The following is a press release from the North Shore Labor Council. Because it takes a position on an issue inEDUCATION
North Shore Labor Council Holding Conference on Public Education Saturday
On Saturday May 30th, the North shore Labor Council, a coalition of 50 North Shore Labor unions representing 18,000 members, will be holding its 2015 Educational Conference. Title-Our Communities Under attack and Fighting Back, residents of the North Shore can learn about the attacks on public services within their home towns and cities and how to fight back to defend and restore these vital public services in their communities. The Conference will offer workshops covering topics as keeping public schools public, immigration,TRADE
/TPP, fight for $15 and environmental issues, several will be in bilingual translation. In the morning, a plenary session on Fighting for Public Services will feature union members speaking on Public Education, Public Transit, Public Health services and the Post Office along with a speaker from a senior citizen group. A panel of activists and union members, in the afternoon, will discuss and offer ways for participants to fight back against these attacks, affecting their communities.
Conference will be held at the Torigian Community Life Center at 79 Central Street in Peabody, It will start with coffee and registration from 8:30-9A.M., to be followed by workshops, a plenary and speakers from 9 A.M.-3 P.M. There will be bilingual translation available as well as childcare services. The cost is $15, with lunch be provided. For more information, contact Rebecca Hornstein at the North Shore Labor Council at (781) 595-2538.
Andrew Kipnis is author and Professor at the Australian National university.few days ago he read a survey which shows that China have intense desire for education and they are spending a major share of their budget on education and essay ontime is there to help.