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Monday, February 8, 2016

SOMEONE SAID- Anonymous has left a new comment

Organizational Culture is created by four distinct methods in an organization:

The actions and behaviors of leaders
What leaders pay attention to
What gets rewarded and what gets punished
The allocation and attention of resources

Ask yourself, what sort of culture does Superintendent Latham's actions and behavior create? What does she mostly pay attention to? What and who does she reward versus what and who she punishes? What does she pay the most attention to and who/where does she allocate the most resources?

I will give you a little hint: More than 82% of the $136 million FY16 budget will go to salaries [which have increased by over $5.1 million from FY15.] Meanwhile, a measly $23.9 million [less than 18% of budget] is expected to be spent on non-salary items such as textbooks, school supplies and library materials. That is less than $1,600 per student.

Lynn will receive something like $9200 per student in Ch.70 aid from the state for FY16 and the city is expected to only contribute something like $2800 per student. Those figures are based on a total enrollment of over 16,000 students, including KIPP. They do not include any arrears Lynn has accumulated over the years from failing to meet state net school spending requirements. Therefore, this is the very minimum the city is required to spend on education in FY16. It currently is required to spend much more due to arrears. Based on an enrollment of roughly 15,100 students, one would believe Lynn Public Schools portion of FY16 funds should be about $138.9 million in Ch.70 aid and $42.3 million from the city for a total of about $181.2 million. We already know the FY16 operating budget is only $136 million. This leaves $45.2 million for....?? Your guess is as good as mine.

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