Jan 22, 2014 | 3:00 am
Does anyone else find it concerning that one-third of the LYNN SCHOOL COMMITTEE is/are prepared to prepared to ABANDON the children of LYNN in order to advance their own political career. Both JOHN THE RIPPER and CHUCK are ready to run.
Even if one of them would move on, I am too far down the list to move up and I would rather see them stick around to nake it easier to hold them accountable for the UPCOMING MARSHALL MESS.
Great point! You have so many of them. Chuck went door to door advocating for the Brookline site. He should sit around to see it through.
ReplyDeleteThank You!
DeleteAccording to the Item, if elected, the person does not have to leave their position on the school committee. It is not a secret that Charlie is a politician whose goal is to advance his political career. Lynn's school committee has been known to be a stepping stone for politicians wishing to advance their political careers. I don't have an issue at all with either of them running for State Rep. What I do have a problem with is being allowed to remain on the school committee as well. Our students, parents and schools need and deserve every member's full attention and I do not think a person serving as both a SC member and a State Rep can provide this.
ReplyDeleteThe article was written confusingly. They cannot serve both. That is why at the end, the writer also writes Crowley or Gately are next in line to fill empty seats. They can remain on the council or school committee to run for office and can retire after elections are over.
DeleteStanley remains correct as usual.
Actually, I think that there may not be anything to make anyone step down. I smell a legal challenge. Don't you just love lawyers? Even if allowed to technically allowed to stay, they PROBABLY not be able to give EITHER job the attention it deserved.
DeleteREMEMBER last year when FORD got a ruling from the city retirement board that his SC time would count toward his retirement?
What Marshall Mess????? Whats the mess. Don't you have anything better to do than to stir up lies. Talk about trying to get political gain
DeleteAnon 834, have you been living under a shell, or behind you own lies. #MarshallMess thank you Stan!
DeleteAnon: 1024 I love the hashtag. I will steal that.
DeleteAccording to the state ethics commission, city councilors and school committee members are allowed to also hold a State Rep position. However, I agree I don't think a person holding both will be able to give either position the attention it requires and deserves.
DeleteLori, maybe they are able to hold jobs at the state and local level together but not elected positions.
DeleteAccording to the State Ethics Commission, they are able to be both a school committee member and a State Rep. Likewise, they are able to be both a city councilor and a State Rep. John, Charlie and Brendan do not need to leave their current elected positions.
DeleteYou are reading it wrong
DeletePlease call the State Ethics Commission so you can see for yourself. Their number is (617) 371-9500.
DeleteI am siding with Lori!
DeleteState legislator is permitted to hold a county-level elected office as long as the two offices are not incompatible at common law.
Who wishes to play the conflict of interest game? Thus why many opt to resign from one position to move to the other.
I hope this doesn't turn into a chess game.
Don't you just love lawyers? The invention of BILLABLE HOURS was the downfall of the American justice system. Now the education system will be threatened.
DeletePut them on the spot!!!!! Would someone please ask them if they will keep their current position, or retire it?
DeleteAnon 834 - What political gain? Did you miss the election? I have a mandate for the truth!