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Friday, February 5, 2016


At the last school committee meeting DONNA COPPOLA tried to bring up the issue on the fingerprinting of all LPS employees. She was rather quickly slapped down with the old "collective bargaining" excuse, Supposedly they're working on it. Of course, we've all heard that line before. Because of the "TOP SECRET" nature of these negotiations we never really know the actual status. And on it goes.

well I've known DONNA for a long time and I've known her to be an ardent union supporter. In fact, I've been in the same union. So this line of reasoning or excuse shut down the whole discussion. Personally I think the case still should have been made for the importance of this screening to insure the protection of our kids.

Now I realize there are contractual obligations that make mandating union employees be fingerprinted so I am suggesting some of the administrative personnel and school committee members lead by example and get fingerprinted. This might make the unions more receptive to the idea once negotiating time comes around. Plus I know we can't compel fingerprinting right now but what about setting up a VOLUNTARY program. In the end we all want the same thing, "The protection of our children".

By the way, we did this in WV when I started working at the ELKINS MOUNTAIN SCHOOL almost THIRTY YEARS ago.

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