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Tuesday, February 9, 2016



Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Dear Brian,

Because of your professional background in education I am sure you appreciate the tremendous need for our schools to have the adequate resources necessary for the classroom. Not only do we have to fully fund our schools as per the DESE requirements going forward but we need to resolve our remaining debt in regards to the Net School Spending obligations.

I understand Lynn has a $15 million deficit due to underfunding in the past and that some sort of plan was presented to the DESE in August to resolve it. The last I heard from Jackie Reis of the DESE that they were still looking at it to see if it was acceptable. Given the fact that Marshall is about to be finished, Pickering is in the “pipeline”, and a SOI for Tracy is about to be submitted it is critical that we know where we stand in order to make fiscally prudent decisions and not waste time, energy, and money just to give the false impression that we are actually interested in our schools and not resorting to a self-aggrandizing ego trip for some political gain.

We need an objective look at the financial health of our city as it pertains to our public schools. Good schools are vital to economic development and continued fiscal irresponsibility in dealing with this crisis could potentially to use the Mayor’s own words “bankrupt” the city and threatens to turn hopes for progress in to empty rhetoric.

Given the fact that you have a better letterhead than me I would hope that you will have better luck than me in searching for answers.

Respectfully yours,

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