bad except for the fact that she missed a couple of subcommittee meetings that doubled as meetings of the Whole.
Since DONNA COPPOLA was in the hospital they were less than whole but that's no excuse for the MAYOR to blow them off! I have a suggestion. She should donate that portion of her greatly increased six-figure salary to my personal charity. I could make it and I don't even get paid!
Spread the loveRaw Art Works to Host Annual BASH: Party with a Purpose Fundraiser Raw Art Works (RAW) will be hosting its annual BASH: Party with a…
Congratulations to these Bulldogs as they brought home more accolades for the school. We are so proud!
There was talk of even more hardware to come resulting from the recent OLYMPIAD but they will be acknowledged at a future meeting!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
will get to see some of the hard work he began even before he was elected to the LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE blossom next THURSDAY night at the new MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL when a student wrestling exhibition is put on with some students from MARSHALL facing some wrestlers from BOSTON,
I will try and provide the specifics about times as soon as I get them.
Thank you ATTY. NICHOLSON and good luck MUSTANGS!
Unfortunately LVTI lost again, this time to WHITTIER. However they played hard and there were a couple of bright spots. After giving up almost 10 runs in the first couple of innings they played them pretty even after that. Plus on a personal note Trippy got a hit and drove in a run.
The TIGERS return to action tomorrow night at 7 pm at FRASER FIELD when they face MYSTIC VALLEY in a make-up of TUESDAY'S game.
Express your undying love or just rickroll your friends with Rick Astley’s classic ‘80s video, Starring You!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Net School Spending re-payment
donnacoppola@mail.com; patti7761@hotmail.com; Jared Nicholson; john.e.ford@state.ma.us; Maria Carrasco; lorraine.gatelyschoolcommittee@gmail.com; jcerulli@lynnma.gov; lathamc@lynnschools.org; Lynn Teachers Union; Thomas Iarrobino
Dear Members of the Lynn School Committee, Mayor Kennedy, and Dr. Latham,
Please regard this letter as an expression of my deep and sincere concern over the lack of any urgency in resolving the Net School Spending dilemma. Dr. Latham stated at the April 14 meeting that DESE’s approval of the re-payment plan brokered by the Mayor with the assistance of Lt. Governor Polito was contingent on the school committee approving the use of the funds for projects funded through the Inspectional Services Department.
It was my impression these plans were not approved specifically in relation to the mobile classrooms at Tracy, at least not in an Open Meeting as required by law. Since the topic is not on the posted on the agenda for tomorrow night’s meeting it can not be discussed then either. With the next year’s budget deadline fast approaching my fears about an impending fiscal crisis are reaching critical mass. Just because you choose to ignore a problem doesn’t mean it goes away.
Admittedly it seems to have appeared to have worked out well for you so far since very few are trying to hold you accountable. However your escape from judgement is an illusion. Your inaction will burden future generations with the unresolved problems you failed to deal with. Unaddressed problems only fester and leave future students to bear your inaction. I would think having to deal with the problems left from previous committee’s failures to adequately address the building concerns. It has been a painful lesson, one that I would have hoped you had learned from.
Although I should be able to expect a prompt response from you, history has taught me to not to sit by waiting for that response. Still, as I have said in the past, I love to be proven wrong.
donnacoppola@mail.com; patti7761@hotmail.com; Jared Nicholson; john.e.ford@state.ma.us; Maria Carrasco; lorraine.gatelyschoolcommittee@gmail.com; jcerulli@lynnma.gov; lathamc@lynnschools.org; Lynn Teachers Union; Thomas Iarrobino
Please regard this letter as an expression of my deep and sincere concern over the lack of any urgency in resolving the Net School Spending dilemma. Dr. Latham stated at the April 14 meeting that DESE’s approval of the re-payment plan brokered by the Mayor with the assistance of Lt. Governor Polito was contingent on the school committee approving the use of the funds for projects funded through the Inspectional Services Department.
It was my impression these plans were not approved specifically in relation to the mobile classrooms at Tracy, at least not in an Open Meeting as required by law. Since the topic is not on the posted on the agenda for tomorrow night’s meeting it can not be discussed then either. With the next year’s budget deadline fast approaching my fears about an impending fiscal crisis are reaching critical mass. Just because you choose to ignore a problem doesn’t mean it goes away.
Admittedly it seems to have appeared to have worked out well for you so far since very few are trying to hold you accountable. However your escape from judgement is an illusion. Your inaction will burden future generations with the unresolved problems you failed to deal with. Unaddressed problems only fester and leave future students to bear your inaction. I would think having to deal with the problems left from previous committee’s failures to adequately address the building concerns. It has been a painful lesson, one that I would have hoped you had learned from.
Although I should be able to expect a prompt response from you, history has taught me to not to sit by waiting for that response. Still, as I have said in the past, I love to be proven wrong.
If anyone's looking for a local 5k. Coming up this weekend!!
This 5K race through the woods is an opportunity to get ready for Spring, enjoy the beautiful landscape our city has to offer, encourage health and wellness, and help Lynn Woods School at the same time. Since 1921, our school has nurtured the…
LoriApril 26, 2016 at 8:07 AM
The last Coordinated Program Review conducted by the DESE was in 2014. Based on the findings, LPS did not fully implement many legal requirements. Hopefully, LPS has taken the appropriate corrective actions since then. The following are some of the findings regarding Special Education:
•SE 51 Appropriate special education teacher licensure
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Document review demonstrated that the district currently has 18 unlicensed special education teachers.
•SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records and staff interviews indicated that annual IEP meetings to review, revise, or develop a new IEP or refer the student for a re-evaluation are not consistently convened on or before the anniversary date of the IEP.
•SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records and staff interviews demonstrated that, following the annual development of IEPs, the district does not consistently provide a Team meeting summary or immediately propose an IEP or placement to parents. According to student records, proposed IEPs and placements were consistently sent to parents three weeks or more after the annual Team meeting was conducted.
•SE 24 Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the student or the provision of FAPE
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of pre-school and elementary school student records indicated that the district does not always send written notice proposing an evaluation to the student's parent(s) within five school days of receiving a referral request to determine eligibility for special education.
•SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records, facilities review, and interviews indicated that the district is operating an unapproved day program for middle school students with severe multiple disabilities. The T.E.A.M.S. program is located in Lynn Vocational High School, where students have no access to grade-level or non-disabled peers. The district has not applied for or received approval from the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for this day program.
•SE 40 Instructional grouping requirements for students aged five and older
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Classroom observations, document review, and interviews indicated that at Lynn English and Lynn Vocational High Schools, all “resource classes,” which are instructional groupings of only students with disabilities, in English Language Arts, math and science exceed the required class size of eight students or less per certified special educator. At the Callahan Elementary School, the developmentally delayed program’s instructional group includes one-to-one aides in its ratio of staff to students; however, document review and staff interviews demonstrated that when these students and their aides leave the classroom for inclusion or related services, the number of students to staff exceeds the required instructional group size.
•SE 48 Equal opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic, extracurricular and ancillary programs, as well as participation in regular education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Interviews indicated that eligible middle school students in the T.E.A.M.S. program located in Lynn Vocational High School do not have access to art or music.
•SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Document review and interviews indicated that the district has not regularly evaluated its special education programs and services.
•SE 51 Appropriate special education teacher licensure
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Document review demonstrated that the district currently has 18 unlicensed special education teachers.
•SE 14 Review and revision of IEPs
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records and staff interviews indicated that annual IEP meetings to review, revise, or develop a new IEP or refer the student for a re-evaluation are not consistently convened on or before the anniversary date of the IEP.
•SE 18B Determination of placement; provision of IEP to parent
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records and staff interviews demonstrated that, following the annual development of IEPs, the district does not consistently provide a Team meeting summary or immediately propose an IEP or placement to parents. According to student records, proposed IEPs and placements were consistently sent to parents three weeks or more after the annual Team meeting was conducted.
•SE 24 Notice to parent regarding proposal or refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the student or the provision of FAPE
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of pre-school and elementary school student records indicated that the district does not always send written notice proposing an evaluation to the student's parent(s) within five school days of receiving a referral request to determine eligibility for special education.
•SE 34 Continuum of alternative services and placements
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
A review of student records, facilities review, and interviews indicated that the district is operating an unapproved day program for middle school students with severe multiple disabilities. The T.E.A.M.S. program is located in Lynn Vocational High School, where students have no access to grade-level or non-disabled peers. The district has not applied for or received approval from the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for this day program.
•SE 40 Instructional grouping requirements for students aged five and older
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Classroom observations, document review, and interviews indicated that at Lynn English and Lynn Vocational High Schools, all “resource classes,” which are instructional groupings of only students with disabilities, in English Language Arts, math and science exceed the required class size of eight students or less per certified special educator. At the Callahan Elementary School, the developmentally delayed program’s instructional group includes one-to-one aides in its ratio of staff to students; however, document review and staff interviews demonstrated that when these students and their aides leave the classroom for inclusion or related services, the number of students to staff exceeds the required instructional group size.
•SE 48 Equal opportunity to participate in educational, nonacademic, extracurricular and ancillary programs, as well as participation in regular education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Interviews indicated that eligible middle school students in the T.E.A.M.S. program located in Lynn Vocational High School do not have access to art or music.
•SE 56 Special education programs and services are evaluated
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Findings:
Document review and interviews indicated that the district has not regularly evaluated its special education programs and services.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Here is a pic I snapped of the presentation of a proclamation from the MAYOR and the SUPERINTENDENT to students SARAH GILBERT and JULISSA MORALES who were winners of the 6th Congressional District High School JURIED Art Contest.
Thurgood Marshall Middle School students returned from April vacation to a new, 181,847-square-foot school.
Item Photo by Owen O'Rourke Marshall Middle School students leaving school at the end of the first day of classes in the new building. BY BRIDGET TURCOTTE ...
$67 million school????? Well it is a well documented fact that MATH is a problem in middle school. I swore there was a $92 Million bond.
Maybe they are talking about our cost. How's that 80-20 split working for you?
Just another example of my lack of respect, Here is the shot I got of LISSA BLOOM the new PROGRAM SPECIALIST at HARRINGTON. That's her walking back after going to the table to say a few words after receiving the appointment. She wasn't walking toward my camera. Of course if I was a good photographer that probably wouldn't matter!
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