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Monday, October 5, 2015


As most of us know, the funding process is very complex, but if you, Brian or someone else could give a brief explanation of how exactly LPS is "losing" money to KIPP, it may help your readers understand better. For example, if a student living in Lynn chooses to attend KIPP instead of LPS, do you consider this to be a loss of money for LPS even though the student is not attending LPS? Why or why not? Some other questions people may have are:

Are KIPP enrollment figures included in calculating Lynn's foundation budget and Chapter 70 aid?

How is Chapter 70 aid calculated?

Does Lynn receive Chapter 70 aid for students attending KIPP instead of LPS?

What percentage of Lynn's total costs does Chapter 70 aid pay for?

Who is responsible for paying the remaining costs and where does this money come from?


  1. No replies to these questions. Where are the politians now?
