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Thursday, February 11, 2016


City Council to give raise request an inspection

There is NO doubt that MR. DONOVAN spends a lot of time dealing with the schools. He works hard with hard with the new school construction and building renovations and repairs. Then again that's part of his job the way the city has set up this financial shell game. He weld's a lot of power in almost dictatorial power over much of the activities that go on inside the schools. It makes me a little uneasy that this raise request is happening at the same time the CITY is having to reimburse the schools $2 million a year for 4 years due to the NET SCHOOL SPENDING deficit

I  just would hate to see some fancy pencil whipping go on such that part of that money go there. DON'T WORRY. I WILL BE ON GUARD.


  1. Why is it every time the issue comes up about a city/school administrator receiving a raise, the city council/school committee always seem to miraculously find the additional funds in the budget somewhere to approve those raises? Just where do they find these tens of thousands of additional funds? Whenever the issue of the need for more funding for city/school resources and services comes up, the response we hear is always that there is no money anywhere followed by the threat of layoffs and Prop 2 1/2. Funny how that works! Mr. Donovan mentioned "The American Way" Well isn't "The American Way" to provide the hardworking youth of this city a quality education they deserve in safe, healthy, and suitable learning environments? I would love to see city and school administrators all share an office that contains inadequate resources. How happy and productive would they be? How discouraged and frustrated would they feel? This is what the learning environment is like for most of the students attending LPS. But who cares about them, right? The happiness, well-being and comfort of the administrators is what really matters.

  2. That is why you have the rise of opposing extremists nationally! Our government is not accountable to the people!
