The Lynn School Committee will hold its first regular meeting of the new year on Thursday, January 16th at 7:00pm. There will be three sub-committee meetings (Curriculum, Athletics and Policy) starting at 6pm; an open mike session will follow at 6:45pm if time allows. The location is 100 Bennett St.
Items on this week's agenda include:
-Math requirements for graduation (Curriculum sub-committee)
-Update on Focus Area #9: Innovative Programs
Items on this week's agenda include:
-Math requirements for graduation (Curriculum sub-committee)
-Update on Focus Area #9: Innovative Programs
I emailed the school committee about having all schools post their school council meeting minutes on their school website, just like the district does for the school committee meetings. I told them I didn't think it was right or fair for parents and the community to only have access to this information by submitting an official public records request, where they may be charged a 'reasonable fee'. I asked if it could be put on the agenda, but I guess my request has been denied. It won't stop me of course from mentioning it again at open mic on Thursday (unless they decide not to have an open mic due the 3 sub-committee meetings beforehand ; ) Both Patti Capano and John Ford responded to my email and appeared to like the idea, so maybe it will be on the next meetings agenda?