School committee hasn’t heard the last of Gordon College
This was a surprisingly well written and rather objective look at the facts. How bout I color it up a bit for context.
The issue here is whether by having contact with Gordon College we’re allowing discrimination (at the college) that is not allowed by law.
Then the MAYOR says
there is no indication that Gordon College has put its beliefs into effect in the Lynn Public Schools.
Then there was this exchange:
At one point, Lynn’s June Natola asked Lindsay, point blank, whether if she was younger, and she was gay, whether he’d hire her.
“Yes,” he said.
Attorney Walsh says:
“If that’s thePOSITION
he was trying to take,” Walsh said, “then why hasn’t he come out and made that clear?”
Isn't that what happened?
Funny that JOHN FORD was the one selected for a sound bite, I guess I wasn't the only one from both sides of the argument that heard he was changing his vote!
Didn't the Mayor also say that she felt LPS was actually discriminating against Gordon College based on religious beliefs? I am not an attorney, but I believe Gordon could pursue legal action against LPS.
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me the most is the hypocrisy. Committee members that voted to end the relationship are themselves members of organizations that discriminate against the LGBT population. LPS is also choosing to continue its relationship with other organizations that discriminate against the LGBT populations. Therefore, I agree with the Mayor. It does appear as though LPS is singling out Gordon College and discriminating against the school, students and staff based solely on their religious beliefs. Sacred Heart, St. Mary's and St. Pius, all of which LPS has some form of relationship with, discriminate against the LGBT population. These organizations may claim to "welcome all" but their actions suggest otherwise. For example, St. Mary's vision statement states in part, "Students are welcomed to St. Mary's regardless of religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, or income level." There is no mention of sexual orientation. The Lynn Catholic Collaborative consisting of Sacred Heart and St. Mary's claims that "All are welcome in God's house!" However, not all are welcome to get married in God's house. I know because I called St. Mary's, Sacred Heart, and St. Pius to inquire about their marriage preparation programs. Each person I spoke with was happy to provide me with all the information I needed until I mentioned same-sex couples. I was then told these marriages were not performed or allowed. These are all Catholic schools and churches that teach, preach and practice Catholic beliefs. Patti Capano graduated from St. Mary's and serves as a Eucharistic Minister at St. Pius V Church. John Ford's sister is the principal at Sacred Heart and he is a member of the Knights of Columbus and the AOH, which as we all know are both openly anti-gay organizations.
Last, but not least, Charlie Gallo. Charlie is the individual who initiated the witch hunt against Gordon and has been and continues to be the driving force behind it. Charlie attended Sacred Heart School for 9 years (K-8), graduated from St. Mary's, and is also a member of the AOH.
Hypocrisy at its best!
Lori: The fight is over, so I'm not engaging about that. BUT, just for facts sake, I graduate from Sisson Elementary School and Pickering Middle School I left Sacred Heart in 2nd grade, and remaining in the Lynn Public Schools until 9th grade. I am not a member of the AOH. In fact, as a non-Irish Catholic, I am not eligible to be a member. I am eligible for associate membership, and I was an associate member there for a brief period, as it was required in order to rent the hall. After the hall rental need was over, I did not re-new my associate membership. - Charlie
ReplyDeleteMy apologies for being wrong about the number of years you attended Sacred Heart and thank you for clarifying your membership status with the AOH. Just to be clear, you did attend Sacred Heart, you did graduate from St. Mary's and you were affiliated with the AOH, even if it was as an associate member. It appears, at least to me, this membership was more than just a formality for renting a hall. After all, you thought it was worth mentioning and included it as part of your community involvement in your candidate profile for the 2013 candidate forum presented by the Lynn Community Association. I am sure there were other halls you could have rented that were not owned by an organization that discriminates against LGBT individuals and did not require a membership, associate or otherwise. Good for you though for not renewing your membership.
DeleteLori, you are good. I hope you never get mad at me!
DeleteCorrect, Lori. I did attend Sacred Heart when I was 5 and 6 years old, and at the age of 7 transitioned to Sisson. Neither Sacred Heart, St. Mary’s, or the AOH signed last July on to a hateful and prejudicial letter that included about 12 or 13 or the most radical fundamentalists in the United States, asking President Obama to give certain religious organizations the right to not hire gay or lesbian Americans, just because of their sexual orientation. Nor do any of the three use the Lynn Schools to complete their graduation requirements. Lindsay did. Gordon did. So, your information, whether incorrect as initially stated or correct as revised are in no way relevant to anything to do with the Gordon Vote, and represent the same old same old bullying that you and your ally Michael Lindsay’s cohorts appear to be in favor of. I hope you have gotten great joy in this latest act of personal attacks, character assassination, and misinformation. Tis what I signed up for and have sustained repeatedly since my first run for the School Committee. Being on the receiving end has long since becoming boring for me. Apparently not for you. As such, I am hopeful that your latest round of non-sequiturs and abuse provides you with great “pride” with which to enter the weekend. Whatever you do, don’t turn on the news. Something happened over at the Supreme Court today that would probably put you and the rest of Team Lindsay into apoplectic shock. Best, Charlie
ReplyDeleteCharlie, I have not made personal attacks against you. I have merely presented facts. Facts, that clearly upset you, but that does not make them less true. Unlike you, I did not graduate from St. Mary's, I graduated from Lynn Classical. Unlike you, I am not and was not a member or associate member of an anti-gay organization. And you are correct, AOH did not sign the same letter as Mr. Lindsay, who by the way I just met last night. AOH initiates and participates in anti-gay events, protests, and demonstrations, which in my opinion are hateful acts. You are also correct that St. Mary's, Sacred Heart and St. Pius did not sign the same letter. However, according to what you have said, it is OK for them to share the same religious beliefs as Gordon, as long as they do not openly and publicly say they do. But then again, their refusal to wed same sex couples, which will not change as a result of the Supreme Court decision, says it all.
ReplyDeleteI believe that is GAME, SET, and MATCH.